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Busking is for Cunts


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yeah on the YouTube documentary they keep asking if hes a nonce. What a silly question. Any old man with a stereo in a baby pram that has hand puppets on dancing wildly to s club 7 probably a) isnt all there and B) does it for the kids.....


Shamed be he who thinks evil of it.

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On a stag do about eight years ago, I was skint and asked the owner of a pub if I could lend their guitar for half hour. Long story short I nipped round the corner and did a few Robert Johnson/Charley Patton covers and went pack just under fifty quid up. I've only touched a guitar maybe twice since. Gotta love the blues.

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Hoity Toity bunch of cheap fucking snob arsed bastards. Let a bit of culture into your sad little lives for fuck sake.
You don't have to give the cunts a penny but give the cunts a smile for trying.

Cheap shot decimutt, hasn't got a fucking clue, kicking around the same fucked up piece of ground.
Nothing the cunt says means anything because we don't care a fucking arse.

Vivian out of the young ones springs to mind when I think of that cunt.

I hope you get infected with arse rot and have to get a hole drilled in your ribs to shit. You obnoxious piece of human detritus.

I might have guessed you'd condone begging. What with a life spent in Rhyl institutionally begging off of the state via benefit hand outs.
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Guest KuntaCunty

Fucking begging, panhandling cunts get on my fucking tits, as do the exceptionally stupid bastards that give them money.  That's why they keep at it, the truly stupid fall for their tale of woe, how life has shit all over them, and they need to feed their children.  These cunts are in a council flat on our tax money, they run their begging business like an actual company, and make a fucking king's fortune at it, all while dodging the taxman.  Round up the lot and set them on fucking fire! 

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yeah on the YouTube documentary they keep asking if hes a nonce. What a silly question. Any old man with a stereo in a baby pram that has hand puppets on dancing wildly to s club 7 probably a) isnt all there and B) does it for the kids.....


Anybody playing with puppets named "Billy McDog", "Gary" !!! (after Gary Glitter), and "Big Tom"  mustn't be quite there.

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Hoity Toity bunch of cheap fucking snob arsed bastards. Let a bit of culture into your sad little lives for fuck sake.
You don't have to give the cunts a penny but give the cunts a smile for trying.
Cheap shot decimutt, hasn't got a fucking clue, kicking around the same fucked up piece of ground.
Nothing the cunt says means anything because we don't care a fucking arse.
Vivian out of the young ones springs to mind when I think of that cunt.
I hope you get infected with arse rot and have to get a hole drilled in your ribs to shit. You obnoxious piece of human detritus.

Yeah, I've had that. Fucking nasty that is.
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I like buskers and occasionally see really good ones in the street, however, it's so bloody awkward stopping in the street to watch them.  Unless you're pissed and with some friends it really is an awkward situation.

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Guest KuntaCunty

I seem to remember that cunt Paul McCartney spent a day busking in disguise. 14p, some sweet wrappers and an assortment of foreign coins.


He was getting up enough cash for the wooden leg, wasn't he?  

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