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That fucking way the police give out information.

Guest MikeD

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'It is believed although we can't confirm, that a person, possibly male or possibly female suffered a gun-shot type injury, possibly caused by a bullet-type object possibly fired from a gun-type fire-arm.' Translation: some cunt got shot.


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Yeah, I remember falseflag 7/7 when the cunt old bill said in the interview that it was four young terrorists, er I'm not saying its four young terrorists - fucking liar he knew already who it was, being an inside MI5 job - Cunts.

Or when Lee Rigby was killed. Even though one of the bastards was standing there with the bloodied knife in his hand spouting his hateful, brainwashed, extremist shite the police were 'erm, maybe, perhaps, erm, possibly.'

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Not just the police to be fair  ... every fucker these days is so afraid of litigation or human rights violations that 'problem' has now become 'issues' ...'transport' now 'logistics' ......  is a production line worker in a dildo factory a 'sex worker' ?  and of course the pyschopathic murderous sack of shit repeat offender with 0% prospect of rehabilitation or remorse is now 'the gentleman in custody' and not forgetting the cheating , lying, thieving, untrustworthy arsewipe  is 'member of parliament'.........ok - the last one is fair enough , but you get my drift.

Thankfully a cunt is still a cunt the last time I looked !

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Guest nobgobbler

The old bill and media dare not say anything any more for fear of being accused of whatever the do-gooding cunts can fing at them. Initially all crimes have to be fucking "alleged" even when the perp is caught red handed, on camera, signed sealed and delivered with fucking knobs on. (As when they've been caught like a five year old - oh mummy, joey was flying backwards, I didn't hit him with my sword). Get rid of the do-gooders and tell it like it is. 

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Guest Gong Farmer

Not just the police to be fair  ... every fucker these days is so afraid of litigation or human rights violations that 'problem' has now become 'issues' ...'transport' now 'logistics' ...... production line workers in a dildo factory and prossies are 'sex workers' and of course the pyschopathic murderous sack of shit repeat offender with 0% prospect of rehabilitation or remorse is now 'the gentleman in custody' and not forgetting the cheating , lying, thieving, untrustworthy arsewipe  is 'member of parliament'.........ok - the last one is fair enough , but you get my drift.

Enhanced revenue means another stealth tax. War is now termed 'Kinetic intervention' whereas Losing a Kinetic intervention is a  'limited success'. 'Job creation', profit. Police cells 'custody suite'. Stupid people now have learning difficulties or they are 'minimally exceptional' . The elderly are now senior citizens, blind people are 'visually impaired' and ugly people are 'those with severe appearance deficits'. The bullshit terminology is getting so bad that soon rape victims will be termed 'unwilling sperm recipients'. 

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Enhanced revenue means another stealth tax. War is now termed 'Kinetic intervention' whereas Losing a Kinetic intervention is a  'limited success'. 'Job creation', profit. Police cells 'custody suite'. Stupid people now have learning difficulties or they are 'minimally exceptional' . The elderly are now senior citizens, blind people are 'visually impaired' and ugly people are 'those with severe appearance deficits'. The bullshit terminology is getting so bad that soon rape victims will be termed 'unwilling sperm recipients'.

I know I was.
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Enhanced revenue means another stealth tax. War is now termed 'Kinetic intervention' whereas Losing a Kinetic intervention is a  'limited success'. 'Job creation', profit. Police cells 'custody suite'. Stupid people now have learning difficulties or they are 'minimally exceptional' . The elderly are now senior citizens, blind people are 'visually impaired' and ugly people are 'those with severe appearance deficits'. The bullshit terminology is getting so bad that soon rape victims will be termed 'unwilling sperm recipients'. 

But a cunt will always be a cunt....so I'm safe!

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Time was you could just about read between the lines and get the general gist of what these cunts are on about.

Trouble is the lines are now so Rizla-thin you don't know if 'leveraging a relationship for a more transparent solution' is Robert Peston describing a merger between two conglomerates or him touching his own cock.

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I have first hand experience of police lying. "I have no recollection of that..." said plod when asked about the bruises my Dad showed him on his legs.  You lying cunt. I hope you get ass fucked by a polar bear and your wife's fanny explodes.

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Guest KuntaCunty

Not just the police to be fair  ... every fucker these days is so afraid of litigation or human rights violations that 'problem' has now become 'issues' ...'transport' now 'logistics' ......  is a production line worker in a dildo factory a 'sex worker' ?  and of course the pyschopathic murderous sack of shit repeat offender with 0% prospect of rehabilitation or remorse is now 'the gentleman in custody' and not forgetting the cheating , lying, thieving, untrustworthy arsewipe  is 'member of parliament'.........ok - the last one is fair enough , but you get my drift.

Thankfully a cunt is still a cunt the last time I looked !


Indeed.  Heaven fucking forbid they come out and say Joseph Cunt got killed, by john Q. Shithead.  We have the twat in our jail where he will stay until he is either found guilty or a small group of complete imbeciles say there was insufficient evidence and set the bastard free.  

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Breakthrough in the Marie McCann case after 20 years and £10 million spent on the farce and after thousands of suspects the English police have now narrowed it down to the whole population of Portugal and will be questioning them one by one.

Yeah - and even then it will eventually be tracked down to the one Japanese tourist in Portugal on that fateful night.....the one with 'I hold a torch for kids' tattooed across his forehead.
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Guest Gong Farmer

Yeah, I remember falseflag 7/7 when the cunt old bill said in the interview that it was four young terrorists, er I'm not saying its four young terrorists - fucking liar he knew already who it was, being an inside MI5 job - Cunts.

Most people would say that what you've just stated there is just another tin foil hat conspiracy theory with no substance whatsoever. I'm not so sure that you are not wrong on this as the hard evidence surrounding the attack does actually contain all the hallmarks of a false flag operation. However since you've chosen to be such an arch cunt in your attitude towards myself I'd never back you up on something like that in a million years. 


It's a shame as it could have been the beginning of beautiful and long lasting relationship that you have monumentally fucked up.

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Guest DingTheRioja

It's a shame as it could have the beginning of beautiful and long lasting relationship that you monumentally fucked up.


Nevermind, its Valentines Days tomorrow and you can send each other a lovely bunch of red roses, some choccies and bottle of Asti Spumante..

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Guest KuntaCunty

You started it Gong you cunt, fucking new boy on the block, if you can't take it, don't dish it, you get my drift, you cutting it, now go fucking kill yourself, you're dealing with real cunts on here, not kids.


Some notable exceptions could be made, there Del.  

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Guest Gong Farmer

You started it Gong you cunt, fucking new boy on the block, if you can't take it, don't dish it, you get my drift, you cutting it, now go fucking kill yourself, you're dealing with real cunts on here, not kids.

"You started it Gong you cunt" Ner ner ner nerner! Grow the fuck up you ridiculous arsehair with the mental age of Chimp foetus.  

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