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I Shot The Cherif

Guest Queefer

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Guest Queefer

Armed terrorists on the run in UK may eventually be confronted by a couple of PCSO's who will give them a serious ticking off. If that doesn't work and the real police aren't busy they might tickle them a bit with a taser. If it gets really serious and the terrorists don't promise not to kill anybody again then the police will ask if the big police with guns aren't too busy . They will do a risk assessment. After big police have read them their rights, giving due consideration to their religious and ethnic requirements and loaded special halal bullets they will find the target has fucked off to another country.

In France it doesn't work like that - if you are a terrorist we will shoot you - dead - every time - guaranteed.

This saves vastly expensive legal cases and costly prison sentences serving different thrice daily halal treats - as the delightful Cherif Chakatt  has now discovered . 

Clearly he had forgotten the events in St Denis in Paris in November 2015 when police emptied 5000 rounds into an appartment slicing the peace people within to the extent it took several days to identify whose mince it was.

Stop playing with these cunts and adopt the French system.


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Actually the same happens here in the UK when these type of terrorists strike. It took the Froggie police a day to catch this cunt so nothing special in this case. The real problem is not how the police respond. The problem seems to be the same in all to many cases of a petty criminal being radicalised in prison (which is as it it in this case). What we need to be eliminating the cunts who are radicalising them whilst in prison I have posted eslewhere about the Choudry cunt who has been silenced now that he is out of prison but for some reason could not be silenced whilst in prison. As to using 5000 bullets. It just needs two bullets to kill each person and about 5 bullets for more each cunt to make sure that they are dead. I am pretty that the SAS would have done the French apartment job with 100 bullets.

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We need to stop pussyfooting around with "religious freedom" in general. There should be no excuse on religious grounds for ignoring the law and there should be no specific exemptions for any religious creed .. if you want to take the piss out of christianity, islam etc then you should be free to do so and adherents to whatever faith reminded that belief is simply a personal choice just as whether or not you believe that footballists are all irons. The truth is that in Ingerland the average Taff, Mick or Jock probably faces more abuse every day than does the average mooslim but fucll all is done about .. so the message to the radical mooslim should be if you don't like it here fuck off to one of the cesspits of Allah.

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Guest Wizardsleeve
3 hours ago, Queefer said:

Armed terrorists on the run in UK may eventually be confronted by a couple of PCSO's who will give them a serious ticking off. If that doesn't work and the real police aren't busy they might tickle them a bit with a taser. If it gets really serious and the terrorists don't promise not to kill anybody again then the police will ask if the big police with guns aren't too busy . They will do a risk assessment. After big police have read them their rights, giving due consideration to their religious and ethnic requirements and loaded special halal bullets they will find the target has fucked off to another country.

In France it doesn't work like that - if you are a terrorist we will shoot you - dead - every time - guaranteed.

This saves vastly expensive legal cases and costly prison sentences serving different thrice daily halal treats - as the delightful Cherif Chakatt  has now discovered . 

Clearly he had forgotten the events in St Denis in Paris in November 2015 when police emptied 5000 rounds into an appartment slicing the peace people within to the extent it took several days to identify whose mince it was.

Stop playing with these cunts and adopt the French system.


Spot on, Queef.  The bomb packing cunts play the naive like a mouth organ round the old bonfire.  When their identities and locations are known, go in, put a cloth (or plastic) bag over their head, beat them  senseless, fill a construction bin with cement, put them into it, and send the containers back to the shit holes from whence they came and dump them back in their home waters.  The resulting oil spill should create a dead zone and the rest of the cunts starve to death!  

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