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Posts posted by Jiggerycock

  1. I'm not saying Morocco is on my list of places to go, but we should all respect other countries laws. Just because we think we're enlightened and liberal in the UK, it doesn't mean that we can inflict our values on sovereign nations that don't share them. Indeed, internationally we're seen as a soft touch. However, If I'd been Mr Cole I would have researched tolerance in the place I was holidaying.

    How dare you!!

    Labour wins the next election and Michael Cashman is going to bestride the globe like a Colossus, promoting homosexual tolerance to all nations and faiths, according to Ed Milliband.

    That'll learn 'em.

    Cashman skids into town on an oil-slick of Man-Glide, waving an array of Butt plugs around the gaff.
  2. Voting? Fuck voting, I've been spoiling my ballot since 2001. If every cunt did this then the fuckers would have a hung parlament and would have to have another election. Again and again untill the corrupt fuckers realise no ones voting for them and they will have to start fielding some alternative candidates.

    ....and the likelihood of this?

    About the same as Victoria's Secret opening up a branch in Islamic State.

    Ooooh but if it gives you a bit of rebellious chic and sense of nihilistic outlaw danger then go ahead - and watch the political classes laugh their way right back into power.
  3. Too fucking right it would, as to why my bags are already packed.
    No cunt likes any cunt on here except for the cunts that like cunts. "Cunts Behaving Badly" was a cunt.

    Life, is but a Cunt, and it would be cunt without a cunt.

    Blimey - a bit existential for a Wednesday afternoon!

    Think you missed a trick by leaving a 'pick the bones out of that!' exeunt but you'll get no argument from me on the basic premise of your posting
  4. We had our chance with proportional representation , but blew it, so democracy is effectively wielded by voters in about 50 marginal constituencies. This whole 'not voting' notion is dumb beyond belief. It's apathetic non-voters that makes these cunts thinks they can get away with whatever stunts they want to pull, safe in the knowledge that as long as there's cheap beer and overtime and the X-Factor, well the apathetic masses will roll over and have their tummies tickled when it comes to protecting basic freedoms.


    The answer?


    Get informed. get clued up? get behind libertarian Tories like David Davies who recognise the counter-productiveness and danger behind what cretins like Theresa May are advocating. Oh and also be prepared to stand up for the rights of people like Anjam Choudry to spout their shite. Get to know your enemy and what makes him tick - and then debate the cunt into the ground.


    It's ideas that win, not gagging orders!

  5. They really do come up with the most crass ideas.


    Monday sees Iain Duncan-Smith crapping on about benefits cards that can't be used for fags, booze and gambling, without realising these things will become a new currency in the criminal underclass and the IT systems needed to operate such a project are pure filth when it comes to this and the previous governments track record.


    Yesterday it's May and her weird clothes, cantering around the gaff whinnying on to anyone who'll listen trying to define 'extremism' - which basically came out as being anyone who doesn't agree with the Daily Mail. Okay, an exaggeration but as an exercise in nailing jelly to a wall, this took the biscuit. Okay our Muslim brothers were up in arms about the implications of what she's suggesting, but if you were a 'fire and brimstone, Old Testament, eye-for-an-eye' Christian I'd keep an watch on how this one develops. Ditto if you are a republican, active Trade Unionist or David Icke

  6. Had a battalion of these miniature Krakatoa's afflict me on holiday this year.


    You can tell their parents are 'Yummy Mummies' forever prattling on about 'me time' and Daddies alternatively fucking their secretaries and then the Third World on the Stock Exchange to get close to their kids except for the two weeks they have to forego the au pair, and actually try and integrate with these dwarf noise merchant strangers.


    They haven't got a clue and so Adam, Piers, Toby and Jocasta are left to run riot like a Panzer Tank division through Poland, whilst the Parents (as we'll call them for handy reference purposes) deal with the horror by getting smashed at the bar.

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  7. Ditto!


    I open up the OP in the expectation it's a rib-tickling exposition of Putin holding the west to ransom over energy supplies, only to be met by 'the Man With The Golden Guff' whittering on.


    Take some Charcoal Tablets and next time, think of the Ozone layer

  8. That's really unfair.


    I think they look great in their smoking jackets and cravats, with their 'Leslie-Philiips-in-a-Jacuzzi-of-champagne-with-a-bevvy of-beauties' demeanour.


    Hang on.....



    'Urbane Foxes'?



  9. Yes I accept that, by definition, belief in a religion...a godhead....a spiritual 'other' implies belief (my words) brainwashing (yours).  Unless you go down the Anarchist route of 'any man who put his hand on me in government is my enemy' (and for man, also read 'religious belief system') then this is the reality of religious belief.


    I suppose my point is where that belief leads us. For me I see it giving the vast majority succour and comfort and is a starting point for their 'goodness' (Christ what a word!), though I accept you don't have to be a believer to be a good person. Yes there's the 'God Hates Fags' and ISIS crews but  fuck them eh?


    Anyway, I run the risk of coming off like a tub-thumping Bible-basher which I'm not. I just don't like atheists repeatedly ganging up on the vast majority of believers who have nothing to do with extremism, hatred and have no wish to be put on the spot to 'prove' their God exists, when belief by its definition, is the antithesis to provable fact

  10. Can't use fucking cunting quotes as per bloody usual so this is back at Bawsy for his penultimate posting:


    That's sort of my point.


    There's all these things that organised religion is supposed to be about, but the day-to-day reality is, in my personal experience stuff like coffee mornings in support of Oxfam, bellringing meetings, church youth groups / sunday schools.


    And before you dismiss this as laughably twee, it may well be - but these are scenarios played out up and down the land day in, day out - but of course, Jihadist beheadings and nonce priests garner so much more publicity, don't they?

  11. There is no empirical evidence of a God - thus the employment of the word 'faith'.


    I have lived in my house for over 15 years during which time no religious group has 'come to my door' to 'convert' me.


    During that period however, I have seen hundreds of bolshie postings from atheists along the lines of the OP here, demanding 'proof' of a God, belittling those who have faith, sneering and mocking them for their stupidity and, worse still, for their acquiescence and responsibility to / for Paedophile priests / Muslim beheadings / wars, sum sodomy and the lash.


    Just who has the closed minds here?


    Just who are the proseletyzers and zealots?


    Just who is attempting to deny someone suffering and troubled some small sliver of comfort and hope?


    Contrary to what might be portrayed, I'm not religious or have faith. I'm also not a vegetarian but am happy to let those who are get on with their lives and respect their lifestyle choices.


    I certainly suspect that if my child had terminal cancer (as a for example), that I would get down on my knees and pray and would not care a toss what anyone else thought or said about me.


    Doubtless though, there are many big-bollocked 'don't give a hang' tough guys who would refuse to do that, given the absolute certainty of their atheistic convictions

  12. As if 'empirical evidence' is all that counts.


    Sorry Jazz, but my next door neighbour is a devout Christian, quiet, modest, and the very antithesis of a preachy zealot. He is a 'good-doer' as opposed to a 'do-gooder' (you get my meaning) and whilst I accept you don't need to be a believer to be / do good, he represents (IMO) the vast majority of  all 'people of faith' - certainly more than ISIS / IRA / UFF and the like, who try to legitimise their violence behind the fig leaf of religion and grab all the (shit) PR for their 'religions'.


    As such I can't accept this isn't most peoples day-to-day interaction with religion and therefore, how can these people possibly be characterised as the root of all evil?

  13. Whenever religion gets an airing on any social media, it's generally the atheistically inclined shiteing on about 'no proof of God....the Bible / Qu'aran / Talmud is all balls....religion the cause of all wars.....mind-control and indoctrination of kids' often in intemperate terms, often running to several (or eightal) paragraphs. It's very rare in my experience for a hardcore believer of whatever faith to come in, demanding all believe their one true way - those nutters are more likely to be found shouting to the pigeons outside Greggs in your local shopping precinct, where they can, quite rightly, be laughed at and ignored.


    My first point being - just who are the proseletysing bigots here?


    Secondly, reading the above posts it would appear that most folks' experience of religion is hearing nutters like Paisley / Abu Hamza / The Pope and extrapolating that to the belief that this is a representation of all religions, in a mental leap that beggars belief


    Really?? Is that your day-to-day exposure to religion? Wow!


    Your kid doesn't go to a religious-endowed school or has been treated in a religious-endowed hospital? You've never seen / supported the religious based charities such as Christian Aid? You don't know someone who isn't a gobby fundamentalist, but whose faith is a quiet source of strength to them?


    Clearly there are religious extremists in the World causing death and mayhem in their pursuit of, well, we're not quite sure since we don't really talk to them, just demonise them. But for a group whose members have the most finely tuned bullshit detectors and levels of cynicism at the healthiest and most robust of levels, some CC'ers really do think these minority cunts represent a huge body of religious thought.

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