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  1. 17 hours ago, camberwell gypsy said:

    My dad put his foot through the TV screen years ago when the BBCs coverage of Surrey v Hampshire Sunday league match was interrupted for coverage of the Portuguese sidecar grand Prix. "Ya cunts yers" he shouted as his foot went through the screen. 


  2. On 7/18/2018 at 7:51 AM, Decimus said:

    If it wasn't obvious enough by the absolutely fucking huge blue banner at the top of the web page, it becomes apparent as soon as you post anything, you cretinous little wanker.

    Who the fuck asked for your opinion?


  3. On 7/18/2018 at 11:44 AM, Mick Taylor said:

    I could tell you. But then I'd have to kill you. Remember you stupid bastard..you never know where I might pop up!

    Remember Steve Irwin?

    Take a leaf out of his book and do us all a fuckin' favour, take Kylie, AC/DC, INXS, and all the other useless Aussie cunts with you.

  4. 24 minutes ago, Iam Ape said:

    The Jam were fucking magnificent.

    A couple of damn fine albums and a shed-load of great singles, then Weller went a bit 'gay' with that ivory-tinkling poof from the Merton Parkas. oh dear, how sad, too bad, never mind!

  5. Mumford & Sons, Sheeran, Biffy Clyro and Ezra, FFS, what some of you cunts will tolerate for a little bit of nooky, pitiful excuses for manhood.

    At least some Donna Summer or Barry White might get 'er indoors in the mood for some rumpy pumpy, the aforementioned cunts would only send her to sleep.

  6. On 7/13/2018 at 6:07 PM, Wolfie said:

    I don't hate you, r-soles. I pity you.

    That's ok Woofers, I think you're a pointless waste of genetics as well, the difference being, I don't collect dog shit in a plastic bag, you do, I hope you enjoy your meals with your cack-stained pinkies.

    • Like 1
  7. 3 hours ago, 'eavensabove said:

    Part of the problem is your obvious inability to spell.   

    And the other part of the problem is Anon was on here typing this shite when he should've been emptying those fuckin' bins!

    I don't pay my council tax to support glass-back shirkers like him.

  8. On 7/12/2018 at 3:08 PM, Monumental cunt said:

    What is it with older men and their complete lack of self worth and style.  It appears to me as a chap in his later years, that a lot of men have simply given up on fashion, or even just wearing clean clothes.    We have a new starter at work who is in his 40s and he turned up the other day in a pair of plastic shoes that a police man would look shit in.   His trousers were grey polyester matalan cheapo slacks.  His shirt was badly ironed and was supposed to be white but was grey in the wash.  He also smelt, “stale” like his clothes had been on the washing line directly outside the extractor fan of a 24 hour McDonald’s fat fryer.  His hair was of no style or cut description and was reminiscent of me in my school photos ages 5 , before I learnt to comb my hair and wash it and to tell my mum to fuck off when trying home cutting it.   Basically I can see guys wandering around town, over the age of 35 with not an ounce of self image or personal pride in their appearance.    You know the sort of guy Roops would fancy.   They look like a fucking set of scruffy tramp cunts and someone needs to get hold of them all and give them a makeover.  Maybe upgrade their look by introducing them to charity shops or a waste bin.   I imagine Blubber C looking like this when he grows up.  I count Ape out of discussions of fashion as no doubt he can rock the look anywhere with his Hanna Montana T shirt and pink chinos.

    Quite frankly only queers and footballists get involved in discussing men's fashion, and your only ball skills are resting a couple of testicles on your chin!

    Fuck off.

  9. 10 hours ago, judgetwi said:

    No end of sport on the telly that I can slag off because I was the weedy kid at school who everybody laughed at.

    Those that can, do, those that can't, watch it on tv,.

    Maybe that's why I sit watching porn on a computer. 😉

  10. 8 hours ago, Eric Cuntman said:

    You should act on those feelings. Pop out and strangle a few dogs, German shepherds, Rottweilers and Bull terriers particularly enjoy being strangled and never put up any resistance.

    Let us know how you get on.

    I got on fine, couldn't be arsed with strangling the cunts, I poisoned the growly fuckers.

    Woofer's having a wake for the dearly departed shit machines.

    Fuck him, he's a cunt as well.

  11. 19 hours ago, luke swarm said:

    as well as being perpetually embedded in utterly thick as pig shit mode, your computer now also seems to be highlighting text unnecessarily. best switch it off, that should sort it. 

    Who the fuck are you, Bill Gates?

    Fuck off.


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