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Cunty BigBollox

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  • Location
    Airwolfs' Secret Lair
  • Interests
    mental ill health

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  1. One, fully open and psideways on and, I'm always psober you pstupid cunt.
  2. Yes, I had a Psion Series 3 but if you would engage your ancient brain for 30 seconds you will realise it was the HP iPAQ pocket PC that sounded the death knoll for the Psion which in turn was well and truly wiped out when smart phones hit the scene.
  3. Gender aside, I'm curious to know what category you would determine yourself to fall into, human or animal?
  4. Did he smoke through his mouth or his trunk?
  5. Fucking hell. Have you just found The Bob Monkhouse Book of Jokes 1965 - 1967 while clearing out your attic.
  6. Of course I have, the cream always rises to the top and I'm feeling like I've just stepped out of Bobby Ewings shower. Pay increase this month too. No chance of repossessing the bungalow as I own it but I'm thinking of getting out of the rental market because it's not as tax efficient anymore - what do you think?
  7. Just imagine what sort of mixture of poor grade pet food and shitty non-stick glue this horse would be if it was called I Am Decimus instead.
  8. Sounds like they could be a dyslexic relation of ours with their surname.
  9. I take the piss out of you too only your special needs and ASD prevents you from realising it. You're the best on here, Wolfie.
  10. Now be fair. I wasn't the first one to mention Daddy. Read the post, you wanker.
  11. I think you have me confused with your daddy.
  12. I expect you will get a rebate purely for absorbing much more than you discharge. Work it out, you pillow-biting freak.
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