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Posts posted by ProfB

  1. The Chinese are pissing about again. The rocket was launched last Thurs to dispatch bits & bobs to build the Chinese space station. Now instead of returning to a pre-determined post in the ocean AKA a splashdown, it is predicted to make an uncontrolled reentry.

    It could crash anywhere. Long March 5b if you want to google the rocket.

    I’ve translated my post into Chinese, so that they can find the forum for updates on where their rocket has crash landed:🤯



    它可能会在任何地方崩溃。 35日漫长的时间,如果您想用Google搜索火箭。

    Zhōngguó rén zàicì fā píqì. Huǒjiàn shì zài shàng zhōu sì fāshè de, mùdì shì pàiqiǎn xiǎobīng hé bào bó lái jiànzào zhōngguó kōngjiānzhàn. Xiànzài, tā bìng méiyǒu xiàng fēijiàn nàyàng huí dào hǎiyáng zhōng de yùdìng wèizhì, ér shì bèi yùcè wéi bù shòu kòngzhì de chóng fǎn.


    Tā kěnéng huì zài rènhé dìfāng bēngkuì. 3 Yuè 5 rì màncháng de shíjiān, rúguǒ nín xiǎng yòng Google sōusuǒ huǒjiàn.

  2. 1 minute ago, Cuntybaws said:

    This is perhaps the second least surprising revelation ever to be posted on here.

    Results are manifesting as I post, it was a potent time - exact moment of the full moon 4.31 UK time, I was up with the larks.

    Love Prof B XXX


  3. On 18/04/2021 at 13:55, ChildeHarold said:

    Dinner Date. A feast of cuntdem coming to your TV sets every morning ITV2. Dessert: four or five strawberries with a dollop of cream. 

    I stumbled onto this pile of preening cunts in a desperate search to avoid Phil the Greek's funeral festival of misery gutting, cow towing, brown nosed arse lickers royally oiling the mainstream. There was a time when daytime TV presented shows that required mental engagement such as Murder She Wrote. The Streets of SF. The High Chaparral. Kojak. We disparaged them then.... look at us now! 

    It's the demographics of commercial advertising. I do believe it has the wholesale support of the "intelligence" services in both UK and USA who aim at snooping on the least intelligent population that can be manufactured by poor media, cultural deprivation, English language insularity, straightforward propaganda and populist nationalist politics that has its own superman comic book solution to every problem. 

    Look no further than some of the Dinner Dates on this site. 

    Have aliens operated on you? I know it does happen, they gave Uri Geller his powers, a spaceship landed in his childhood home or something of that nature.

  4. 23 hours ago, ProfB said:

    Everywhere I go, or look it's NOT letting you know how Line of Duty pans out.

    I don't ruddy care, never watched it. Some big bird, will cut someone cock off I predict

    If it's about the police, no wonder Philbo knows, he's on the corner too much. 

    Jesus creepers, I remember posting this now, I had made myself a lovely glass of 4 thieves vinegar - I updated the recipe (customised it if you like), it was a cure for the plague, some have asked - does it cure Covid19 ? I don't know, it might, it might not - one or the other.

    Anyway, it contains 25% cider vinegar  & 75% of a flavoured vod - passionate fruit worked nicely, but then I was seduced in Morrisons by the £4 reduction on the raspberry variant, got to admit - passionate fruit works better, either way - it blows your sox off.

    Love Prof B XXX

  5. 13 hours ago, Last Cunt Standing said:

    Word reaches me that the current subject of discourse in the British press is that of where people buy their furniture. I gather the current paramour of St Boris of Astra-Zeneca has decreed that only contemptible filth would furnish their pad with the sort of garbage you might find in John Lewis. Indeed there are untouchables currently gasping for oxygen under scraps of corrugated tin in the Mumbai slums who would no doubt shun a coffee table from their last catalogue. Quite what Carrie Antoinette, as she is now forever dubbed, thinks goes on in that big blue and yellow warehouse on the North Circular is perhaps not worth knowing. Anyway, without a drop of sarcasm, I think it entirely fitting and in no way Cuntish that the ruling class get to argue about how much gold wallpaper one might get away with as a tax right-off this year, while the rest of the plebs fret about whether they can justify a new winter coat.

    If ever there was a story which reveals in how much contempt the public are held by those wankers currently in charge, it’s this one. It’s almost Ceausescu level fuck-you-erry and in most parts of the world there would be a baying mob at the gates of number ten by nightfall. Instead, it’ll get the usual round of tutting and eye rolling. Alan Clarke once famously described someone as being “the sort of people who buy their own furniture”. I don’t think he was paying compliments. If you’ve seen the fucking state of the decor in question there’s even more spleen to be vented. Reminiscent of the Indus Restaurant, Doncaster, about 1990.

    Cunts for doing it, cunts for tolerating it, and cunts for nothing ever changing. 

    Fuck off etc. 

    I don't buy owt from John Lewis anymore, they are Cuntbreeds. I received an handwritten message telling me my local store was open - desperate much? They've got nowt in there, just beige kecks - I want hot pink kecks in tencel, oh yes. Or microfibre is nice. Or satin, so my butt, feels nice to the touch.

    To be honest, I'd rather go bollock naked then enter a JL store again.

    Love ProfB XXX

  6. On 22/01/2019 at 00:02, 'eavensabove said:

    What a sad bunch of cunts moon gazers are. All fucking day, they've been marvelling at their sight of the moon last night, which by all accounts "was shining in the sky," as so too were lamp-posts. "I went out, but it wasn't there" said some twat on tele, whilst folks sent in pictures of the poxy thing as if it was anything remotely worth looking at or making a fuss about. "you won't see it again for years!" piped some cunt in a bobble hat, shivering with cold and suffering from crooked neck & frostbite, "it was as beautiful as an orange" she added. Yeah, too fucking right, Jaffa Head.


    Shut your gob, I was spell casting & using the potent energies of the pink lunar for my spell work.

    Love Prof B XXX

  7. 1 hour ago, Eric Cuntman said:

    Boris Johnson is a stupid fucking inbred fucking cunt with too many chromosomes. He is unable to either comb his hair or dress himself and is a national embarrassment. He and his entire family should be exterminated in order to prevent future genetic aberrations from polluting the gene pool. 

    Anyone who voted for, or in any way admires this fucking spastic is also suspect.

    I forgot to clap. 

    • Like 1
  8. 2 minutes ago, Stubby Pecker said:

    Are you on some kind of drugs? If so, take the lot, wash down with bleach 

    Hide be hide a pair of knockers all you like, all you do is sup tea & munch on ginger nut biscuits.

    Of course you attack me, you protesth too much - small willy.

  9. 2 minutes ago, Stubby Pecker said:

    This is cunts corner not a forum for cry baby mongs like you. 

    Your cock and balls must be tiny

    Very, I am female as you well know, so why pretend you don't?

    Because your cock & balls are minuscule  - & don't work.

    You once sent me a picture - don't deny it, it;s on my 2007 white macbook.


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