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Hēphaistos Greek god and all round handyman.


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A jack of all trades, Hephaestus as he was more commonly known or Hep to his mates down the local trades and labour club, started out as little more than a fanny fart in olympus. So pissed off was his mum Hera, at Heps weaknesses that she cast him out to live a life on Earth. Quite a versatile fellow, he learned a few trades and made his way back to his ma cap in hand. In the nature of the born groveler, Hep started taking him mothers side in family arguments and pissed his dad Zeus off no end. One day the old man had had enough of Heps attitude and again cast him out of olympus, this time by a leg which is attributed by some to have made Hep lame. Hep, by now feeling low from double parental rejection and the scorn of his peers due to his limp, was again walking Earth and had more psychological problems than your average big issue seller. Thoroughly pissed off at life in general, Hep made his way to the island of Lemnos where unencumbered by trade unions he set his own workshop up and did rather well for himself. His life is a tale of triumph over adversity. Why is he a cunt then? he's fucking ugly!

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