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Islamist cunts who cannot take a joke

Guest Alfie Noakes

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Guest Alfie Noakes

So it is ok to kill people in Paris based magazine Charlie Hebdo because they dare to ridicule muslim beliefs. If you are an islamist.
Firstly get a sense of humour you cunts.
Secondly where are the moderate muslims saying it is wrong? I tell you where they are, there aren't any, they all will bow down to these cunts and not stand up against them.
These cunts are not human, they epitomise all that is wrong with religion and faith. Bloodthirsty, backward deluded cunts.

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Guest Alfie Noakes

Moderate muslims are not newsworthy. They are the vast majority.

They are a very silent majority!
I am not singling muslims out, just in this instance. All fanatical people of faith are dangerous to this world.
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Guest Snatch

What is it with these cunts.

I've said it before and I'll say it again. These cunts want a problem,then lets give them a problem.

Bomb the fuck out of their country and any cunt found in Europe to be a Terrorist,shoot them. It's gone way past being nice about it.

The politicians talk about "this barbaric attack". Not barbaric enough to do something positive about it though.

Still,America have said they stand behind France. Where America normally stand when the shit goes off.

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Guest judgetwi

These mad cunts do seem to get a bit touchy if you joke about their prophet. Imagine how cross they'd be if their niece or sister refused to have sex with them.

That's not funny Drew you sick cunt. Some of my best friends are Muslims and will soon be hunting you down and using your arse as a crossbow target. We'll see if you laugh at that. Allah Akbah! :ph34r:  :ph34r:  :D  :ph34r:   :D

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Guest Patroller

That's not funny Drew you sick cunt. Some of my best friends are Muslims and will soon be hunting you down and using your arse as a crossbow target. We'll see if you laugh at that. Allah Akbah! :ph34r:  :ph34r:  :D  :ph34r:   :D

But Drew speaks the truth judge. Those Muslim cunts are a bunch of loons.
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Guest JackoTC

 Allah Akbah! :ph34r:  :ph34r:  :D  :ph34r:   :D

You have all got this so wrong. They were disgruntled Star Wars geeks shouting "Admiral Ackbar" in protest at those shitty new films. 

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Guest judgetwi

The trouble with these cunts is that they are not scared of dying, in fact they welcome it. That makes them very scary enemies indeed. What they should do is, after hanging the bastards, wrap them in pigskin, bung a couple of pork chops in the coffin, and bury them in concrete. That way they can't go to heaven and fuck 76 virgins or however many it is. What kind of heaven is that anyway? Fucking all those birds all day your dick is going to be red raw and you'll soon be fucking knackered. I wonder if you get a break every now and then to have a bag of chips or whatever? Does anyone know any Islamic scholars?

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That's not funny Drew you sick cunt. Some of my best friends are Muslims and will soon be hunting you down and using your arse as a crossbow target. We'll see if you laugh at that. Allah Akbah! :ph34r:  :ph34r:  :D  :ph34r:   :D

Shhh - this website could get blown up, Spotto would get shot at.

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It will take another Hitler to get the fuckers packing in a hurry. Send a cunt to kill a cunt.

You have a very good point here WhiteCunt.  Much as it distresses me, I can't see any rational way to facilitate peace in this world.  Has never been and neither will it ever be.  We're fucked.

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So your in a club and you don't like how its run....so you complain to the founders of this club and they do fuck all and just keep chopping peoples heads off ...what can you do?

Leave the fucking club right! Join another one...say Christianity or Church of the eternal twat..or whatever. But what if the penalty for leaving this particular club is death? That's a cunt of a decision to make right?

Don't tell me the vast majority of Muslims are peace loving tree huggers...BULLSHIT!  They secretly love this shit and are all equally guilty by association.

ALL religious cunts are brainless cunts, but these Muslim cunts really take the Lionel....(Lionel Richie, as in rich-tea, as in biscuit)

Allahu Akbar...and if you dont agree i will rape your unborn daughter..In the name of Allah..

Thicko.  Most religions at one time or another have extremist behavior going on.  Usually when they themselves are feeling oppressed.  Look at the carnage the 'Catholics' caused during the troubles.  Didn't mean that all Catholics wanted to bomb pubs and kill innocent people.  It's a small minority that behave like this, and if they didn't have their religion to hold up as righteousness, it would be something else.  I've got terrible wind tonight and I need to do a yoga class in half an hour. I pity the fools.

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