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Car Alarms


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I used to live on a small estate . everyone had an assigned parking spot plus there were some visitor spots . My side of the estate had 4 spots directly outside of my front door, separate from the rest of the parking. there was this one cunt that was a regular visitor of one of my neighbours, not that it matters but they where a lesbian couple. She knew the parking set up. But she seemed to always park in my assigned spot. I left plenty of strongly worded notes on the fucking window of the car that the cunt never seemed to read. I was frustrated, but it was not the end of the world. People steal spots all the time right. anyway one week everything changed. The cunts car alarm started going off at random any time of the day or night. For 20 or 30 minutes at a time. the cunt never apologized once , I moved last year but as far as I know never got the fucking thing fixed. all in all car alarms are a cunt and no cunt takes any notice of them so what's the fucking point of having one.

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