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Dame Tessa Jowell

Guest judgetwi

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Guest judgetwi

I heard on the radio this morning that this criminal intends to run for London Mayor in 2016. Jesus Fucking Christ! Livingstone, Bojo and now this fucking arsehole! You can google this cunt to discover the various crimes of her and her husband but she has been my MP for more than 20 years. I have written to her many times and received the usual standard and irrelevant replies. I have also met her twice and listened to her bullshit (and counted my fingers after i shook the cunt's hand) If any Londoners are reading this fucking kill yourself before voting for this bag of slime. While on that subject i assume she will not be standing in the General Election. Therefore i will consider standing myself. Oh yes! Citizens of Dulwich and West Norwood, rise up, throw off the chains of your oppressors and vote for the Judge! You know it makes sense!! :) 

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Guest KuntaCunty

I heard on the radio this morning that this criminal intends to run for London Mayor in 2016. Jesus Fucking Christ! Livingstone, Bojo and now this fucking arsehole! You can google this cunt to discover the various crimes of her and her husband but she has been my MP for more than 20 years. I have written to her many times and received the usual standard and irrelevant replies. I have also met her twice and listened to her bullshit (and counted my fingers after i shook the cunt's hand) If any Londoners are reading this fucking kill yourself before voting for this bag of slime. While on that subject i assume she will not be standing in the General Election. Therefore i will consider standing myself. Oh yes! Citizens of Dulwich and West Norwood, rise up, throw off the chains of your oppressors and vote for the Judge! You know it makes sense!! :) 


This is a fucking joke.  You go round slagging off every cunt that crosses your path and you have the cheek to expect a response that promises to act on your every demand?  Just fuck right off, cunt, those standardized, auto responses are more than you deserve! 

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Another outburst from The Corner's political correspondent. Run for MP and see how much of change you will make.

Once you have that little bit of power you'll end up like the rest of the cunts you slag off.

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Do you think her husband will get involved in her campaign? She claimed to have separated from him after it was alleged that he was (metaphorically at least) sucking Berlusconi's cock for large sums of cash, but they still seem to spend an awful lot of time together.

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Guest judgetwi

You and Londo could run the city as a job share jewdy.  A Tale of Two Shitties

Fair play Herr Oberst, that actually made me laugh. I take it i can rely on your vote. I'll send the spaz van around to take you to the polling station.

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Guest cuntcrapper

Silly fucking prune skinned, Labour meadowcow. Who, or what apart from a cockroach with leprosy would be inspired by this old cuntledge. Labour are fucking nuts, Thornberry, Jowell, Caroline Bint, Mrs Bollox are just a few of the florid faced dumpy old frowsers they hang up on their hooks in Parliament - Yuk. All lead by 'Goofy' from Islington. Following their big 'fuck-up' next spring, they'll change Milliband for something better, like the 'Elephant Man'. What an Ugly party they are, in all aspects, clueless, dumbo shiterati all of em!

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Guest judgetwi

This is a fucking joke.  You go round slagging off every cunt that crosses your path and you have the cheek to expect a response that promises to act on your every demand?  Just fuck right off, cunt, those standardized, auto responses are more than you deserve! 


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Judge, being a complete Luddite, you'll probably need your friends here on The Corner to help with the social media/blogosphere side of your electoral campaign. As a committed homosexualist yourself, I think you should aim to be elected on the "pink ticket"; I understand London is chock-a-block with them. I've designed a billboard for your consideration....judge1.jpg

Nice avatar there, old chap!
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Guest judgetwi

Judge, being a complete Luddite, you'll probably need your friends here on The Corner to help with the social media/blogosphere side of your electoral campaign. As a committed homosexualist yourself, I think you should aim to be elected on the "pink ticket"; I understand London is chock-a-block with them. I've designed a billboard for your consideration....


Thank you for your interest Drew, a very flattering image to which i will give some consideration. I wasn't aware that i had any friends on here other than Herr Oberst (because he thinks i'm Jewish) and your good self (because you think i'm bent). Sadly, i am neither of those things but no matter. May i point out that i have no intention of standing for Mayor but simply MP for Dulwich and West Norwwod. Not many gaylords round here i'm afraid. You should try the bars down Clapham High Road. Hope this helps. :P 

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Guest KuntaCunty



There was no bitterness present when I made that post.  However, from your point of view, bitterness is about all you see, because it's all you know.  The truth is a bitter pill to swallow, and you know all about swallowing, don't you? 

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Guest KuntaCunty

n all seriousness, i'm waiting for our works' rather sad Secret Santa shite to begin so i can buy some easily-offended self righteous cunt this...




If there is even the slightest chance of ending the annual drudgery of office gifting, I wish you all the success in the world.  It is long past time for Christmas to return to a more meaningful, family orientated affair, and fuck all of this secret Santa cuntitude right off over a cliff.  It has no part in "merriment," or the spirit of the season, as the Sheep fucker would want us all to naively believe. 

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