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Misandry and Misandrists

Guest Gong Farmer

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Guest MisterCunt

Personally, I despise waking up before Mrs.Cunt to find she didn't wash the dishes before going to bed.  I'm conducting an inspection of the house while she slumbers away, farting the nails out of the walls, and snoring like an asthmatic wart hog.  She has quite a list of things to do Saturday, and her shopping adventure with her friends is postponed indefinitely.  

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Guest Gong Farmer

This nom is my little dig at those third wave feminist pile-o-cunt types that accuse men of misogamy simply for not agreeing with their stupid idiotic ideology. I don't hate women, I love women and treat them with the respect that deserve whilst  treating those politicized bony arsed saggy titted dungaree wearing monstrosities with the contempt they duly deserve. 

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Men are fucking idiots.  I am better than them at everything.  They are weak minded, delusional, war mongering, pathetic sacks of shit.  The world would definitely be a lot better for not having them around.  They have programmed women to think we can't live without them, well we can and it would be fantastic not to have to worry about getting raped or having our kids pedoized.  

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Guest Gong Farmer

Third wave feminists don't go far enough. I think that they should be demanding that all men be kicked out of the military and replaced by women. let's send them off to fucking war with us blokes staying at home with our feet up in front of the telly with a cold beer and pizza  watching them get shot to fuck and maimed on the ten o'clock news for a change. It's about fucking time isn't it?

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Guest Gong Farmer

Not being attached to one I can say whatever I like to them and I find a simple Fuck Off does the trick

I add 'cunt' when I tell them to fuck off. They want 'equality' but they don't like "Fuck off you cunt" as that's no way to speak to a lady.... when it fucking well suites them. If they want fucking equality then they need to work down coal mines and on building sites but that's not the kind of equality they mean, they mean top jobs in commerce and government and that's why the cunts will never be taken seriously by men in general and that's why they are laughed out the fucking door.

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Guest Gong Farmer

The retirement age should also be the same as Men if they want equality.

They've already got equality it's just that the hardcore politicized third wave feminists are now aggressively pushing for dominance. Their biggest problem is that they can't get more than 5% of women to agree with them so to say that they are flogging a dead horse is a massive understatement. 

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Guest Keith Lard

I'll learn grammar when you get to shag a human female.

Which won't be any time soon you fat cunt.


You fucking what mate? How would you like to get a slice from my katana you cunt?

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Most women are misandrists as they deny nice guys like me sex. Chivalry died a long time ago.

Keith, your problem is a lack of speed due to your grotesque girth. When you approach a woman, waddling like The Famous Grouse's stunt double, she has ample opportunity to time a speedy getaway. If you shed say, 20 stone, your opening gambit could be delivered before her brain processed the fact that you're a despicable, obese sex pervert.

Edited by Decimus
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