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Posts posted by and

  1. On 12/04/2018 at 12:30 PM, Wolfie said:

    Does your large circle of friends who own dogs and have children also think you behave like a whingeing old fanny whose mental state has gone full-circle back to its teenage years?

    Go fuck yourself, and your mutt, you tiresome, canine bothering, cunt.

  2. On 4/6/2018 at 6:06 PM, Eric Cuntman said:

    lets not forget that synchronised swimming is also classed as a sport. That fucking shit makes darts and snooker look positively noble in the definition.

    FFS, if you're looking for pointless 'sports', how about Tom Daley and his diving board antics?

    It's only a pair of creampie'd Speedo's away form chucking yourself off the end of a pier in utter despair.


  3. On 04/04/2018 at 8:00 AM, Wolfie said:

    Don't worry – several others, including me, unsurprisingly, have already recommended you on numerous occasions.

    That would be a cluster-fuck to savour, you and your arse-licking chums actually agreeing on something, blue moon, pigs might fly etc.

    Fuck you and the dog you rode in on.CUNT!

  4. 5 hours ago, Wizardsleeve said:

    If I want curves like hers, I prefer then like this:


    At least I'll get to put forks in her fucking eyes for the auditory torture she has subjected me and the rest of the world to. 

    You'd think with all her money she could afford some decent sun-tan lotion, didn't somebody tell her with that expanse of flesh on display she was bound to get burned?

  5. When touring by coach, obviously I won't be drinking and driving, I'm not that much of a cunt, I usually find that at the end of the journey the fucking driver expects you to contribute to his retirement fund by dropping a 'tax free' gratuity into a little cup he leaves by the exit steps at the front of the coach.


    Do these feckless, fat, fucks, not get paid enough for ferrying around tourists in their shitty charabancs?   

        If that's the case maybe they should get another driving job, like delivering Asda dogfood to Woofers abode or playing pass-the-parcel for shite delivery firms like Yodel or myHermes.

    Fuck 'em, charity expecting cunts!


  6. 17 hours ago, Wolfie said:

    While I hope the French tourist touts took advantage of your stupidity and proved a match for your rudeness, don't you think your time was better spent nominating yourself on the CC 'Thick As Fucking Pig Shit' thread?

    Obviously not, you cunt. Fuck off!

  7. On 30/03/2018 at 2:55 PM, Decimus said:

    It's a bank holiday so I imagine that R-Soles' spastic hostel is running on skeleton staff. They can't be expected to change his nappy and read and relay posts to him.

    I was sunning myself in the South of France, even though I fuckin' hate the EU twats, they're good for serving the English abroad, fuck 'em, and you, hope you were happy spending your Wank Holiday in your usual back-slapping, arse-licking, cluster fuck on CC, wish you were here (not really, you're all cunts!)

  8. 1 hour ago, Cap'n Cunt said:

    "paid almost as much as a bloke"? Fuck me, you need to get out of there pretty smartish. They'll be making bumming compulsory next, you mark my words. 

    Punky thought bumming was compulsory for most of his life.

  9. 3 hours ago, Miss Penelope said:

    This is a truly excellent nomination .. what are your thoughts on those sachets of dreadful coffee that are left in quality hotel rooms?

    How the fuck would you know what gets left in 'quality hotel room'?

    The only time you visited one was when some short sighted punter mistook you for a society call-girl, instead of his usual two-bob crack whore.

    No offence intended, I'm just having a bad 'Good Friday'.

    Fuck off!

  10. 40 minutes ago, Mrs Roops said:

    On balance, the internet and access to the world wide web is a good thing. That said, people need to wean themselves off the self-entitled attitude that everything should be free. Yes, adverts can be annoying (especially the pop-ups though that seems to be on the decrease) but we are  in danger on formulating opinion based by viewing social media memes. News media is undergoing a seismic change in response to the instant information now available by 24 hour news channels and via the web. However this is merely a headline digest. What appears to be a clear cut perspective changes if one bothers to look at the context and fine detail behind the story. Unfortunately proper analysis can only come from research and investigation which costs money. So, by all means use ad-blockers, refuse to pay for news and you will be poorer for it.

    Fuck all that!

    I don't want disturbing with some shitty advert for pile ointment when I'm sat rubbing one out over Chloe Morgane on my favourite porn site.

  11. 9 hours ago, White van man said:

    Until not many moon ago, England fans used to wave the Union Jack, not the George Cross. The blue matches the 3 blue lions, so might have something to do with the royal coat of arms. We also sing god save the queen. England don't have our own national anthem as far as i know.

    This is the 'English' national anthem, fuck the rest of Britain it's full of cunts!

  12. 18 hours ago, camberwell gypsy said:

    Sounds like he's trying to tick boxes and it's bit him in the arse. Eh? 

    The only box he ticked was the one that asked him if he was a cunt!

    • Like 1
  13. 9 hours ago, Wizardsleeve said:

    What is wrong with these fucking mongs?  They turn up to the cinema, drop their expansive arses into a seat, and proceed to place their feet in the chair in front of them.  In winter, it's worse as snow melt is dripping into the seats.  Put your cloven fucking hooves, shod by no doubt, the most expensive fucking trainers tax money can buy, back on the floor and display you have some degree of class and upbringing.  Fucking cunts!

    What sort of cunt spends money to be in the company of shitty arsed plebs at the cinema?

    You can get all the porn you need online (er...bloke down the pub told me)

  14. It's because they've all been at sea for months on end, so by the time they get back to shore they're so desperate to drop the custard they can't hold back long enough to prolong decent bunk-up.

    Alternatively, the women from that part Britain are so gorgeous you've got to splurge your slop before someone else gets in, but I doubt that very much if this trollop is anything to go by...


    Kelly Lewis was said to be so angry at the price of the large cod at Tasty, in Hull, East Yorks, that she started racially abusing Turkish man Ugur Yaltiligil behind the counter. She then started throwing chips at the owner before kicking him in the groin and legs as he tried to restrain her.


    Mick Ronson wasn't a cunt.

    • Like 1
  15. 11 hours ago, luke swarm said:

    its a total travesty of fate Decs, her sister as I recall is blessed with ample top bollocks but sadly is even less talented than her better known mammary deficient sister, one of Gods ironic cruel jokes

    That slag of a sister is 'blessed' with a pair of surgery enhanced plastic knockers, and she's had more pricks than the proverbial, you desperate little slut-sniffer.

  16. 12 hours ago, luke swarm said:

    I think your perception of Porn may need reviewing RSole, this is if my memory serves me right is a very mild music video by a rather mediocre popular singer from Australia, I would assume that your parent/guardian has put a child setting on your computer to stop you accessing adult sites and rightly so, it would only damage further your already fragile cerebral capabilities.    

    Au contraire mon cunt, I posted that slag because most of the wankers on here seem to fancy their chances with the buck-toothed, fuck muppet.

  17. 13 hours ago, White van man said:

    You either wrote that with your tongue firmly in your check or firmly in some dudes arse. Have some conversion therapy just in case.


    You cunts must've had a really sad teenage life if that desperate, no talent, slut was your wank fantasy.

  18. 14 hours ago, Trumpton Bacon said:


    You horrible fucking homo, what the fuck is wrong with you?

    I'd smash her back doors in, kick her garden gate off, set fire to her garage, re-tile her splashbacks and brick up her fire escape.

    Fuck off.

    You forgot the tradesmans entrance, you shag-desperate cunt.

    Fuck off!

  19. 5 hours ago, Monumental cunt said:

    Don’t be such a fucking dick.  If you grew up in the 1970s and said to yourself you will be able to use a phone device with a screen to watch films have access to the worlds library and have more porn than you can shake a teenage students  dick at, then people would have laughed at you.   It now exists and is a fucking genius invention.

    you are obviously a fucking cunt

    go play with some pebbles in a puddle for a couple of hours

    Utter bollocks!

    Have you ever tried wanking over a porn video on a four inch screen?

    FFS, I want my porn on at least a 24inch LCD monitor!

    That way you get to see every crevice, crack and pube in sharp detail.maxresdefault.jpg

  20. 42 minutes ago, White van man said:

    Corbynazikov is the slimiest cunt that  has ever walked the earth. If that bastard ever gets in no10, we're fucked.

    We're fucked anyway, unless we get the hell out of the EU, ASAP.

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