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entitled little cunt

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Everything posted by entitled little cunt

  1. The parade ground will be fucking hilarious. "Now then , now then what's your name you 'orrible little man , a right regular little lord Fontleroy ain't ya " "Sir , my pronouns are her , them or Bunty squeezy bum"
  2. I'll film it , I dont like to get my hands dirty , I'm more a lover than a fighter but I can make a film noir of the debacle with depth and character .A Powell and pressburger-esq adaptation of the Towering inferno , unfortunately they'll have to be some victims to give it gravitas so chuck 'em off.
  3. Mount German 88's on the white cliffs of Dover , a few shells lobbed from those babies can be rather persuasive.
  4. Mount German 88's on the white cliffs of Dover , a few shells lobbed from those babies can be rather persuasive.
  5. Yeah,but you're the one who's a danger to the community apparently .They'll hound you from lands end to john o'groats , defile your character then bang you up .Those in flip flops keeping their long suffering partners in sexual servitude and virtual house arrest can do what the fuck they like .Vote Labour. GET Stammer ,Abbott, lammy, and Chakrabati .
  6. They're always singing and having fun, bless them .Absolutely harmless. They're so inclusive as well. I'm actually going to make a sandwich board that says "lgbgt mgbgt +qt xyz all welcome here" and offer it to them to stand outside their wedding cake building.
  7. He's dead .St.Albans market , there's a bloke sells them there for about 4 quid a pop.
  8. It would be so much better to feel you're breath upon it just before you enter me .Idiot .
  9. A definite prostate examination would be needed.
  10. The one in Wales is doing very well, not.
  11. Unfunny , boring and a stupid fucking wanker .At last you have inverted your gaze and realised It's not everyone else ,it's actually you .I've not read one opinion or one post of yours that was worth the light on my retina .Those other two mongs in your gang are even fucking worse .
  12. Isn't he just .Could you imagine having to spend time in his company? .Fuck me , he must be sponsored by Dignitas to drum up business.
  13. Dear oh dear .fiiiighttttt you .What a display of adolescent macho bollox .Anyway he seems to have warmed towards you Harold .What the fuck happened to younger people ?.
  14. Hunchbacked ? Where did that come from fatboy?
  15. I think he does , fat bloke who thinks it's all muscle .
  16. They're all cunts .Only happy when they're mugging. They should all go and live in Tower Hamlets .Water , electric, gas ,mortgages , insurance , vets , dentists All fucking robbing cunts .I hope they all fucking get rabies .
  17. They're not expensive cars 10 to 14k gets you something immaculate .When i was a kid they were 2 a penny , almost .You dont have to be Elon Musk to own one you complete imbecile. Now go and make a hot chocolate.
  18. What's up with you fat boy , throwing your weight around again.That was in response to a particular person. We were talking about old Triumphs .Now go away you silly little boy .
  19. Who are you sherlock fucking Holmes ? Fucking idiot .
  20. I bet that kicked up a right stink .
  21. What's rule 4? .Lets face you swiveling little grass , you've tried 1, 2 and 3 to no avail.
  22. It was a miracle the cunts got away with it for decades .That fucking cult has got a lot to answer for .Fucking freaks .2024 and cunts still believe. They interviewed some daft twat in Palastine who explained she was busy praying in the wedding cake church what ever they're called and an Israeli missile blew the fuck out the place. You would have thought that any intelligent person would think "oh well , maybe it's all bollox" oh no , not her .She thanked her god she survived .Fucks sake , the cunt can't do any wrong .
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