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Cannon & Ball


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Whilst recovering from illness I am subjected to the joys of daytime TV, as BBC ITV etc is dominated by total cunts such as Jeremy Kyle, Loose Women etc I find myself watching documentaries etc on SKY. My veiwing pleasure is hampered only by the constant round of adverts every 15 mins or so, particularly these two clowns shouting through the screen at me to buy double fucking glazing. I cant fault them for taking the job as they have to pay the mortgage but who makes these decisions,if I was in a meeting and my boss asked for ideas for who to front the new ad campaign Cannon and Ball would not spring to mind for fear of 1 being scaked 2 my boss thinking I was on drugs 3appearing like a total clown. If this decision was taken on the basis of financial restaints then it has backfired badly as due to these pair of unfunny shouting fuckers I have decided to have my windows replaced with single glazing. Cunts

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