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Special Fucking K Granola Advert Lesbians. Cunts


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So, the basic premise of this 30 second ad is that all these flighty Top Shop clad, green welly-wearing fucking KitKat-shuffling andro-dykes run some kind of collectivised fruit farm in the middle of some archaic Will Hay-a-like pre-War valley, hand-picking all the brightly-coloured shit for the boxes of tainted grain that chaffers throw out as fucking waste as standard practice. Muesli, as we all know, is a standard euphemism for fibre-obsessed botting, so unless these bints are silent-ducking in a brachioproctic insertion kind of way with each other behind the tractor, I'll stick to my fucking Weetabix, although the brunette in the short red dress looks like she could do with a good ploughing. Tony Martin's a cunt.

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