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Shazam - the app


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Because I've used this app on my phone for 3 months and still cant understand how it CUNTING WORKS. I've read a 'layman's terms' explanation and it's still way over my fucking head, and that makes me think I must be a proper cunt. How can a tiny program on my phone do what it does so quick? In the van today I was partaking in a little Classic FM - not my usual channel mind, but the fucking radio is bolloxed and only gets a few strong frequency's. Anyways, bored, I tested Shazam on a token few orchestral numbers on the radio, and it got a 100% hit rate - most within 5 seconds of me touching the screen. Then - they play some random church choir singing 'Oh come all ye faithful' .... I think 'HA!' the cunt wont get this one. 5 seconds later it spits out "Worcester Church Choir, Fine Arts Brass Ensemble". I wait for the end to check and it's bang on the money... FOR FUCK SAKE THERE MUST HAVE BEEN A THOUSAND CHOIRS WITH THIS ON THE CHRISMAS ALBUM.

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