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  1. On 6/2/2018 at 12:59 AM, Eric Cuntman said:

    the only reason Katie Price married Alex Reid, was because she needed a bloke strong enough to stop Harvey from trying to fuck her.

    If that is true, how do you explain her younger children?

    And don't come with the Peter Andre cunt, even he couldn't be that desperate, could he?

  2. Rosanne Barr's tweet described Valerie Jarrett, an American businesswoman and former government official, as 'the child of the Muslim Brotherhood, an Islamist group, and the Planet of the Apes film'

    She didn't actually liken Mrs Jarrett to an ape, she could've been talking about Charlton Heston or any other character from said film, but the snowflake, left-wing media take offence at anything that doesn't fit in with their politically correct view of the world.

    I've certainly been likened to worse things, mostly on CC, but who gives a fuck?



  3. 48 minutes ago, Stubby Pecker said:

    I think we'll all agree on this, Lady Piss-Smell, and I see plenty of these twats on my bike travel. Usually it's some van driving low life, like WVM and his ilk, simultaneously rolling a fag, drinking a can of red bull (which he'll then chuck out of the window) and reading the sun.

    I've got no problem at all with them crashing at high speed and dying an horrific death, but it's the poor cunts they'll take with them of course. I believe many phones now have an auto lock when travelling at a certain speed.

    Pity they don't have an autolock that engages as soon as they leave the fuckin' shop, iPhone cunts!

  4. 32 minutes ago, Mrs Roops said:

    Forget all that nonsense, Hubby just bought a Nordhavn, wot do you think about that? Personally, I have mixed feelings...boys and their toys etc, but what can one do?

    'Forget all that nonsense, Hubby just bought a Nordhavn, wot do you think about that?'

    Has he got a small penis?

    That's the usual reason for excessive, motorised transport procurement.

  5. On 5/29/2018 at 3:29 PM, William T.D. Stickers said:

    I know for most of you old cunts, the most strenuous activity you get up to is shuffling to the corner shop for a pack of Old Holborn tobacco, a few cans of generic polish larger and a top up for your prepaid electricity meter.

    For those of us still young enough to have at least 4 mates they actually meet up with more than once a year, and a working pair of legs, a weekly game of 5 a side is a good laugh.

    Problem is there’s usually one or two lonely fat old cunts loitering round asking if “anyone needs a spare player”.

    Invariably dressed in a some late 80s kappa gear with suspicious stains all over, and stinking of BO just from walking out of the changing rooms, when you say no (as you clearly have 5 players on each side already) they move around with a dog faced look hoping you’ll feel sorry for them and give them a run out.

    If you’re ever foolish enough to take them up on the offer, you quickly realise they play like bambi on ice on ketamine, and have the mental temperament of Eric after a few lunchtime litres of snakebite.

    Prone to two footed lunges, own goal hat-tricks and general idiocy, they’d be best staying indoors and drinking themselves to death like the rest of you. 

    Lol. Fuck off. 

    Just hold on a minute there Ronaldo, football's for irons, so that makes you and your fuckin' mates a right bunch of benders, how do you feel about that, you cunt?

    Fuck off!

  6. On 5/25/2018 at 4:42 PM, Decimus said:

    Forgive my tone, but I hardly think that you are qualified to comment on toilet etiquette when you have yet to be potty trained yourself, you Pampers wearing cunt.

    Pampers is a step up from the damp paper hand-towels that adorn your claggy ringpiece, you know, the ones you collect while hanging around in the Gents toilet in your local bus station.

  7. 19 hours ago, Stubby Pecker said:

    Filthy fucking cunts who decide to spray the work bogs with piss every five bastard minutes then proceed not to clean it up.

    We all do a little tinkle on the side now and then but most civilised humans make good their stray piss drips. Not the fucking rotters at my place it seems. However, as there are only 3 blokes there I suggest one of the split arses has been sneaking in, when the smell of shite and crab paste gets too much in trap one, to practice pissing while standing up it seems.

    I want these piss sprinklers dead.

    This is the sort of thing that occurs when you eat asparagus, ask Swarmers, he's an expert on willie problems, the smelly piss cunt.

  8. 5 hours ago, Lady Penelope Of The North said:

    Here she is for Neil .. she's a big girl


    She is a 'big' girl, but that's all she is, BIG, not funny, or pretty, or anything else in particular.

    You can keep her.

    Fuck off!

  9. 2 hours ago, Lady Penelope Of The North said:

    When you have an hour go on to the Sky News site and read up on this Emile Cilliers cunt. Heterosexual behaviour apart .. Buying expensive Golf Shoes, adopting posh mannerisms such as leaving the top button of his waistcoat unbuttoned etc .. does it remind you of a certain "posh" punter on this forum?

    You're not speaking of the cock infested shit bucket sandwiched between these comments by any chance?

  10. 32 minutes ago, luke swarm said:

    Indians, they are just Pakis who have had the half decency to get a job but their brown pallor still means that they are savages and intrinsically inferior to the white race. They are here solely for one purpose, to bleed the country dry, introduce fucking Harry Krishna to everybody and impregnate decent white woman as well as weaken our cricket teams.

    This half hearted racism has got to stop Eric, no exceptions. Don't let it happen again.

    You stupid, racist, shit goblin, Swarm, if the cunts were 'decent' they wouldn't be in a position to get pregnant. It's only the slags in your neck of the woods who knock around with our dusky brothers that tend to be free with their favours.

  11. 18 hours ago, camberwell gypsy said:

    I have a friend who isn't very fond of the roundabouts being built around here. I told her she'd come around to them. 


    1 hour ago, camberwell gypsy said:

    My friend wrote off her brand Vauxhall Corsa. I asked her what happened, "There was a pine tree in front of me so I swerved left and the tree swung to the left so I swerved right and the tree swung to the right"!

    "You silly cunt, that was the fucking air freshener". 

    Fans of the unfunny cunts McIntyre and Kay will be wetting themselves over this pathetic attempt at badinage.

  12. Quite frankly I'm bored by all this celebrity molestation nonsense, if you knew how much cock and arse they had to kiss on their way up the greasy pole of fame, you'd realise they deserve all the perks they can take advantage of when they get to the top, quid pro quo if you like.


  13. On 5/23/2018 at 7:44 AM, Decimus said:

    What's the meaning of this brutal and unwarranted assault?

    You're asking the wrong man, after all it's Luke's cock that gets rammed unceremoniously up your sphincter.

  14. On 5/21/2018 at 6:13 PM, luke swarm said:

    Last May the only living male First World War combat veteran, British-born sailor Claude Choules, died in Australia at the age of 110. Britain's last survivor of the First World War trenches Harry Patch - known as 'The Last Tommy' - who died in July 2009 aged 111.7 Feb 2012

    I take your point but these lions led by donkeys died for the ideals of democracy. Democracy means having to accept the majority vote and most people are adult enough to adhere to this. However its still the right of these politicians or any citizen to demonstrate to bring about a situation they feel is right.

    If we deny people the right to protest or have politicians represent their views regardless of  the fact that we disagree with those views then the sacrifice of the past will have been in vain. There will be no second referendum, I voted remain and still feel that its going to hurt us to leave but the people have spoken and the decision is set. Invoking these brave souls from the past for something as emotive as Brexit is not only cynical but cheapens their sacrifice. I look forward to Arseholes synopsis on this matter.

    Unfortunately I have better things to do than bandy shit around with a Black Country rectum pirate.

    Fuck off.

  15. 18 hours ago, Lady Penelope Of The North said:

    Oooo .. I bet you were all 'ard when you typed that Luke!

    He only gets hard from a reach-around, more often than not with Deci's cock up his fudge tunnel, the yampy cunt.

  16. 5 hours ago, Monumental cunt said:

    Get yourself a van and a lawn mower.  You are more cut out for that life than corporate life.  

    Excellent advice, do you know where I can get a cheap, second hand Qualcast?

  17. No surprises as to who is at the bottom of this charter of cuntishness, fuckin' politicians, trying to keep their slimy, underhand, manoeuvrings secret.

    Make no mistake, it's just a way of keeping the rent-boys, back-handers and drug abuse stories out of the media.

    The EU will find some way of twisting it to make  sure you won't be able to find out how much they are screwing out of Britain's tax system, or who else they are fucking up the arse besides the EU's citizens.

    The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) (EU) 2016/679 is a regulation in EU law on data protection and privacy for all individuals(but mostly cunts with something to hide) within the European Union.

  18. No surprises as to who is at the bottom of this charter of cuntishness, fuckin' politicians, trying to keep their slimy, underhand, manoeuvrings secret.

    Make no mistake, it's just a way of keeping the rent-boys, back-handers and drug abuse stories out of the media.

    The EU will find some way of twisting it to make  sure you won't be able to find out how much they are screwing out of Britain's tax system, or who else they are fucking up the arse besides the EU's citizens.

    The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) (EU) 2016/679 is a regulation in EU law on data protection and privacy for all individuals(but mostly cunts with something to hide) within the European Union.

  19. Men will be fined for wolf-whistling or making sexual comments towards women in France, as part of new tougher legislation to combat lecherous behaviour.

    Those who break the law will face on-the-spot fines of up to €750 (£655).

    France's granny shagging president, Emmanuel Macron(who's wife is never subjected to these indignities, on account of she's old enough to be his fucking mother)said the law was meant to ensure "women are not afraid to be outside."

    So what happens when a bloke gets whistled at or has comments made about his bulging manhood by a woman(obviously it wouldn't happen to me)but the fact that this law is there expressly to protect women surely means it is itself sexist?


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