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Mons pubis pressure - it’s a noo trend, & it’s a c**t of a trend.


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Soo mean, the new body part must have for ladies is a perfect mons pubis. Soon, very soon, giant Mons Pubis’s will be pushing & shoving you in crowded places. 


This is a trend that will grow & grow - an invasion of MP’s awaits us. :ph34r:

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Yes, I believe those vulgar American cunts refer to it as that. I think sophisticated Europeans, such as ourselves, call it a camel toe or in Prof's case perhaps, a rhino hoof.

Everyone else had used up all the ones I knew so I had to go for the yank angle. Which sounds like a euphemism in itself, really.
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If it is specifically in the female, it is the Mons Veneris.

Spot, you are an expert:


mons pubis |ˌmɒnz ˈpjuːbɪs


the rounded mass of fatty tissue lying over the joint of the pubic bones, in women typically more prominent and also called the mons Veneris.

ORIGIN late 19th cent.Latinmount of the pubes.

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