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Trigger warnings and the hyper sensitive cunts who need them

Guest Ahriman

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Guest Ahriman

Here are some steps for all you soft cunts who need to be forewarned in advance as to whether or not whatever you're about to read/watch might reduce you to a traumatized quivering wreck:


1, Turn off your computer, T.V and burn any newspapers and books in your house.


2, Isolate your yourself from the rest of humanity. (This combined with step one will ensure that you will never be exposed to anything that might potentially offend or disturb your ever so fragile sensibilities ever again.)


3, Lock yourself in a cupboard and think happy thoughts of sunshine, rainbows and cute little puppys.


4, Keep repeating to yourself: "I am a special little snow flake who needs to be shielded from the big bad world and all the evils that it contains."


5, Leave the cupboard and find a loaded handgun. Lets call it: T. D.C M, or to give it its proper name: 'The Dead Cunt Maker'.


6, That gun sure looks tasty doesn't it?, place the barrel of the gun inside your mouth, taking extra care to turn the safety off as this will make it taste extra yummy.


7, Pull the trigger and find comfort in the fact that you have just made this world a marginally better place by removing yourself from the gene pool. Natural selection FTW!

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For Londo: if you see words with any of the following letters in; cry anti-Semitism: ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ

You forgot 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 .. I think that they are Arabic and therefore anti-semitic.

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If you have been affected by any of the postings in this thread.....

.....you need to have a strong word with yourself. If that doesn't work, FUCK OFF YOU DIV!. Go back to banging on your tambourine in your 'special' summer fete.Your mum won't be there to watch because she never wanted a backward boy who eats fag ash and shouts "HIYA" every time a person walks past.

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The BBC keep coming up with these sociologist 'we care' bollocks at the end of their programmes. If you or your family been affected by a holocaust in your back garden, or a Concorde crashing into your shed, there is a number at the end of the programme...

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