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The British People


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Im not talking about ALL of the British people of course, but a group of people im sure we all know about: Putrid, inbred, chavvy, special needs cunts. Every fucking time i set foot outside my house i see these filthbags waddling around with their pasty skin and Ford Fiesta haircuts and legs like sides of beef. Dont these thick cunts know that they look like something from a landfill site thats somehow come to life?? Their fucking disgusting cunts. And they fucking act like they look. I had the enourmous misfortune to find myself in a train carriage full of these cunts yesterday, horribly overweight, ugly, loud, stupid, boring cunts with horrendous teeth and tracksiuts every colour of the frigging rainbow. The little turds were running up and down, screaming, arguing, licking the SEATS (seriously, they were) and their cunt mother did nothing apart from laugh and carry on drinking her WKD. She doesnt deserve fucking kids. God knows how she got them because she looked like a fucking morbidly obese horse!bleh!bleh time to cleanse our lands of these cunts NOW !bleh!bash

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