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Everything posted by Decimus

  1. With one tugboat off the coast of South America and two in the Black Sea, now would be the perfect time for any foreign power to launch an attack against the remaining five rowing boats in the fleet. In all seriousness, though, our navy is in no fit state to metaphorically wave its dick around as if it was still the 19th century. Nelson must be spinning in his fucking grave.
  2. I didn't pull you up on your spelling or punctuation, it's a dig about your overly contrived and affected bejeezus act... It is an act, isn't it? Surely even the basest of Teague's can't possibly be as fucking thick as you bizarrely like to portray yourself. Lolololaffin.
  3. The Teague's overly contrived mask of nonchalant blarney has well and truly slipped yet again over the last 48 hours. I take great pleasure in the fact that he clearly wants to portray himself as a shoulder-shrugging, easy going Paddy, yet is unable to keep up the facade even when subjected to the mildest of ribbings. Like all of his kind, the bitter inferiority complex of his race shines brighter than the morning dew on a rotten lumper potato. Lolololaffin.
  4. I assumed that he was referring to his mother.
  5. Says the man who communicates with the pidgin vocabulary of a Hallmark leprechaun. Speaking of Irish caricatures and stereotypes, this one is quite fitting as I now seemingly have you angrily dancing around like one of those wind up monkeys: The old one's are the best, you easily riled bog-trotter. lolololaffin.
  6. Two sisters dead so far, although he's hazy on the details in that their names and dates of death change every time he mentions it. I don't think he's got a brother, he was the only son lolol.
  7. Give it a rest, you shit-stirring old hag and pay attention. As you've got no kids and all your fake sisters are dead, you'll need interaction on here over the Christmas period more than ever, lest you become a festive suicide statistic. So if you don't want to be discovered mummified 9 months later in your piss-soaked chair, I strongly suggest that you don't let me find you meddling in anyone else's business between now and the new year. Because if I do, I'll organise another mass blocking of your utter fucking drivel, and you'll have no one to talk to as you're crying over your Wiltshire Farm's turkey dinner for one. Understood?
  8. Well as it's exactly the same pronunciation, I'm not sure how you would be able to differentiate, unless of course every time that you get paddy bashed your assailants spell out their insults like it's an episode of fucking Sesame Street.
  9. A double reply to a single post...In Corner tradition that is the hallmark of what I've yet again proven you to be, an easily riled cunt. Another sign is resorting to grammar Nazism, usually accompanied by the accuser being pulled up for raising a false point of order that actually reveals their own weak grasp of the English language. As is the case this time, when any idiot with the slightest grasp of Anglo-Irish relations knows that Taig and Teague have been interchangeable over the centuries. Then again, Fitz, you are after all a West Brit so I wouldn't expect you to know any better...stoopid fuk. Lolololaffin.
  10. Well I wouldn't want you to go without this Christmas, so have this one on me: https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://www.cruisinggays.com/lb-of-haringey/areas/566-finsbury-park/&ved=2ahUKEwihw7yizaODAxX5QEEAHfsBAm4QFnoECAwQAQ&usg=AOvVaw0ZZRfrpY_PdQ__rG5eREJ- Don't say I never do anything for you.
  11. A teague demonstrating what I said he was at the start of this conversation, an easily riled rattlejob. Take that massive chip off your shoulder and get it in the pan, before your bitterness 'blights' it. Lolololaffin.
  12. Zelensky is a Jew. Need I say more?
  13. Yourself, Pen and Frank? It hardly needs to be said that the only critique I accept is from my equals. I hardly need validation from three fictional characters who are so universally despised on here that their names are bywords for freaks, queers and trannies. Much the same as I wouldn't worry about what Fred and Rose West thought of me, I couldn't really give a fuck about the opinions of a couple of degenerate, highly suspect weirdos such as yourself and King Dong. You both need locking up if I'm being honest, it's crystal clear that the pair of you are a danger to society. As for Frank, he's playing you like a fucking fiddle.
  14. The man was never the most faithful of servants, but what he lacked in blind obedience he made up for with a bombastic attitude that showed no fear of the ban hammer. All I ever had to do was point at a target, whisper the words grass or nonce in his ear and then sit back and watch him do the rest. He's sorely missed.
  15. I've got mates with mates with mates...mate. I'm never alone.
  16. You've fostered a culture of snitching amongst your Renfields and Baldricks, if anyone is to blame for this it's you. If he's not reinstated before midnight I'll be coming for you.
  17. Withers, you fucking serpent, what have you done? I thought your stool pigeon days were behind you yet I log on to find that you're very much still in business. Explain yourself, I won't tolerant grassing on any level.
  18. It was known as the starvation order, P, the name in and of itself indicates its intention was more than just ensuring someone didn't get a job at a town hall. Strangely enough it only included the names of soldiers who deserted to fight in a cause which undoubtedly saved your Ireland from the jackboot. The hundreds of others who deserted to go out burgling, robbing and to just layabout and get pissed were strangely not included. I wonder why that was? As for the 307, you don't give any context to the situation, which you wouldn't because it would reveal it was desertion during a time of war, so not the same offence as you put it. It's a totally different legal and moral situation to abandoning a peace-time time amateur militia of tinkers and rogues who were sat on their arses doing nothing whilst the rest of the world burned. As a wise man once said, post less, read more. Lolololol.
  19. If that old Jewess wants to end it, she's more than welcome to save her money and come to my house. I'll shove her head in my fucking gas oven for free, with a smile, a wink and a fuck right off to Kike Hell thrown in for good measure. Hope that doesn't upset you too much, bby.
  20. No you didn't. You were in the Argos on the Old Kent Road buying yourself a SAD lamp. Just like the last time.
  21. You should know better than most that one man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter. They may be deserters to you, but to millions of others they were heroes.
  22. I'm more interested in your Macmillan fan fiction stories than I am in what you've got stashed inside your capacious bloomers. It's an exciting new genre of literature that you're pioneering, Pen, maybe we could create a portmanteau from 'fan' and 'cancer' and label it 'Fancer' 'Fran'cer!!! Lolololol.
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