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Mrs Roops

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Posts posted by Mrs Roops

  1. Roops, have a thought for Dex's sister, cousin and aunties. How is that cunt going to fill this void in his day if he is banned from CuntsCorner. I predict a North Norfolk population explosion in approximately 9 months time. Oh well, they might be good in the UK Olympic swim team.

    The welfare of all punters and their families is a priority for me and is at the core of my womanly warmth. Dunna fret pet, cos Dex isn't actually banned - but why he persists with his Hector Salamanca impersonation is something beyond me.

  2. Curious, I've not seen that before.

    Update, I've just successfully given a Deebom post a like.


    I've also removed it again.


    Well, there's nothing untoward in neither the Mod nor the Admin Control Panels for either you or Deebon. I have noticed that the servers have been out of synch with each other for the past few days but fixing that is beyond my pay grade.  I think that if you keep on trying it will register.

  3. Fellow Cunts

    A  grave miscarriage of justice has been perpetrated against a fellow member and this must not be allowed to continue.

    Brother Decimus has (again) spoken out for the downtrodden masses of Cunts and been severely punished by the evil Nurse Ratchet and  her evil cohorts in the Ministry of Righteous Cunts. He has been accused of sedition against the cuntstate and annoying the Nurse by questioning her decisions, which in a free and fair cunt state should be a right not a privilege exercised solely by the Cunt elite.

    I call for all members to join a protest against this outrageous and perverted decision and restore Brother Decimus to liberty and freedom. Remember today it is Cunt Decimus, tomorrow it could be you, only together are we strong and only together can this sort of thing be challenged.

    Down with this faschist cunt state and down with Nurse Rachet and her henchmen.....stand tall, be strong and be counted my dim brothers.

    Down with this sort of thing.


    Dave Spart lives!

    Trouble is, if we all got banned for cunting the modmins, they'd all be sat round a table listening to the drumming of their fingers and we wouldn't have a corner where we can cunt cunts. I don't know how many members there are now but it doesn't seem like a lot. Can't we just get back to cunting cunts and having a laugh. I don't doubt for one minute that Dec will be back soon.

    Ok, The Gobbler raises an interesting point about "not being a lot of members". The site took a massive hit (in terms of punter count) when the Main Posting Board was taken down and migrated to the Forum format. Part of that was to close down the "Bitchfesting" board within the forum (which then was The Corner's little brother site and seemed to have a different type of punter) and new rules had to be applied by the previous owner immediately after the migration and also after the demise of  competitor "bitch 'n' moan" sites that were closed due to the threat of and actual libel action. We have a number of brave warriors here who think they can say what they like knowing they don't have to fund the costs if it all goes awry.

    Whilst we still seem to attract new punters they generally leave after making one or two posts. Its my belief that this mostly caused by the frosty welcome afforded by a small clique who quite simply are not prepared to give new punters a chance. Its an attitude I've seen before on the Main Posting Board. When I was asked to be a mod on the Main Posting Board it was at a time when the post count had gone down from 100 post per day to 10-20/per day. This was mainly down to one cretin called "Kreed Kafer". Despite all his bleating about free speech he was neutralised and we got the post count up to 250/day peaking at just short of 800 post during one busy week. The same is happening here again to some extent and the picking on new punters has got to stop otherwise the site will slowly be strangled to death by a small band of self-serving idiots.

    Now, if you think the site's current strategy is wrong or want to ask questions then by all means do so, but do it sensibly. We have never banned punters for criticism but Mods do not and will not take personal abuse and guerrilla warfare will not work. It is what it is but some divas are a bit too highly strung.

  4. .

    Don't worry, I'll drop this before you feel the need to turn on some other hidden site feature worthy of mumsnet. At least I'll drop it until next time you feel the need to throw your weight about against established members because they are far wittier than you.


    Thank Christ for that, your razor-like repartee was beginning to overwhelm me.....

  5. Even Saudi princes would be shocked and appalled at the draconian stifling of dissenting voices by the ruling elite.

    Decimus has probably been hauled off to some underground complex where Roops and Rick are electro-shocking his nipples and sticking hot pokers up his arsehole.


    It's worse than that, whilst not banned, his posts are pended in a Q system pending approval by the CC Moderation Service.

  6. Dear oh dear. Just as you choose to believe that I am as egotistically as invested in this site as you are, I absolutely refuse to believe that anyone with even a modicum of a sense of humour would offer you the chance to run this site. You're devoid of any semblance of humour and are clearly ill-suited as a moderator of our content. It's not just me who thinks this, so instead of embarrassing yourself and moderating a type of humour you clearly can't ever begin to comprehend, why don't you just fall on your figurative sword and fuck off to mumsnet? Or you could just fall back onto your safety net of banning me or anyone else that has the audacity to not kiss your arse.

    Ok.......you were warned.....

  7. Oh dear. I seem to remember that during the last exchange we shared, I made you look a bit silly. Your little theory regarding my sabbatical was absolutely refuted and it was comprehensively shown that you had misinterpreted everything that I had said. You didn't reply at the time, and no doubt you will haughtily claim that it was because it was beneath you. Personally, I think that the reason you didn't reply is solely because you pick your battles carefully. You sing a song about bullying, but you lord it over us supposed lesser mortals like this is your own personal feudal fiefdom. Why are you even here? It's not because you endorse the original reason that this website was set up. Your humourless censorship of supposed "bullying" reflects that. One can only assume that it's an inferiority complex, and that you need to be in control in a virtual environment, because in real life, you are a sad, irrelevant, powerless and ignored individual.

    I agree, my "little theory regarding [your] sabbatical was absolutely refuted", though only by you and in the spurious and convoluted style that you are famed for. Your disingenuous bullshit doesn't wash with me. As for "control" I passed up several private invitations to wholly own the site, however since the change of ownership I have taken a back seat but will intervene where necessary. I think the "control" issue lies with you and a few others as you clearly want to mould the site away from its original purpose.

    You have been asked to drop your ego-driven stance and move on. Now for the last time and to avoid you having another embarrassing melt-down I suggest you do that. I am not talking suspension but sedation. The ball is your court.

  8. One can only assume that a +5 fisting would loosen you up a bit, both figuratively and literally.

    Gosh, pass the Sudocrem - I just got burned. Actually don't, maybe you should apply the soothing ointment to yourself as you are clearly still smarting and red raw from having your bottom smacked previously. There is nothing more unedifying than a supposedly intelligent guy behaving like a petulant schoolboy. I don't want to facilitate your promise to go on an "extended sabbatical" so I suggest you move on and stick to using the Corner for what it was designed for.....

  9. Ordinarily I don't waste time responding to risible barrack-room lawyer rubbish, but, low-hanging fruit and the need to sit down for 30 minutes with a hot water bottle across my tummy 'cos the Feminax just doesn't cut it............

    I never once said that the reason I wasn't going to post was because of your silly, draconian moderating. And I also never specified a time frame. It was due to purely personal reasons. And as for the hazing of newbies, witheredscrote, a newbie himself, endorsed the approach. So before posting, perhaps consider what you actually know as fact instead of jumping to conclusions. You're completely out of touch with what the majority of the members want from this site. How about asking them, instead of imposing your namby pamby, wishy washy opinions on everyone else? You're like a mobile phone provider, focusing on non existing new customers, and ignoring what your existing ones want. Of course, even though my proposition is entirely reasonable, your history of obstinacy, just for the sake of maintaining an "iron lady" virtual persona, will ensure we will just get the usual menstrual response. 

    What you said was that you were taking an "extended sabbatical" 'cos "the site has been lacking since [frank] last left". Now all of a sudden you say it was for "purely personal reasons". At the same time Bill flounced off to "pursue other activities". Yeah, right. So were you two hoping that the site would be overwhelmed with "Come back Decimus & Bill" posts? It didn't happen. I suspect we've had more posts lamenting the demise of Brony rather than two up-own-their-arse divas.

    As for jumping to conclusions, I read through the list of new punters who take the trouble to register and then make an innocuous first and second post (as they do) only to be jumped on by a small group of selfish gits who assume they have a right to do as they please. Contrary to what you say, the systematic hazing of newbies is a comparatively recent phenomenon and is now harming the site.


    I'm not sure you'll find an over reaction from me, especially not such a flagrant over-use of capitalisation.

    I wrote Roops a very nice little poem, and then took a few days off to pursue other activities.

    Roops didn't like the poem, but art is subjective.

    It seems everyone else is over reacting because certain members took a couple of days off?

    The defining moment for me was not the poem but your assertion that my figurative use of "falling on your sword" was "illogical" 'cos "to fall on my sword I'd need to even more viciously attack new members rather than leave". Yes you really did say that but you were in full-on "Je suis une proper Charlie" mode.......

  10. .......You really need a hobby to get yourself away from here for longer than ten minutes between login's..........

    OTOH, I didn't realise that "I'm off for an extended sabbatical" meant "back in five minutes". So while the self-appointed welcoming committee have suddenly appeared on a mutual dick-waving exercise the reality is that it is now nothing more than a wank-circle. It was made clear that their behaviour to newbies will no longer be tolerated. Two of them found that out yesterday.

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