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The emasculation of the male


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Times have changed but not for the better in my opinion. The strength of a man used to be measured in hard work, providing for and putting his family above all else, standing by his lads in times of trouble, and how many pints he could drink at the boozer before pissing himself. Enter the modern man, more interested in hair product and manscaping then earning a callous on the end of a shovel, drinks soy fucking lattes and eats falafel salad over a pint with steak & chips, watches a chick flick with a lass and cries to show sensitive side rather then putting on a porno and rogering her back molars out, Takes the lads to a Justin cunting Beaver concert rather then playing poker and smoking cigars, His idea of fishing is buying one from the fishmonger as not to get his pansy hands dirty on the end of a line. I'm not saying all modern men are like this, but the vast majority are. Why did we end up soft as snail shit? Who's to blame? If a war broke out, we are well and truly up cunt creek without a paddle.

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