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Everything posted by ChildeHarold

  1. They still do a night like that at Skeggie. I saw Fatty there rolling round the dance floor. Does that cunt ever make a positive contribution or nom?
  2. Special Brew is on special offer.
  3. Strange, I get that feeling too when people ignore me in the shop. My funnies don't get a titter any more.
  4. Remember it's all donated stuff, food, time, materials, probably even the leccie - so why the precisely calculated amount? Is it to provide the exact bonuses the directors need to have a prosperous New Year? The whole thing stinks like Rab C Nesbit's crack.
  5. I don't exactly see what relevance this has to the point I was making about two faced hypocrisy over Putin and Ukraine.
  6. I like the way you are able to make a balanced impartial judgement and still come to a verdict. You have clearly spent time on the bench. I'm also a bit suspicious of the Woman's Hour entry into the foray given their track record of man hating. Unfortunately wr live in a world where women are seeking to get the whip hand over men, just look at Spanish football now, and we all know where that ends... chaos and misery.
  7. It's all a con trick from the high street shops to the celebrity endorsements. There are so many charities now the FSA can't regulate them. Their books are distinctly murky. And definition of a charity allows anything and any crackpot can set up a charity. They are no better than a fucking Go Fund Me.
  8. How are you doing old boy? You’re still 'at it ain't you, except you dropped the capital letter in my name. Still we can't expect the King to follow the normal rules of English can we? LOL and may all your troubles be little ones.
  9. So Jo is Russell's stepmother and you are the dirty merchant responsible. Cunt. Fucking own up and face your responsibilities like a man.
  10. Is this cunt related in any way to the other unfunny Brand who has stopped being a comic and considers herself to be a national institution of the TV panel game show and patron saint of £22.45 pence Shelter Christmas Campaign? Even if not, can I INCLUDE her in this cunting?
  11. The latest charity ad to get on my tits is the Alzheimer Society with it's fucking actors impersonating a typical loving Alzheimer couple all in the name of keeping some professional in sharp suits and golf clubs behind a plush desk in a plush office eyeing up his next job at Oxfam. It's got to the stage now where the level of psychological manipulation throughout the daytime schedule now penetrating to the evenings is such that the overall experience of watching telly now is miserable and depressing. Add to that and peak time news programmes like six o'clock regional and ITV News have to include a charity fund raising focus, or hospital/illness segment, all the better if a child is involved. I think - like property development - it's a national mania - the charity sector - that I have never seen replicated on French or Spanish, let alone Germany, television. I think I only ever saw one charity ad in France and that was for war veterans living in the community. The reason? They aren't either mugs or serfs. Lifeboats, air ambulances, health services, decent pensions... Much of what these charities thrive on is either provided by the government or, especially if it's abroad, the people quite rightly don't care. I've fucking list count of how many times I've seen the hand come out of the screen trying to get £2 £5 or £10 a month or the Red Cross a whopping £35 out of my pocket. Christmas is of course the season of taking so we all have Jo Brand (any relation? Both unfunny) to look forward to asking for a precisely calculated £22.45 for a Christmas Shelter. Go on Jo, brush their teeth and wipe their arseholes.
  12. You've showed a new side and I like it a lot. He's on another wife now now isn't old Digger Rupert.
  13. Thatcher didn't like them. She preferred a hot Chilli murderer General Pickmynoseok. Went to great lengths to protect him from the sort of court they all want Putin to be put in now. Responsible for about 50,000 deaths.
  14. So you liked a big one you fuckng eccentric. I can just imagine you cadging a PS on the corner of Shaftesbury Avenue from Quentin Crisp. Let's go onto cigars at Christmas. Any favourites there?
  15. I am finding it difficult to get the gist of your comment. Please help me.
  16. This fucking confirms what I have been thinking, how all sports on telly has gone to shit. Some of this is due to the juvenile commentary with compulsory feminine hot chick input.
  17. Don't forget his calls to Andrew Sachs broadcast on radio. This is a Savile moment. He's a cunt.
  18. The so called legendary shit who made obscene phone calls to Andrew Sachs then broadcast them on the radio with that jew boy cunt Jonathon Ross. Fucking irredeemable piece of shit. I should know what shit looks like I've had diarrhea all weekend and he is definitely in there.
  19. I worked in a baccie and can def say Consulate was a favourite with our Lesbian clientele and of course Peter Stuyvesant for gays. Woodbine were for rednecks with big cocks. Rothmans for professional types with big cocks. They all had big cocks. Smoking did that.
  20. You’re not invited. It sounds like the table you are ask to be seated well away from - preferably in another restaurant in another town, perhaps another fucking country.
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