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Study Of French Gay Males


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June 21, 2006 - A summary of a study published in a 2006 issue of The Journal of Sex Research (Vol. 43, Issue 1, p. 35) discussed research into the barebacking practices of French gay males. The study involved surveying 2,303 respondents through an online questionnaire as to their sex practices. The survey targeted three groups: BDSM, (957) barebacking individuals (452) and general (894). The results of the questionnaire found that in the barebacking group, there were "high rates of risk-taking and of sexual encounters." Participants reported having close to 20 partners in the previous six months. Ninety percent of those surveyed had engaged in barebacking but only 30% claimed to have never used protection. Ten percent said they always used condoms; 60% used them rarely, sometimes, or often. This group indicated that many of them were HIV positive, enjoyed group sex, and other sexual practices. Participants recruited from the other two sites indicated that 90% of them reported often or always using condoms.

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