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I had this on new years day, and what a cunt it is. It started at about 3am with a rumbling in the belly which I put down to the dodgy sausage sandwich I'd eaten the previous afternoon being lodged somewhere - I'd had nothing to drink for NYE. By 4am, I was sat on the bog with diarrhea that sounded like someone running a tap, whilst simultaneously bending over to reach for the sink. That makes you feel better for about an hour until you get the feeling in you stomach again, and you think to yourself, 'What the fuck else is there left to come up?' Well nothing basically, you end up bent over dry retching while shitting out clear water. It took a few days to feel right again. Since then, Mrs TC has had it, TC senior, and old Grandma TC who couldn't quite make it to the bog in time, with inevitable consequences. I hope all you cunts get it too.

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