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Posts posted by scotty

  1. There once a woman named Farage
    Whose cunt could swallow a barge,
    In passing one day,
    Husband Nigel did say,
    I fuckin hate foreigners, me.

    I can tolerate rudeness, insults and bad language. Standard fare for this site.

    But a limerick that doesn't scan or rhyme?? That's beyond the fucking pale.
  2. Fuck me, what a rant. Had to read it quickly as I wouldn't have got to the end due to the poor punctuation.
    One would hope that these lazy cunts would become sterile through all the red bull, special brew and junk food they consume thanks to the free handouts? Come on government, start a top secret genetic drugs in fast food program to kill these cunts- and put it in artichoke's too!

    In artichoke's what?
  3. Never seen it, thank fuck, but I can't believe there's anything out there more up its own arse than Noel Fielding's Luxury Comedy. Except, maybe, This Is Jinsy. Fucking bastard fucking cunting media student wankbag cunts!

    Language, Timothy...
  4. I hadn't realised that this utter shite had made the move to tv. It can't possibly be any less funny than it has been on radio for the last decade, but as I have no more intention of watching the cunt than I have of listening to him, I'm ill placed to judge.

  5. So you're a drug addict.
    Presumably you're happy lining the pockets of cunts who massively profit from such illegal peddling.
    Or are you a small time dealer ?
    The fact you're puddled on drugs accounts for the bizzare drivel you post on here.

    Does the fact that you drink make you an alcoholic then?
  6. And when they're together they doubtless shove a finger up each other's arse. Dirty cunts.

    You shameless cunt dapps, that sounds more like one of your fantasies than a critique. You'll be doing a keith next, and asking frank to suck your membrum virile.
    • Like 1
  7. What is truly pathetic is that the same cunts who buy these energy wasters, buy those shitty, cheap led bulbs.

    Led bulbs are shitty alright, but the cunts aren't cheap. I'd rather go back to good old filament bulbs, ten bob a dozen, and pay the paltry extra few pence they cost to run.
    • Like 1
  8. It's a well-known fact that homosexualists can't handle their beer as well as straights.

    However, they compensate for this with the uncanny ability to keep down several gallons of assorted warm spunk.

    Marc Almond had to have several pints of baby gravy pumped out of his stomach, according to folklore. How true that is I don't know, and tbh I wouldn't want to get close enough to ask him.
  9. Shuge Knight is a bad man. A real 'street nigga' as they say. He has always been a major crime figure in LA. He was/is involved in every kind of wrongdoing there is. He has spent a large amount of time in prison and be will be welcomed back. Legend has that he extorted large amounts of money plus royalty rights from Vanilla Ice and various other rappers and producers. He was heavily involved with the shooting of Tupac and Biggie. No matter how much money he made, he couldnt stop being a violent criminal thug. Be glad you dont know the cunt.

    The voice of reason. These cunts really are best avoided, even on the smaller local scale. There's a few of them around Southampton I wouldn't want to even converse with.
  10. Certainly not. And believe it or not, I'm not an out and out homophobe either. It just seems to me that for a minority group they have one of the loudest voices, and a lot of influence.............And I don't want to get bummed if I happen to drink myself into oblivion and some bricklayer in a dress convinces me he's Miranda Hart.

    If my only female option was miranda hart, I'd fucking well turn gay.

  11. ruth.JPG

    Ruth Hunt, the anodyne head of gay rights group Stonewall, has just popped up as a talking head on Sky “News” all tricked out in a suit just like a real boy. Fair enough – nothing wrong with the dynamic businesswoman lesbian-about-town look, if that's your thing. However, lest we forget, here is a picture of her at last year's Black Pride rally in London, sporting the more traditional accoutrements of the fat lezzer.


    Still need convincing? She's a practising Catholic; and she's Welsh!

    Can some cunt who's up with photoshop please add a jet of spunk shooting out the microphone and onto her t shirt? Plus a pair of bollocks at the other end, if its not too much trouble. Thanks in advance.
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