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Elton Vs Putin

Guest luke swarm

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Guest luke swarm

Apparently Sir Elton Of John is going over to Russia to have a stern word with Mr Putin, that well know humanitarian and advocate of human rights who rules Russia with love and integrity.

Well I don't know about you but I am sure this ignorant and by all accounts arrogant shit stabber should really make a good case for repealing the anti gay laws.....I mean one look at him and I would be convinced that Gays are wonderful and everyone should have a go at being a bender. Maybe he should take his Manwife with him to really show what matrimonial bliss is all about.

Who the fuck does this fat gay pudding think he is, he really is a right  Mandelson.        



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He's already in Ukraine with his manwife or somewhere equally as fucked up spouting off about how good it is to like cock.

I'm sure Putin has got better things to do than talk man love with this fucking wanker.

Anyway,who's looking after the poor kid they so openly adopted and "love" like it was their own.

Oh yeah,maybe being bought up by some underpaid lacky who probably can't speak English all that well?

Why can't they just accept that not everyone in this world will not accept their way of life just like they will not accept everyone else's difference of opinion.

A bit like Judge.


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Apparently Sir Elton Of John is going over to Russia to have a stern word with Mr Putin, that well know humanitarian and advocate of human rights who rules Russia with love and integrity.

Well I don't know about you but I am sure this ignorant and by all accounts arrogant shit stabber should really make a good case for repealing the anti gay laws.....I mean one look at him and I would be convinced that Gays are wonderful and everyone should have a go at being a bender. Maybe he should take his Manwife with him to really show what matrimonial bliss is all about.

Who the fuck does this fat gay pudding think he is, he really is a right  Mandelson.        



"Who the fuck does this fat gay pudding think he is........."


Elton John's just as bad

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Dear dear Elton. You are on a fucking hiding to nothing over there. Putin is right when he says you shit stabbers are a horrible curse on mankind and should all be thrown off tall buildings. Or was that someone else?  Fight time. Nasty  Vlad versus Mincing Gay Boy shit songwriter Watford fan. Only one winner in my mind. Cunts

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This is really interesting.

Shouldn't we, firstly as Cunts Cornerers and secondly as predominantly clean-nobbed blokes, be celebrating our common love of parking our old chaps in tight warm places, jiggling them around a bit, prior to sending mother nature's silver seed to their new homes in the sun?

Shouldn't we be giving a resounding high, hard one to the likes of Putin, ISIS and all those dogmatic cunts who think it's cool to tell us who we can and can't fuck?

Might it not be time for an extremist Liberal posse to come in (or mince in) all guns blazing, going 'Fuck you Putin, Fuck you ISIS, double-fuck you Richard Littlejohn. No one wins unless we all win so get the trains running on time, the literacy levels of our kids up and our Armed Forces in decent shape and stop tut-tutting outside our bedrooms - shitheads!'

Just a thought.

Edited by Jiggerycock
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He`s a little barrel of fun is our Reg, just because he can hold a tune the fucker thinks he`s relevant on the world stage. I was never a fan and i`m struggling to think of a recent song or CD that was successful so in essence this dumpy, vitriolic little cunt is famous for being famous a few decades back. I hope to fuck Putin serves him a nice cup of tea with those special tea bags he keeps for making cunts he doesn`t like go bald... and glow in the dark. 

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"Nikita", in my opinion the only half decent thing the porky uphill gardener has ever done, was a very anti-communist ditty and must have pissed Vlad off when he was Spetznaz.  Hope Vlad gets his own back this time. Gay cunt needs shooting.

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Guest nobgobbler

Who? Elton or Putin? Either way    im highly offended. May the fleas from a thousand camels nest in your inflamed anal passage. 

Why are you highly offended? Is pink your favourite colour? 

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"Nikita", in my opinion the only half decent thing the porky uphill gardener has ever done, was a very anti-communist ditty and must have pissed Vlad off when he was Spetznaz.  Hope Vlad gets his own back this time. Gay cunt needs shooting.

wot ! .... no "goodbye english rose" .. you cold hearted callous unfeeling bastard

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'Nikita' of course, being a man's name.

I did hear that Once. First single Number 1 in East and West Germany at the same time. First single No1 in German and No 2 in English in der Vaterland.  And that rotund knob jockey earned a fucking fortune off it. Come on Vlad. Mr Dwight says you are a  cunt

Edited by Manky
Shit spelling and Grammar
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Guest nobgobbler

He`s a little barrel of fun is our Reg, just because he can hold a tune the fucker thinks he`s relevant on the world stage. I was never a fan and i`m struggling to think of a recent song or CD that was successful so in essence this dumpy, vitriolic little cunt is famous for being famous a few decades back. I hope to fuck Putin serves him a nice cup of tea with those special tea bags he keeps for making cunts he doesn`t like go bald... and glow in the dark. 

yeah, that would be funny if the cunt's hair implants fell out, without them he's bald as a baboon's arse. Bet he already glows in the dark with all that bling.

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Guest Drew P Pissflaps

I reckon it was the recent photo shoot of Vlad gaying it up working out in the gym with one of his buddies which made Eltons mind up to pay him a visit. Getting 'Furnished' by Davids' cock obviously isn't doing it for him anymore.

I don't think it will be one of UK PLC greatest exports but I think we should try and export more just to free up some much needed space in Brighton.

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Guest DingTheRioja

He should take Bono with him, together they can save the world.


"He should take Bono with him".. no need for further elaboration... actually maybe there is, "one way ticket to Gulag Siberia Holiday Parks"

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