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Posts posted by Rick_B

  1. The BBC ought to know better, but tonight's "The Truth about Alcohol" is the biggest load of contrived unscientific bollox I've seen for some time. In an "experiment" in the second half of the program they "investigated" hangovers. Three groups of six were given a substantial amount of alcohol. One group had a fry-up in the morning, one had borage "a traditional hangover cure" and one had nothing. They were then asked the entirely subjective question "do you have a hangover?"


    The fry-up group scored 5/6, the borage group scored 3/6 and the nothing group scored 6/6. What does this mean? Absolutely nothing, zilch, nichts, nada. It's complete bollox, as were repeated unqualified claims of "scientists have shown".

  2. 2 hours ago, Snatch said:

    I see that now you've been shown up to be the hypocritical cunt you really are on the "other forum" you are now back to me. Well you just carry on clutching at straws trying to get some sort of credit back. I'm sure your little puppy Rick will be long soon to give you a lift up.

    Sorry I haven't replied to this, I haven't had been around much today. Were you wanting a response or was it just about shoehorning me into this thread for no obvious reason other than your strange obsessions?

  3. I'm no royalist, but you do have to feel a bit sorry for the poor old dear. She's spent most of her adult life having to read out bollox written by successive prime ministers and their spin doctors.

  4. We wont win, we wont even come close to winning. Even if someone discovered Lennon and McCartney's finest ever song in a vault somewhere and submitted it, we wouldn't even be in the top ten. It's all political and we have made too many enemies. Plus of course this year's entry is shite as it usually is.

  5. 4 hours ago, luke swarm said:

    and here he is....jumping to the defence of the fair maiden as predicted......Rick showed up earlier and made what was for him a spirited defence as well.

    How very noble and heart warming to see chivalry is alive and well.


    I'm not sure where you get that from, I've said very little on this thread other than when for no apparent reason you chose to name drop me. For the record I'm not of the Brexit persuasion myself but I do agree the pamphlet is crap. How they can justify spending £9 million of  our money on something that says so little I don't know, other than because they can.

  6. 1 hour ago, Bill Stickers said:

    Google's ad network have been studying Rick for years now. They say it's been their hardest challenge yet trying to serve targeted advertising to someone who doesn't possess a personality. 

    How long did it take you to come up with that gem and was it worth the effort? Only you can decide I guess.


  7. 2 hours ago, luke swarm said:

    I expect that other genius Rick will be along shortly to award some well deserved likes, surprised the cunt in the fedora has not appeared to show support yet.....its not for us mere mortals to fathom the sparkling depths of these intellects Bubba.


  8. There is something worse than people who are always late - people who are nearly always late. I have someone in mind, if he says he will be there at 7 PM it will mostly be 8 PM, so you could either tell him to come at 6 PM or just assume he'll turn up at 8 PM. Except that once every 5-10 times the bastard will turn up 30 minutes early instead. We sacked him from the band in the end for taking the piss and being a bit crap anyway.

  9. 14 hours ago, Quincy Cockfingers said:

    For here, I'm of average age, you fucking stupid can't-spell-for-shit old faggot.

    Not really so much about your biological age as you referring to women/girls as "totty" as you did before you changed the title of this thread.

  10. On 28/04/2016 at 6:51 PM, Agentpeanut said:

    Fuck em, now that they've been stripped of their status and chucked in with rest of us commoners, I say we treat them like fresh meat that's just naively stepped into the prison showers for the first time.


    Yeah, except that when you have moderated this place for a number of years you are not at all like fresh meat that's just naively stepped into the prison showers for the first time, trust me. There isn't much I haven't read, been called or been threatened with, so I'm not likely to lose much sleep over the predictable and repetitive insults chucked around here now. Sorry to rain on your parade, burst your bubble, piss on your chips etc.


    • Like 1
  11. Ken Livingstone and the Labour left have a good track record of fighting racism. There's not too much in what he said that I would disagree with. Opposing The Israeli Government, as I do, is not the same as anti-Semitism. Bringing Hitler into it was just stupid though. What I really can't forgive him for is shooting his mouth off on BBC TV in the week before important elections. Labour had a good chance of Sadiq Khan becoming the London Mayor, but I suspect Livingstone has handed the Tories victory on a plate, allowing Cameron to do what he does best once again - gloat. Likewise this whole anti-Semitism issue is probably going to hit the Labour vote in the local elections. That's always been Ken's problem, he doesn't know when to STFU.

  12. 36 minutes ago, Manky said:

    I don't support the doctors. Also, I don't support the government. When 2 groups of alleged adults let things go to hell in a handcart before throwing their toys around, then they can just fuck off, knobs.

    Well yes OK, but the doctors can't just walk away from the dispute, Hunt intends to impose the contact without their agreement. It's becoming a pattern with this government, schools which don't want to become academies even if they are doing well and parents don't want it either will have it imposed without their consent.

  13. 18 minutes ago, deebom said:

    Today I purchased a brazier and half a ton of coal. I also bought various sharp edged tools, and miscellaneous implements.


    Don't let me down Decs.

    Are you planning to sell roast chestnuts?

    • Like 2
  14. On 26/04/2016 at 3:02 PM, camberwell gypsy said:

    All I got from Jnr Drs when I was nursing was that they were just treading water until they become GPs and work 4 days a week and then no doubt fucking whine because they were seeing too many patients and had to do loads of paperwork for QOF targets.

    Not really, the term junior doctors is misleading. It doesn't just mean recently qualified doctors it mean all doctors below consultant level, so actually many are in a position of considerable responsibility. Regarding treading water until they can be GPs the reality is that there is a crisis in General Practice because so many newly qualified doctors see it as a backwater and aren't interested. Many GP practices are struggling to replace GPs who are retiring, often earlier than expected because they are pissed off with constant government meddling, endless assessments and paperwork.

  15. Yes it was a time of football hooliganism and there were fans who turned up without tickets. They didn't force their way into the ground though, the police took the disastrous decision to open a gate and let them into an already overcrowded area.

    Turning to The Sun, it marks the most disgraceful event in the history of a disgraceful excuse for a newspaper. Then editor Kelvin MacKenzie had originally proposed the headline "You Scum", later changing it to "The Truth".

    There were three subheadings:

    Some fans picked pockets of victims
    Some fans urinated on the brave cops
    Some fans beat up PCs giving the kiss of life

    The article went on to say

    "Drunken Liverpool fans viciously attacked rescue workers as they tried to revive victims of the Hillsborough soccer disaster, it was revealed last night.

    "Police officers, firemen and ambulance crew were punched, kicked and urinated upon by a hooligan element in the crowd."

    "Some thugs rifled the pockets of injured fans as they were stretched out unconscious on the pitch."

    None of this was remotely true, it was pure fabrication designed to sell Murdoch's revolting tabloid.



  16. 4 hours ago, Snatch said:


    Where does it say Nigerian? Jumping to conclusions again I see Rick. They were of an ethnic persuasion which means they weren't white,Asian or any other persuasion apart form black. They would be shameless, thieving, scumbag bastards whatever their race.

    Where is the racism in that? I'll tell you where,in your fucking thick head. It's cunts like you that shout racism when it's not there that actually causes more racism.


    If you're being pedantic and you are, no the original post by MikeD does not mention Nigerians, simply "all either heavily sun-tanned or of an ethnic persuasion" . However the third post in at 8:40 on Sunday, again by MikeD,  says:

    "Probably those fucking Nigerian cunts."

    That's where it says Nigerian.


  17. 11 minutes ago, DingTheRioja said:

    When in Paris, don't buy any bottles of water from the, er, tunisian types, they've just pulled the bottles out of the bin and filled them at a tap

    It's not too far from what Coca-Cola were doing with their Dasani brand. Despite the hype it was just reverse osmosis treated tap water.

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