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People We Have To Carry


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There are two kinds of people in the world. People who know what they're doing, and people who lie in interviews to get jobs, then are carried for the rest of their careers, by people who do really know what they're doing. Cunts who can't do basic things on computers like use Microsoft word, so you have to put aside your own important work, to give an impromptu lesson on how to use Microsoft Word. Until next week. when they ask you again, to do exactly the same fucking thing. Lazy slobs who sit about chatting and fucking around while people who actually take their work seriously are giving themselves migraines trying to do things for a deadline. Divvy old cunts that have worked at _______ for 26 years, who nobody has the balls to tell ''You know what, you've become more of a hindrance than a help...would it really hurt you to at least try learning how to use the photocopier, so i don't have to keep printing your fucking shit off?'' Or cunts who are pally with management who don't have a fucking clue, and just sit next to you, copying what you're doing, then claim credit for the 'great ideas' that lead them into promotions. Fucking cunts the lot.

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