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taking the piss


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Three young British men who were stopped from travelling to Syria from Turkey and arrested have been released on bail, the Metropolitan Police says.

bbc news 16/03/2015  0947


Not only are other countries apparently cabable and adept at  tracking and actually preventing these types embarking on their IS jolliies in the first place - the twats return to the UK be sent on their way and told not to be such silly billys. Detain the fucks ffs - and if the parents complain about that ask why they didn't show the same amount interest when their precious offsprings fucked off to to Syria.

It truly is the pisstake fest that defies belief sometimes.

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Guest DingTheRioja

I would like to think that the security services have managed to interview the three lions , and are now looking to arrest the string pullers whom radicalised these wronguns 

Fucking ace film that.... poor bloody rook...!

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Guest Gong Farmer

So these cunts get arrested and will probably get banged to rights (and quite rightly so) for attempting to join a filthy terrorist  organization where those three girl's that did exactly the same thing last month have been told that if and when they come back nothing will happen to them, that they are just  silly little girls and not to do it again. The hypocrisy and double standards are staggering.

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