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Social network giant Facebook paid ..


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.... just £4,327 ($6,643) in corporation tax in 2014, its latest UK results show.

4 grand or 4 million the amounts don't mean jack shit as all of these these global multinational cunts just butt fuck us all over and over again in the safe and certain knowledge that nothing will ever be done about it .. mind you , in the case of the UK , where the large cunt filled accountancy firms are the ones actually responsible for writing taxation law in this country it's hardly surprising.


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I know everything. 

Even how to qualify for a football tournament?

I like Facebook. It keeps odious pricks out of the way. I reckon if you keep off it you could make Carlos the Jackal look like a girl guide. Is it a billion accounts or 200 million people with an account and 4 ghost accounts each. Anyway, they should pay all their taxes. Our 0.7% of GDP foreign aid/corrupt dictators fund doesn't come cheap.

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Guest Drew P Pissflaps

£4,327 is not much less than I paid in tax last year. The major glaring difference is I didn't make a £28.5million loss.

This level of losses should cause this cunt of an organi'z'ation to go bust in the UK, either that or their accountant needs to invest in a new calculator.

I don't do social networking, it's for losers. And before anybody starts and states CuntsCorner is social, it's not if I think everyone else on here is a boring fucking wankstain and I wouldn't piss on any of you if you were on fire except perhaps ProfB.

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I don't use Facebook because it is full of wankers. I use Mancbook. Here we share addresses of people who have gone on holiday and timings for grannies leaving the post office on pension day. Manc-bay is the place to order your chemical mind altering subtances. Mancedin is the site to reach your local Mr Big and probation officer and Whatthefucksapp helps you identify the calibre of local gunshots.We are fucking wired you cunts.

Edited by Manky
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Facebook didn't lose any money, the lying, conniving fucktards. They were boasting just recently about they are going to launch a fucking satellite. There are entire countries that cant afford to launch fucking satellites.

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