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Gordon Brown

Guest judgetwi

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Guest judgetwi

So this fucking useless sub-normal fucking cunt has decided to retire from Parliament but he will not be taking up a seat in The Lords. Well have they offered you one yet Gordon? Er........yes, obviously they have, the cunts. The fucking arsehole then has the fucking cheek to say he will be "judged by history" like he is fucking Ghandi or something. The fucking arrogance of these thieving bastards takes my breath away. No wonder they fucking laugh at us and take the fucking piss. 

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Guest cuntcrapper

The worse Prime Minister before Cameron took over and oh so arrogant. All they care about is their so called 'legacies'. Can you imagine the huge Pension this block of Haggis will retire to?

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"retiring"  ... "not taking seat in the house of lords" ..."blah blah blah" .... fuck right off brown - next stop for you then planet cunt and various consultancies,another university vice chancellorship ,directorships and the rest of the old boy/girl cuntery nice little earners network for you then - any chance of a double act nationwide tour with the blaircunt - something along the lines of "an evening with arsewipes extroadinaire with guest appearances by any other money grabbing politician fucker you care to name"...  ok , that doesn't quite scan as a poster  [as they say in meeja land] so maybe not eh !

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Selling the gold reserves was a fuck up. The price moved up the next 7 years over $1500 per troy ounce.

True, but at least that fucked over the south africans when he flogged them which I think was probably the point of the exercise. I'm not defending the cunt, he was about as effective as john major in that he fucked up almost everything he tried, but at least kept us out of the eurozone.
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Quite right. Blair would have had us in the single currency. After Blair had his dick in the hole for ten years there wasn't much left for Brown. You are bang on about cunt Major. Alan Johnson is a two faced cunt.

How major managed to get into edwina curries knickers I will never understand. Family values, indeed...

On the alan johnson thing, not sure I agree. He does appear on the surface to hold some principles, hasn't he already ruled himself out of the running to replace milibean? On a side note about that type of labour politico, my wife's nephew was shagging john denholms daughter for a year or two. Pretty hot piece according to the nephew, she's a redhead called rosie.
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How major managed to get into edwina curries knickers I will never understand. Family values, indeed...

On the alan johnson thing, not sure I agree. He does appear on the surface to hold some principles, hasn't he already ruled himself out of the running to replace milibean? On a side note about that type of labour politico, my wife's nephew was shagging john denholms daughter for a year or two. Pretty hot piece according to the nephew, she's a redhead called rosie.

What about a picture, then WE'LL decide if she's a 'pretty hot piece'.

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So this fucking useless sub-normal fucking cunt has decided to retire from Parliament but he will not be taking up a seat in The Lords. Well have they offered you one yet Gordon? Er........yes, obviously they have, the cunts. The fucking arsehole then has the fucking cheek to say he will be "judged by history" like he is fucking Ghandi or something. The fucking arrogance of these thieving bastards takes my breath away. No wonder they fucking laugh at us and take the fucking piss. 

A portentious, pompous cunt. He needs to fuck off into obscurity  PD fucking Q

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Selling the gold reserves was a fuck up. The price moved up the next 7 years over $1500 per troy ounce.  

But why did he do it? To save various UK and foreign banks. Cunt. Just to AGAIN save the cunts again later on, this time with tax payers' money. Gold + tax money taken away and given to cunts by the Haggi Cunt.

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  • 5 years later...
Guest judgetwi

This fucking useless sack of shit in the Guardian (where else?) today preaching globalism to the converted and bragging about how he would have handled the Chinky Plague crisis and got on top of it. What a cunt.

Gordon, have you ever wondered why you and Phoney Tony still haven’t got a knighthood or a seat in the House of Old Cunts? It’s because even your own kind think you’re a pair of wankers.

The electorate told you to fuck off ten years ago so fuck off and stay fucked off cunt.

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2 hours ago, judgetwi said:

This fucking useless sack of shit in the Guardian (where else?) today preaching globalism to the converted and bragging about how he would have handled the Chinky Plague crisis and got on top of it. What a cunt.

Gordon, have you ever wondered why you and Phoney Tony still haven’t got a knighthood or a seat in the House of Old Cunts? It’s because even your own kind think you’re a pair of wankers.

The electorate told you to fuck off ten years ago so fuck off and stay fucked off cunt.

Is he in London? A leisurely visit to his old hunting grounds will do him a world of good, with corona milling about. How old is he now?

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On 03/12/2014 at 13:40, scotty said:

How major managed to get into edwina curries knickers I will never understand. Family values, indeed...

On the alan johnson thing, not sure I agree. He does appear on the surface to hold some principles, hasn't he already ruled himself out of the running to replace milibean? On a side note about that type of labour politico, my wife's nephew was shagging john denholms daughter for a year or two. Pretty hot piece according to the nephew, she's a redhead called rosie.

How did I miss this the first time around! I'm assuming you meant Denham and not Denholm, because if so, my brother fucked her whilst at university. He wasn't quite as kind as your nephew, though, he said that she was a fucking state and a gobshite to boot, but had plenty of daddy's money to buy weed and sex toys with.

From looking at her picture, I'd go with my brother's description of her over your kin's, she's got a fucking jaw and chin like Peter Beardsley.


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Guest Cunt-End Of The World
14 minutes ago, Decimus said:

How did I miss this the first time around! I'm assuming you meant Denham and not Denholm, because if so, my brother fucked her whilst at university. He wasn't quite as kind as your nephew, though, he said that she was a fucking state and a gobshite to boot, but had plenty of daddy's money to buy weed and sex toys with.

From looking at her picture, I'd go with my brother's description of her over your kin's, she's got a fucking jaw and chin like Peter Beardsley.


That's my uncle Derek in a wig. He says 'nairght amin' (know what I mean) and drives a van.

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1 hour ago, judgetwi said:

This fucking useless sack of shit in the Guardian (where else?) today preaching globalism to the converted and bragging about how he would have handled the Chinky Plague crisis and got on top of it. What a cunt.

Gordon, have you ever wondered why you and Phoney Tony still haven’t got a knighthood or a seat in the House of Old Cunts? It’s because even your own kind think you’re a pair of wankers.

The electorate told you to fuck off ten years ago so fuck off and stay fucked off cunt.

Gordon Brown.. Slack jawed former nonentity PM who according to Nazir Afzal, the former NW of England chief prosecutor, told the BBC Radio 4s Today program in 2018 that the home office, under Browns government sent a memo to all English police forces advising them not to investigate the alleged sexual exploitation of underage girls across the country (strangely omitting the word which  describes every gang subsequently brought to justice...,,ASIAN), as they believed the alleged victims had made informed choices and entered into sexual activity with these men willingly, so it was not a matter for police to involve themselves in. It later turned out that Home Secretary Jacqui Smith, the saggy arsed, dragon faced eyesore was apparently not responsible or aware of this memo  at the time. So that’s all right then.I wonder if had been Gordon and Sarah’s Mongoloid offspring being ferried from kebab shop to halal chicken shop every night and being returned home drugged up and drunk half naked and battered, if these absolute cunts in the highest offices of the land might have at least quietly put an immediate stop to it.And as for the police across the country who turned a blind eye to this abomination because they’d been given a way out of confronting an uncomfortable situation on their patch and having to do their fucking job, we’re all able to collectively avert their gaze and get on with the real problems of our time, such as racism, hate crime and making sure they’re recruiting enough trannies and poofs. That’s what we need from our government and our police, not  wasting time on underage white slags being abused in every town in England by hundreds of those nice Asian chaps. 

Gordon Brown......fucking rotten to the core cunt.

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Guest judgetwi
27 minutes ago, King Billy said:

Gordon Brown.. Slack jawed former nonentity PM who according to Nazir Afzal, the former NW of England chief prosecutor, told the BBC Radio 4s Today program in 2018 that the home office, under Browns government sent a memo to all English police forces advising them not to investigate the alleged sexual exploitation of underage girls across the country (strangely omitting the word which  describes every gang subsequently brought to justice...,,ASIAN), as they believed the alleged victims had made informed choices and entered into sexual activity with these men willingly, so it was not a matter for police to involve themselves in. It later turned out that Home Secretary Jacqui Smith, the saggy arsed, dragon faced eyesore was apparently not responsible or aware of this memo  at the time. So that’s all right then.I wonder if had been Gordon and Sarah’s Mongoloid offspring being ferried from kebab shop to halal chicken shop every night and being returned home drugged up and drunk half naked and battered, if these absolute cunts in the highest offices of the land might have at least quietly put an immediate stop to it.And as for the police across the country who turned a blind eye to this abomination because they’d been given a way out of confronting an uncomfortable situation on their patch and having to do their fucking job, we’re all able to collectively avert their gaze and get on with the real problems of our time, such as racism, hate crime and making sure they’re recruiting enough trannies and poofs. That’s what we need from our government and our police, not  wasting time on underage white slags being abused in every town in England by hundreds of those nice Asian chaps. 

Gordon Brown......fucking rotten to the core cunt.

Indeed. And who remembers Gillian Duffy, the “bigoted woman” who asked Gordon an awkward question about mass immigration in Rochdale? (fucking Rochdale of all places!!) Gordon turns up next day with a bunch of flowers (and a camera crew) for the confused old Doris. Why do these proven money grabbing losers like Gordon, Blair, Kinnock, Major, Mandelson etc still get all this media attention? Oh yeah....... because they’re still pushing the globalist agenda they were well paid for in the first place.

Bunch of fucking cunts.

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11 hours ago, judgetwi said:

Indeed. And who remembers Gillian Duffy, the “bigoted woman” who asked Gordon an awkward question about mass immigration in Rochdale? (fucking Rochdale of all places!!) Gordon turns up next day with a bunch of flowers (and a camera crew) for the confused old Doris. Why do these proven money grabbing losers like Gordon, Blair, Kinnock, Major, Mandelson etc still get all this media attention? Oh yeah....... because they’re still pushing the globalist agenda they were well paid for in the first place.

Bunch of fucking cunts.

I enjoy Coca-Cola and I’m pleased when I can obtain it abroad.

 You would order egg n chips in Cannes. 

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Guest Cunt-End Of The World
10 hours ago, Earl of Punkape said:

I enjoy Coca-Cola and I’m pleased when I can obtain it abroad.

 You would order egg n chips in Cannes. 

Is Coca-Cola a euphemism for jungle meat?

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