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Cunts who stop their cars suddenly to answer their mobiles


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Why do some people feel it's acceptable to suddenly jam on their brakes and stop in the road just because their fucking phone is ringing? I was following a car tonight that suddenly did this and came to a halt about two foot from the curb. No indicators on to say it was pulling in, the idiot just stopped. I didn't know what the reason for this manoeuvre was initially and sat behind patiently in case there was an animal in the road or the car had a problem. However, ir soon became apparent from the arm waving going on that the cunt was on the 'phone and completely oblivious to the three or four cars stuck behind him. Fucking idiot.

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I had some bell end kiddy on a shitty 125 motorbike tail gating me this morning doing about 50. If I had to slam on the anchors to avoid the numerous dear and wild boar that roam this region he'd now be having every bone in his body bolted back together. I was praying for my phone to ring so I had a legitimate reason to stop and have cuntchops slam into my bumper.

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Well what do you expect for a cuntish nom, rocket science? Mobiles are for rude ignorant dumb cunts who have no friends, no conversation, and can't do a fucking thing without looking on their mobile every two minutes or sit on steps playing stupid 3 year old kids games - cunts the lot of them.

I certainly don't expect rocket science from you!
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  • 4 years later...
31 minutes ago, Earl of Punkape said:

This is the only nomination you have done that I can find...

It’s awful...

Don’t do any more you fucking wanker.

If this the only nomination of mine that you can find, then you’re clearly more of a useless piece of semen-infused shit than I previously thought.

Fuck off, you weedy little poof.

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Guest Erroreptile404

I imagine grape looks like a stroke victim when he's driving his car, Vroom Vroom! red cars go faster derr durrr! 


His big tongue flapping around out of the window and spit all over the  inside of  the windscreen.

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  • 4 weeks later...
On 21/02/2019 at 20:46, Iam Ape said:

If this the only nomination of mine that you can find, then you’re clearly more of a useless piece of semen-infused shit than I previously thought.

Fuck off, you weedy little poof.

Anyway not a very successful nomination was it ? 

Failure to make a second page is truly awful and a correct barometer of your insignificance and literary impotence.


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