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Posts posted by scotty

  1. Blimey... My Doctor's onto a winner simply by diagnosing himself, the demented old fool.
    I only have to pop me head in for a repeat prescription of Methadone, and he's trying to tit me-up and all sorts. Still, the fifty five quid will come in handy as 'shut-up' money, I suppose. After all, he's been buggering me for free with his "stethoscope" (his name for his dick) ever since he said I had prob's wiv me tonsils.

    My doctor suddenly shouted "Look, no hands!!" in the middle of my prostate examination. Is that normal?
  2. I look ruddy depressed? If you are, as I suspect, looking at my avatar and personifying it, then I'm not depressed, I'm smelling my finger. Why? Because I R Baboon.

    You might want to check that name on Sicki, dapps ;)

    And back on topic, coldplay are definitely boring cunts. Keane are no fucking better.
  3. Not sure what it is about this woman but I can see where your coming from on this one.

    I've had a long-running thing about her. Naturally, the stalker conviction and asbo haven't helped our relationship, but I'm persevering with it and I hope she will eventually see sense.
  4. This is only comedy television stuff, and I find the relentless, predictable abuse fairly amusing. What I'd like though is for the producers to take off the restaurant staffs gloves and let them dish it back to the faux-hardman. Its annoying the way they're forced to continually address the cunt as "chef" ramsey, like dogs begging for a biscuit.

  5. Don't worry too much Scotters, I drive a fast approaching 12 year old year old Peugeot 406. Old is good!

    Nothing wrong with that dapps, and at least we don't have to worry about where we park the fuckers. If I see a porsche in the multistorey carpark it usually seems to have been keyed; nobody's going to notice our old wrecks, let alone nick them.

    Sorry lass your PMT is driving you to the brink - you need some 'me' time & a cup of green tea. You might also find privately messaging 

    The real Alfie Noakes useful - he has guided me more than once, when I was at the brink. He's wise beyond his years.


    Pen claims to be post-menopausal, so PMT probably isn't the issue here.


    That will be £136.50 for my consultation fee, plus out of hours call-out.

  7. We need to support this young chap ,Scotty. Before things start going wrong for him.

    I seem to remember forking out a tenner to get the forum up and running again. What about another admin fund to get keith a proper prossie and bust his cherry? One who'd dress up in a plushie outfit? I reckon its the least we could do.
  8. Private Eye have had an ongoing vendetta against this cunt for several years now. And they are right. Take a look at his history, abusing a mentally ill constituent cannot be acceptable on any level. Bottom line: he's a cunt. Fuck off Mike, do the decent thing and kill yourself as painfully as you can.

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