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Posts posted by Rick_B

  1. 20 minutes ago, Ape said:

    My deletion was because Rick has no sense of humour. Actually he also has no sense, just like you.

    Fuck off.

    Even by the standards of some of the posts here it was racist. Now how about we leave the inter-member acrimony to the Open Corner and cut this crap, which has nothing at all to do with the original nomination, out. Sorry if this this curtails your "hilarious" sense of humour.


  2. 40 minutes ago, Neil said:

    I have black cab driving friends who's livelihood is under threat by these non tax paying foreign cunts that employ any fucker that is desperate enough to work for £3.50 per hour because they can claim off the government for their feckless family.Anyone that uses a uber cab deserves to be raped,robbed or both.

    Fuck off

    Don't blame the drivers though, blame the fact that Uber seems to be able to circumvent May's phoney "living wage" and exploit the self-employed loophole.

  3. 42 minutes ago, Ape said:

    So, off out for a mid week run I go, and after a good start, the feeling begins. A tightness in the stomach and a pressure in the arse, pulsing on every foot fall. The continual pounding action gradually pile driving a large quantity of turd towards the exit, compacting it to almost black hole density. 4 miles from home now and this turd wants out. I stop running, hoping that walking will reduce the back pressure, but no, it's reached critical mass and must come out. I'm in a residential area and there is no place to find cover, and now the turtles head is peeking out, and I'm really getting close to shitting myself. It's dark thankfully, so when a large fir tree appears in view, albeit in some poor cunts front garden, I dart in behind it and release about 4 pounds of steaming turd in literally seconds. I have to use grass to wipe my arse, which was far from ideal. I felt bad for the poor cunt whose garden I shat in, but I had no choice. I walked home.

    You are Paula Radcliffe and I claim my five pounds.

  4. 4 hours ago, nobgobbler said:

    If that had 3 sausages with it and a couple of hash browns it would be spotto's breakfast of champions.

    Presumably if he had mushrooms with it as well it would be a breakfast of champignons.

    • Like 1
  5. Whatever you think of Corbyn I believe he is a genuine socialist and really does care about what is happening to so many people in this country right now. Unfortunately he has become party leader at the wrong time, too late really. With the electorate obsessed with the EU and immigration and the Tories having pulled the same stunt with May that they did when Major replaced Thatcher, sadly nobody is listening to his message. I really don't know what he can do to be heard right now, but those who think that all would be well if he were to be replaced by another Blairite are deluded.

  6. 41 minutes ago, Manky said:

    Multi cultruralsm equals separate development equals apartheid. Simple really. Its all bullshit.

    One culture is the norm. You want your own, fuck off back to where you came from.



  7. 2 hours ago, Tata Steely Dan said:

    Too many vaccines and you get the autisms. 

    Almost certainly not, the research by Dr Andrew Wakefield has  been pretty much discredited. A substantial drop in children getting the MMR vaccine in the UK was down to that master of obfuscation The Reverend Blair who refused to confirm or deny that his own kids had received separate vaccines privately rather than being given the NHS jab.

  8. Guantanamo Bay is a gift to terrorists like ISIS and should really be renamed the Islamist Terrorist Recruitment Centre. Nobody knows how many of the people put in this revolting modern day concentration camp really were a threat to us, but it's a pretty good bet that some were and some weren't. You can't claim to occupy the moral high ground when you torture people held without trial and you can't  call your country the land of the free either when freedom can be taken away on a whim, not even if bizarrely you rename chips Freedom Fries. Obama was unable to deliver fully on his promise to close it because of the way the American political system works, and with the Orange Buffoon in charge it isn't going to happen any time soon. We will all pay the price.

    • Like 1
  9. 4 hours ago, Wolfie said:

    You're being discriminatory against obese people, Rick. I'm sure your fellow BBC-watching, Guardian-reading, hairy, lesbian, pro-immigration, pro-Blair, anti-Trump, BO-infused, feminist, misandrist, do-gooding enthusiasts will be almost as disappointed as me. Shame on you, bigot. 

    Feeling better now?


  10. 10 minutes ago, Decimus said:

    Careful, Rick. You don't want that fucking snake Ding to grass you up, you'll end up having to ban yourself.

    I've not done that since the days of the old forum, when nuking a load of the spammers that plagued the site at that time one Saturday morning I accidentally did just that.


  11. 2 hours ago, Tata Steely Dan said:

    Nobody seems to want to pretend at being a victim more than right wing men aged 40+. 

    Certainly the hard right like to pretend that this country has been run, and indeed ruined, by successive left wing liberal governments. Quite how they convince themselves of this is unclear. I mean:

    Thatcher - sent the country lurching to the right, mass privatisation, virtually destroying trade unions, tax cuts for the rich etc.

    Major - continued Thatcher's work, albeit ineptly whilst being stabbed in the back by his own party.

    Blair - promised change, delivered more of the same - privatisation, war etc.

    Brown - good at making speeches at the Labour Party conference, rubbish at pretty much everything else.

    Cameron - a government of privately educated millionaires screwing the poor and sick whilst looking after the well off.

    May - intent on turning us into the pro-Trump capital of Europe. Or ex-Europe as the case may be.

    Those bloody lefties eh, time to take our country back from them.



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