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Posts posted by scotty

  1. You were advised to return under the radar in a few weeks. Yes, Judge can be an old woman, but you are being provocative about a subject for which your last ID was deleted by me. Goodbye for two weeks.

    Blimey, Jimmy isn't fucking about is he!! Hard as nails, good work son.
  2. I find it extraordinary just how many times my PC needs to install updates, and generally when I'm in a hurry to to use the thing. I hate Windows with a passion, but unfortunately there are still some things I have no choice but to use it for. It has just taken around 15 minutes to process over 31,000 update operations, which involved it restarting three times. I only used it last week for fucks sake! What the hell could have happened it that time that could necessitate such massive update activity?


    Have you visited any, ahem, dodgy websites lately dapps? Or opened any email attachments that might not have been entirely kosher? I'm pretty sure windows doesn't bombard you with quite that many updates at a time, (not that they aren't anything other than utter cunts.) Could be a virus or hacking attempt.

  3. I want to be left in the woods so scientists can study my decomposition and all the organisms that eat my remains

    An interesting notion, stubby. That exact idea was one my ex-wife was very keen on. At least, I'm sure she would have been.
    • Like 1
  4. There once a woman named Farage
    Whose cunt could swallow a barge,
    In passing one day,
    Husband Nigel did say,
    I fuckin hate foreigners, me.

    I can tolerate rudeness, insults and bad language. Standard fare for this site.

    But a limerick that doesn't scan or rhyme?? That's beyond the fucking pale.
  5. Fuck me, what a rant. Had to read it quickly as I wouldn't have got to the end due to the poor punctuation.
    One would hope that these lazy cunts would become sterile through all the red bull, special brew and junk food they consume thanks to the free handouts? Come on government, start a top secret genetic drugs in fast food program to kill these cunts- and put it in artichoke's too!

    In artichoke's what?
  6. Never seen it, thank fuck, but I can't believe there's anything out there more up its own arse than Noel Fielding's Luxury Comedy. Except, maybe, This Is Jinsy. Fucking bastard fucking cunting media student wankbag cunts!

    Language, Timothy...
  7. I hadn't realised that this utter shite had made the move to tv. It can't possibly be any less funny than it has been on radio for the last decade, but as I have no more intention of watching the cunt than I have of listening to him, I'm ill placed to judge.

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