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Facial hair


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Guest Patroller

Anyone with facial growth is a rummun in my book. All you need to do is look at the biggest cunts in history to come to the same conclusion. Stalin, Hitler, Sutcliffe, Bin Laden, Forsyth, Captain Haddock. The list is fucking endless.

I'm proud of my full beard.
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I'm proud of my full beard.

In order to fully ascertain whether you are at the same level of maniacal cuntishness as the aforementioned, please answer the following:

1: Do gulags and Siberian exile turn you on?
2: Do you hate Jews?
3: Have you ever murdered a northern wench?
4: Have you been on the telly for 60 years, but no matter how many times you piss yourself and forget your own name you absolutely refuse to put the license fee paying population out of their misery by retiring/ dying post haste?
5: Have you got an unhealthy relationship with a Belgian pubescent boy?
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Guest judgetwi

A wankers nomination . You can just as easily make a list of clean shaven cunts--Blair, Bush, the list is endless as they say. If you've got nothing to say shut your fucking cakehole.

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Guest KuntaCunty

A wankers nomination . You can just as easily make a list of clean shaven cunts--Blair, Bush, the list is endless as they say. If you've got nothing to say shut your fucking cakehole.



Hi Judge!   :D

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Guest nobgobbler

Beards are rank though. Every time I see a cunt with a beard, I think of the cornflakes in Mr Twits beard.

The neatly trimmed ones can be quite attractive. But my massive nosed French teacher had one of them bushy beards with snot in it. 

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A wankers nomination . You can just as easily make a list of clean shaven cunts--Blair, Bush, the list is endless as they say. If you've got nothing to say shut your fucking cakehole.

You would say that. As the supposed owner of a Harley Davidson, you've obviously got a fuck off massive bushy beard yourself. I do hope that it gets caught in your front wheel one day and you are propelled into the back of a Bedford Rascal at 70 mph. Twat.
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Shite nom, for fucks sake get a brain. Then shave the tree trunks around your arse, fucking monkey.
How the fuck am I going to earn a shilling from you as a rent boy with a hairy fucking arsehole ?
Beards are for men Sonny Jim, you'll get one when you're older.

You're not really playing with a full deck, are you?
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Shite nom, for fucks sake get a brain. Then shave the tree trunks around your arse, fucking monkey.

How the fuck am I going to earn a shilling from you as a rent boy with a hairy fucking arsehole ?

Beards are for men Sonny Jim, you'll get one when you're older.

Empty vessels make the most amount of noise. Try actually making a nomination before criticising. I realise you're not capable of original thought, but if that repetitive, boring cunt Frank can summon up a few brain cells to make one, I'm sure that even a sheep bothering cunt like you can manage it.
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Guest KuntaCunty

You would say that. As the supposed owner of a Harley Davidson, you've obviously got a fuck off massive bushy beard yourself. I do hope that it gets caught in your front wheel one day and you are propelled into the back of a Bedford Rascal at 70 mph. Twat.


Decimus, do you really think that such an effeminate little cunt like Judge, with so much estrogen flowing through his veins could manage to grow such a testament to manhood?  I tend to doubt it.  

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