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The Sad Yet In Retrospect Obvious Death Of Pop Music


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Years ago popular music mattered. It really did. Earnest young and even slightly older music fans would make their way to record shops and spend an awfully long time making a choice. They had to make a choice because they couldn't have it all. Which LP or single to choose? Having made a commitment based upon both time and money spent, the excited fan would get the bus home with their prized possession. Once home the circle of vinyl would be taken out of its sleeve with extreme caution, placed on the turntable carefully, and with the skill of a surgeon , the needle would be lowered. Then side one would be listened to, without skipping a track. This method meant the listener would hear the artist's statement the way the artist wanted it heard. By employing this method every time they listened to the waxing, often the listener would find themselves enjoying a track they, upon first hearing, didn't like. Then the compact disc meant the music fan could effortlessly skip tracks and even-according to the lying cunts on Tomorrows World-put jam on their purchase. The Caring About Music Rot had set in. Then the super markets got their sticky fingers in on the act. And what were they stocking? Strictly best selling stuff. And bored housewives would casually pick a Cuntzone or Cunt That CD up with the weekly shop, to be listened to twice then forgotten about. This meant that shitty, pointless Bay City Roller type shite suddenly had an extended shelf life and hung around like Savile at a toddler's autopsy, rather than fading into obscurity as they once would have. Because previously the bored housewife would never have made the effort to visit an actual record store, because she doesn't really care for music( do you?). Then came Pop Idol et al and then MUSIC WAS FREE. Yes people could demonstrate their utter lack of commitment or care for the music they listened to by not even leaving their house, or paying for it. So now I've ended up in the situation where the HMV in my town will probably close and the independent stores fucked off and died years ago. Now all the downloaders will smugly claim that they were "sticking it to the man" by not giving their cash to the greedy record companies. In reality they were sticking it to the shop assistants who lost their jobs, the unsigned acts who were ignored as the record companies played safe and people like me, who really don't want to shop on line. The greedy cunts in charge of the record companies are still wadded. And if you've ever wondered why a ticket for a gig now costs a kidney, since the collapse of record sales, how else can a rock star pay for his coke habit. Apologies for the length of this whine, but look forward to next weeks exciting explanation of how Viagra laid the fluffers off.

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