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Fucking Comet clinging Washing-machine

Guest cuntcrapper

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Guest cuntcrapper

BBC crapping on all day with this self congratulatory 'TopNews  Story' about a washing machine landing on a comet. World stopping comments include, 'has it landed up against a bolster', as it only send pictures of what looks like the bottom of a parrot's cage. 'What's the first thing it said upon landing', 'will it be safe, or will it perish'! We are promised updates every thirty minutes, why? Who gives a brass fuck whether this pile of cunting scrap falls off the flying rock its clinging too, whether it can prove that amoeba's originally came from space, when its Duracells will run out,  if it's spin cycle will complete etc etc etc. This Eu sputnik even knocked Jock Salmonds goodbye speech to his loser 000's off top place on the fuckin 1'oclock news. Who the fuck paid for this bucket of bollocks! Special agent Dick Branson will be at it next putting chest freezers into orbit full of dead pilots!

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I find it ironic that the space programme is credited with the development of Velcro, but no cunt seems to have thought of using it here.

The thing that REALLY fucks me off about this triumph of endeavour and technology is how everyone comes in their pants because the lander sent a tweet. The soft fucking cunts deserve everything that Skynet will one day throw at them

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Guest ducunti

Watched this on the news yesterday morning, they showed all the joyous people in the control centre. There was some large female jumping up and down as if she had just found out her new boyfriend had a 14 inch cock.

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Guest cuntcrapper

Bet the Fat lady isn't singing today. Apparently the fucking batteries have gone flat and the cunt's gone into 'standby mode'.


Standby for what, for fucks sake 'Green Fag' Intergalactic Rescue'!


Cunts all of em, they can take their fucking washing machine and fuck right off!

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Guest nobgobbler

The tight fisted bitch should have used DURACELL.
If they're good enough for her 'clit-rabbit' then what the fuck was she thinking?

You beat me to this comment by 4 minutes

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Guest cuntcrapper

An update - of course!


When this cunting overgrown Xbox gets nearer a sun it will apprently wake up and start interviewing everything - Zanussi meets Graham Norton for fucks sake.


Fucking boring, slow news day bollocks item from the EU.

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Guest ducunti

So we now know a comet is made from rock,well I'm fucking ecstatic life now has a whole new meaning. What I really want to know is the chances of it crashing through a bedsit window in Derby while some fat cunt is noseing a marvel comic.

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Guest nobgobbler

I got a lump of comet for christmas once. Its a 2cm square lump of cinder with metal running through it, glued to a lump of wood. This is the sort of shit you get when you say you don't want anything. Just get me a case of rose you cunt.

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Guest ducunti

I got a lump of comet for christmas once. Its a 2cm square lump of cinder with metal running through it, glued to a lump of wood. This is the sort of shit you get when you say you don't want anything. Just get me a case of rose you cunt.

Fuck me they're still at it then, I was making them up in the shed twenty years ago.

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