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Cunts who employ personal trainers


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So, you're feeling out of shape and decide to do something about it. However, instead of just getting off your fat, lazy arse and doing some fucking exercise, you decide you need a personal trainer. This will make all the difference, and rather than just using your will power and common sense, you pay some moron to assist you in your half hearted attempt to get fit. These cunts must be laughing all the way to the bank, simply by going for runs with idiots that can't manage to just go on their own. I believe having a personal trainer is like a must have fashion accessory for certain brain dead wankers.

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Great nom, lazy fucking bastards with too much money. You can't motivate yourself enough to exercise so you have to pay a fortune to some rip-off cunt to do it for you?

You deserve to be a fat sweaty bastard then, fuck off.

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I wouldn't mind but they make such a bloody song and dance about it all.

You're in the gym cranking out the reps good and proper, building that vascular wall so those ball-breaking bastards can't get at you, the Iron-Forged uberman who stares into the frozen icy abyss.....er...ummm...anyway, yes.

In comes one of these lycra clad goons with their sawed off little fart of a meal-ticket and the cacophony starts. 'COME ON.....ONE MORE REP.....ONE MORE....THAT'S GREAT....YOU CAN DO IT (maybe even without a fucking hearing aid).

I suppose it helps 'cos at this point I've reached the kind of enervation levels I imagine you get in a rape, and I just want to break stuff. My personal best on the bench press passes as easily as muesli stools as I imagine ripping the head off this empty little simp and drinking a protein shake from his stupid skull.

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If you haven't got the wherewithal to get off your sorry arse and get active, no amount of personal training is gonna make a hapeth of difference. Self improvement comes from within, not from chucking some cash at a stoneage person.

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Guest DingTheRioja

I'm afraid I can't agree with this nom.  

I have a personal trainer,  and believe me, caricaturing the relationship I have with my personal trainer as  me being a fat useless cunt getting  ripped off by a predatory cunt is a fucking gross distortion of the truth. 

Let me tell you this: My personal trainer has tailored my programme to suit my physical capabilities and objectives, AND has included diet into the programme. (I pay Suzie Wong a tenner a pop to shit in my gob whilst I lie back and knock one out.)




​I don't blame you...


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Perhaps you should change the first two words of your user name to "the thickest"...........

I concur, Ape. It seems a bit of a coincidence that I said he reminded me of the jammy dodger imbecile and next thing you know the cunts back after months of silence. Their absolutely tedious posts are similar in that they're fucking unreadable & unfortunately quite prolific.

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I concur, Ape. It seems a bit of a coincidence that I said he reminded me of the jammy dodger imbecile and next thing you know the cunts back after months of silence. Their absolutely tedious posts are similar in that they're fucking unreadable & unfortunately quite prolific.

​Prolific is an understatement. The cunt is ranting like Ed Miliped on crack. Just reading the shit calls for frequent trips to the loo and alcoholic beverage in vast quantities is needed  on those occasions.

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