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Mrs Roops

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Posts posted by Mrs Roops

  1. 2 hours ago, The Beast said:

    And therein lies the problem. We have reduced public health to a dataset. The narrative is safe and effective, anything else is conspiracy and is not listened to let alone thoroughly investigated.

    I know you are not sorry, because if you were you would have had the decency to send me a PM.

    Ah yes, the dreaded datasets, hated by some conspiracy theorists as they look at the greater picture. That is not to say individuals do not have an agonising story to share but IMO the Mark Steyn approach of cherry-picking, ambulance chasing and drawing baseless conclusions from same is simply evil and wholly irresponsible when one considers that nearly a year ago some 142 million doses of an allegedly "untried, untested and experimental" vaccine have been administered in the UK alone.

    As for you last sentence, this has galvanised me into thinking about my relationship with The Corner (amongst other things) something I've been minded about for a few months. Here's a clue.


  2. 4 minutes ago, Old Chap Raasclaat said:

    Good morning Mrs Roops, thanks for proving my point. Lol. 

    Anyways, I'm decorating my flat today, got the Tele on in the background and I've got to say that older bird Gaby Roslin is a bit tasty. 58 years old, great body and would appreciate a young stallion like me. 

    Yeah, a straw-man assertion followed by deflections doesn't really help you :rolleyes:

  3. 14 hours ago, The Beast said:

    The data doesn’t say , so it ain’t happening… keep sticking to the safe and effective narrative, we must because we put the entire farm on it.

    Meanwhile, in the real World, away from the black and white spreadsheet, people are experiencing different outcomes.

    I know death happens, I have seen many tragedies in my 30 years of clinical practice. As well, as my Son’s injury from these injections, my 50 year old neighbour’s fatal collapse whilst jogging due to pulmonary embolism last August, he was not on regular medications, fit and well, running two to three times a week for years, I can now add my 51 year old brother-in-law, no regular medications normotensive and a regular runner who collapsed and died today. 

    You make me want to vomit.


    Whilst I'm sorry to read of your son's injuries and the passing away of the next door neighbour and your brother-in-law I would contend that in the real world public health decisions are made on the findings of assimilated data and not by personal anecdotes and guesswork. You're gonna need a larger sick bag.

  4. 23 hours ago, Old Chap Raasclaat said:

    ...You really are fucking unbearable. Lol


    15 hours ago, Old Chap Raasclaat said:

    There's no need for personal attacks Mrs Roops,...I've always been courteous and respectful to you...

    More double standards...and you can whistle Dixie on the last word accusation, usually espoused by last word merchants who can't provide a valid argument. 

  5. 4 hours ago, Old Chap Raasclaat said:

    I thought older birds like yourself would be grateful young stallions like myself take an interest. 

    Young stallion? Get away, you write like any other middle-aged Corner fart with an expired yet unopened blister pack of blue pills in his back pocket.

    4 hours ago, Old Chap Raasclaat said:

    Well that's rich coming from an 'I'm never wrong, won't admit when I'm wrong' woman who has written a recent nomination stoking up all the anti/pro vaccination debate we all thought was thankfully over. You really are fucking unbearable. Lol

    Colour me incredulous but isn't your own POV equally intractable? Sounds like double standards to me.

    Anyway what "anti/pro vaccination debate" nomination are you referring to? Blithering idiot.

  6. 50 minutes ago, Old Chap Raasclaat said:

    I was seeing this older bird a year or so ago and she said the Astra Zeneca 'vaccine' made her periods severe. When you factor in the heart attacks and other injuries caused by these 'vaccines' (for a virus with flu like symptoms) why the hell do you defend them so much? Why are there so many adverse side effects to these 'vaccines' that have had no long term testing? It was clear that if you scare the sheep enough they'll accept any old shit via a needle, and as for the 'I got 'vaccinated' because I wanted to go on holiday' cunts, I want them all dead. We all know you have shares in Pfizer, but why are you still promoting these 'vaccines' when the whole embarrassing 'pandemic' is over? I suspect you loved the excitement of it all, and miss talking about your vaccine plans over your Prosecco lunches with Saskia and Gertrude. Lol.

    We've covered the non-story about periods before...

    On 03/08/2022 at 10:28, Mrs Roops said:

    Unsurprisingly you provide neither a corroborative link nor context. The lack of link may have something to do with you gleaning the story from the New York Times which two hours previously you denounced as a comic. So which is it, Billy - a factually based daily newspaper of repute or a comic? You seem to change the narrative by the minute depending on what ever risible rubbish you wish to promulgate.

    As for the context you omit to mention that the university researchers had invited anyone between 18-80 (yes, up to 80 years old, women who were beyond the menopause as well as people who identified as women) who had a covid/menses story to tell and therefore were more likely to participate. This means that there was no control group for the researchers to draw any meaningful and certainly not any scientific conclusions. They did conclude that any effects dissipated within a couple months.

    As an aside I believe this is the report the news article refers to though I am not 100% sure. I mention this as the survey included Novavax which as I recall is the official King Billy recommended vaccine for reasons that include "not funded by Bill Gates" (incorrect by $473 million) and that the technology uses a more "traditional" method of delivery. Jeeze, one couldn't make this up...oh wait, you just did.

    Covid-19 Vaccines Temporarily Affected Periods, Study Shows - The New York Times (nytimes.com)

    Define "so many".

    Why are you revisiting baseless anti-vax stories? You need to step out of your lonely echo chamber. Seeing an older bird indeed...:rolleyes:

  7. 12 hours ago, King Billy said:

    Do you mean impoverished ‘third world’ countries such as Switzerland perhaps?

    That would certainly explain Switzerlands previously unreported lack of a ‘robust health delivery system’, and as if that wasn’t enough of a surprise for the broken clock brigade, the revelation that they apparently also have problems with ‘storage and distribution’.

    That explains perfectly then why Switzerland is now only authorising any ‘totally safe and totally effective’ Covid19 vaccine if the doctor deems it necessary in individual cases 🤔 and then with the caveat that the doctor then bears liability for any damage that the vaccine causes to the patient

    But what do I know Mrs Big Brain? I should have realised all along that storage and distribution were the real problem. 
    You really should have stayed dead because it’s not going to be as much fun killing you again.

    No need to become hysterical, Muggsy. Your facetious and disingenuous rant is making you look unhinged.

    In fact the Swiss govt have halted national vaccination roll-outs on the basis that "nearly everyone" in Switzerland has been vaccinated and/or contracted and recovered from Covid-19. The Swiss are assuming there is now herd immunity, the virus will likely circulate less and in any case, recent variants have produced milder outcomes.

    Swiss Govt Document

    As I intimated previously, one day you'll eventually get something right, just not this time...


  8. 8 hours ago, King Billy said:

    Lots of everyday essentials are in short supply recently, not just eggs. Oh yes here’s one that springs to mind.

    Astra Zeneca… the best experimental ‘unsafe and ineffective’ so called vaccine in the world (if you can still find it anywhere). Probably. 🤣💉👋

    The AZ vaccine is still administered in countries which have a less robust health delivery system where storage and distribution is more problematic. Never mind Muggsy, one day you'll get something right even if only on the broken clock principle.

  9. 10 hours ago, King Billy said:

    Ive missed you baby. You’ve been away so long and I have a confession to make to you. I thought you were dead and I think I almost cried (but I’m not certain) remembering the times you told me about all the Covid shots and boosters you’d been so brave and proud to volunteer as a Guinea Pig for. You were my hero. But I have to confess that I’ve being seeing someone else, and I won’t lie to you and deny that your successor has taken advantage of my grief and talked me into what I’ve since learned is referred to as anal sex. Anyway Babe, don’t blame yourself. It’s not your fault, it’s mine. Toodlepip Hun.

    Setting aside your manchild masturbatory fantasies I imagine your grieving is due to the realisation that your go-to "reliable" news source has shafted you good and proper. You are the reason why there is a national egg shortage.

  10. 11 hours ago, King Billy said:

    Eric I can only apologise for the gimps latest outburst. Tbh I hadn’t even noticed that she’d escaped from her box again. I’ve now realised that it was a huge error on my part when I rescued her from the Astra Zeneca centre for crippled Covid 19 vaccine addicts. Against my better instincts and common sense I let my compassionate heart overrule my head and thought a couple of months in the box at home was at least worth a try, as she was on the list for being put down later that day. As soon as I’ve recaptured her I’ll be rectifying that error of judgment.


    11 hours ago, King Billy said:

    Ape it’s taken her a couple of months to come up with this nom, which at best makes most of Pens efforts look quite interesting. I genuinely feel sorry for her because at one time she briefly appeared to have a slight trace of potential. 
    On a positive note though, All Franks comebacks have  got something solid to stand on now.


    11 hours ago, King Billy said:

    Mrs Scoop ace reporter.

    That's all fine and dandy but not unexpectantly you've proven the point of the nom's headline. Stay warm!

  11. Whilst the world’s attention is focused on the travails of a former narcissistic US president spinning the notion that being held accountable for past criminality is in fact an attack on democracy and the American way of life, another story has been unfurling on the side lines involving the promulgation of misinformation in the pursuit of ratings and revenue.

    Remember folks, you heard it here first on the 21st October 2021


    Fox News and OAN who only spew nonsense because it provides the broadcaster a stream of income.

    My conspiracy theory, unlike most of the tin-foil nonsense one sees at The Corner, was based on sound critical judgement in that Rupert Murdoch and his analysts are not idiots and would have realised that there was no possibility of wide-scale electoral fraud and that deluded MAGA morons were being riled up by a poor loser and his bat-shit crazy acolytes courtesy of Fox News et al.

    Matters have now come to a head in the libel case of Dominion Voting Systems v Fox News and others as the legal discovery stage has revealed from disclosed documents that Murdoch, his executives and key Fox broadcasters, eg Tucker Carlson & Sean Hannity were well aware that there was no electoral fraud or “stolen election” and that Trump & Co were obviously unhinged nutjobs. Nevertheless it was agreed by Fox management and the editorial staff that they would broadcast the MAGA lies and present them as fact for no other reason than to protect the ratings and revenue streams.

    To those punters who regurgitated “news” from Fox, OANN, Newsmax etc, well, sorry guys, you were mugged and then some...

  12. @Sue R Pipe, your nonsense story was made to infer that your account suspension, which coincidently occurred at the same time of allegedly being without a non-filtered internet service made no difference to you, notwithstanding that your cell 'phone service provider has no such restriction. Have another week off.

  13. 14 hours ago, King Billy said:

    Leaving Drew’s indiscretions aside though Raas, it’s glorious to see that insufferable windbag (The Vulcan) reduced to skulking in the shadows and briefly but thankfully rarely showing herself to dispense a mild spanking to the occasional  rule breaker, and then pathetically slithering off back to her ‘safe space’ under some slimy rock. Oh how the mighty has fallen.


    Still mighty but not fallen. I'm merely taking a short sabbatical from dealing with your delusional idiocy. Lately you've been doing stellar work in making yourself look unhinged and need no help from me.

  14. 12 hours ago, Sue R Pipe said:

    You're angry I can tell, what's the matter? I'll wager you're still bitter about your father fucking off down the drainpipe after firing his darkie muck up your hoochie mamma's snatch, never to be seen again.

    Proper Lol. 

    @Sue R Pipe, LCS was not wrong in predicting your trip to the cooler. Take time to familiarise yourself with the site rules. I would also suggest that on your return you try an alternative approach to your posts that doesn't involve stomping around The Corner mouthing off tired and clichéd insults.

    • Like 3
  15. 17 hours ago, Oldmenscumbags said:

    Is this one of the corners of the internet that sad old misogynistic men come to wank each other off because society has rejected them? You don't even like each other, you're all beyond pathetic. Coming from a middle aged man who would happily see your brain stem under my boot. Not a lefty liberal, just find your incel behaviour unbecoming. I have never been more assured in life I am better than a group of people. But you lot are walking advertisements for abortion. Go kill yourselves and your family line just to be sure, if any woman was stupid enough to winningly let you pro create, otherwise euthanise your rape babies. 

    Well that's an own goal. Your language is typical of a downtrodden beta-male who's belatedly realised life has passed him by and there is little he can do about. Projecting one's disappointments on to others aside, welcome to the boards.

  16. 20 hours ago, cunt said:

    Mrs Roops was pointlessly joining in with the general frivolity of the boyos, all the same, it was astonishing that she'd want to be associated with such a bunch of childish, name-calling, degenerate reprobates.

    Maybe she'd had too much to drink?🍹🍷🍹🍷

    As I recall you misappropriated a punter's avatar. Despite me removing the stolen pic you nonetheless restored the image to your profile whereupon I replaced it after doing a picture search applying the word "shithead" in the search parameters.

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  17. 16 hours ago, King Billy said:

    The concept of choosing never to closely associate with known kidfuckers is something which would appear to be ‘somewhat alien’ to Billyboy Gates (who you keep defending, for reasons known only to yourself) so maybe I should just be thankful that I’m simply far too stupid to understand the complexities of the everyday lives of the paedo super rich elites. And also too poor now that I’ve apparently blown the lot on dental implants...

    Not defending the person per se, merely countering the nonsensical output of an obsession which at times borders on the psychotic.

    16 hours ago, King Billy said:

    ...Which still leaves the original point unanswered. Coincidence or Peter Crouch/Abbey Clancy level stroke of luck investing in BioNTech in Sept 2019?

    The answer is of course is neither which I am happy to expand on once you have cleared the backlog of questions which you have persistently avoided.

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