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  1. On ‎21‎/‎07‎/‎2017 at 7:54 AM, Bill Stickers said:

    Well it has all got a bit stormfront hasn't it.

    Everyone take a second to marvel at these two fine specimens of the white master race, r-soles and MC. 


    You don't do irony, do you?

  2. On ‎21‎/‎07‎/‎2017 at 7:54 AM, Bill Stickers said:

    Well it has all got a bit stormfront hasn't it.

    Everyone take a second to marvel at these two fine specimens of the white master race, r-soles and MC. 


    'white' master race?

    You want to try doing an eight hour shift down't pit, there's more colour on me than there was on Michael Jackson (quality soap's so expensive these days)

  3. 7 hours ago, Monumental cunt said:

    Don't go to Vienna...... it's fuck to fucking overflowing with gypsy Romanian types, Syrians, and Ukrainians.  All looking to snatch your wallet, daughter, teeth if not set in properly.   Fucking orrible shit fest of a place with 50 beggars to every tourist.  Steaming gangs roam the street and up to 30 gang members target a street and hit it hard in 30 seconds fucking everyone over for their cash, watches, handbags. Then do a runner before the useless liberalist police turn up to give them a stern telling off, or offer them a room and warm food for then night.   Brexit didn't come soon enough.   Europe is going to get monumentally fucked over and we need to put the barbed wire and sandbags up asap.  Went to Vienna three weeks ago to visit amate of mine ......what a fucking mess of a place.  He wants to get out.

    There's no point going anywhere these days, everywhere is full of fucking foreigners.

  4. On ‎14‎/‎07‎/‎2017 at 4:40 PM, Eric Cuntman said:

    Those poor brown people have now got white faces as a result of this sick attack, they are now second class citizens and probably racists.

    Is that what happened to Michael Jackson?

  5. 3 hours ago, Manky said:

    We did lots to improve their countries when they were part of the Empire. When they wanted is to leave we left the infrastructure in their hands and it all went to ratshit. Rhodesia was the garden of Africa. Now, as Zimbabwe it is reliant on food imports. Look how South Africa has gone downhill since the Afrikaans lost power. We pump aid in in the £billions to no avail. The place needs fucking nuking, not inviting to live on our social security benefits.

    That appears to be a very reasonable assessment of their problems, and a solution, you should stand for government, you have my vote.

  6. On ‎03‎/‎07‎/‎2017 at 3:17 PM, Mrs Roops said:

    I suspect you trigger physiologically as quickly as you do psychologically so you wont be much use in front of the camera. I do not wish to speculate further but you may be more comfortable appearing on an SPH site. Alternatively, acquaint yourself with Title 18 USC 2257 (most of your income will be from the US) get some basic web-page building skills and set yourself up as an agent for various sites and upload teaser pages to link sites which generate click-thru commission income.

    Excellent advice.

    BTW, I went to Llandudno once, it was full of Welsh cunts, fancy that!

  7. On ‎20‎/‎06‎/‎2017 at 4:15 PM, Jiggerycock said:

    In September I'm going to be cycling from Lands End to John O'Groats to raise money for Bowel Cancer UK

    I'm doing this because I'm a male menopausal sad-sack, but crucially, I was sick to the back teeth of cunts wanting me to sponsor them for nothing short of a big fuck-off doss on their part.

    Sponsored pub crawls.....sponsored bungee jumps.....sponsored zip-line descents I shit you not. I was seriously expecting 'Sponsored schnoffing the last chocolate chip cookie whilst being orally pleasured by all of Little Mix'.

    If you don't have to train for it and it doesn't involve pain then FUCK OFF with your pansy sponsorship requests!

    '...whilst being orally pleasured by all of Little Mix'

    Fuck me, how fucking desperate do you have to be to stoop to those levels?

    Do you realise you're dicing with death, a shit-load of STD's and gnarly dentistry?

  8. 13 hours ago, Ape said:

    @r-soles can you explain the fucking nonsense in your message signature? Are you some kind of dungeons and dragons playing weirdo? 

    Fuck all that, I'm from a great British tradition of incinerating miscreants for crimes against society, I can't be arsed with silly, childish games, played by bone-idle, virgin, students, after the Jezza Kyle show has finished.


  9. 9 hours ago, Bill Stickers said:


    Have you just stumbled out of a late 90s/early 00s timewarp, complete with a Linkin Park t-shirt and three quarter length shorts?


    Linkin Park?

    Never heard of, or visited it.

    Is that where you go to pick up teenage boys?

    As for the shorts, I'd never wear shit like that, with legs like mine I wouldn't want to inflict that sight on the public, I ain't that much of a cunt.

  10. Usually, after I log out of my email account, my sensibility is assaulted by a barrage of celebrity drivel from the MSN website.

    Today however, there was this message 'MSN has temporarily removed commenting on our websites while we explore better ways for you to engage in discussion on the issues you care about.'

    In other words, to stop people commenting on MSN's endless supply of shite, they have disabled that facility.

    The fact is, they only want you to comment if you're a brown-tongued, sycophantic, celebrity arse licker.

    If you're the sort of person who sees celebrities and politicians for the self-serving cunts they are, you can no longer tell them so, because MSN has stifled your right to free speech.

    CUNTS !

  11. On ‎09‎/‎07‎/‎2017 at 11:47 AM, ratcum said:

    footballers’ tears shed for the lad

    don’t hide cold facts

    all could’ve been better

    if you cunts paid more tax

    footballers’ tears shed for the little lad

    don’t hide the cold hard facts

    that this could’ve all turned out better

    if you rich cunts had paid more tax


    (talent imitates, genius steals)

  12. 21 minutes ago, 'eavensabove said:

    Can you not exchange like-for-like with Neil? Sure, they'll be more than a few damp pages, but?

    Have you tried having a swift one, while wearing rubber gloves?

  13. 25 minutes ago, 'eavensabove said:

    Poor thing. What is your vocation & employment status ? Apple's may be able to assist.

    I'm only interested in his assistance if he can give me the winning lottery numbers for next weekend.

  14. 27 minutes ago, 'eavensabove said:

    Titten und Pussy sind einen Besuch Wert für blinde.

    That's all very well, but how will I get my hands on this sort of material after we leave the EU?

    If I was a cunt politician I would be laughing, diplomatic bags and so on...

  15. On ‎10‎/‎06‎/‎2017 at 5:30 PM, 'eavensabove said:

    In this topsy turvy labour intensive slave-driven world of ours, job satisfaction is the name of the game? Perhaps. I cannot imagine those who have to work and hate every minute of it, or even worse, those who do fuck all except for moaning & groaning about what they do and yet still choose to do it. I'm well happy doing what I do, but what about you? Are you for example, nothing but a worthless piece of expendable shite to Your employer or having the life of Old Riley?   

    '...nothing but a worthless piece of expendable shite to Your employer'

    Guilty, as charged !

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