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Posts posted by Rick_B

  1. 32 minutes ago, Fender777 said:

    This cunterbrain is getting nominated again for this useless piece of cunt thinking.

    No, we won't be borrowing, a bank will give us the money and we will obviously pay them back over time with a little bit on top for their trouble, but we won't be borrowing anything.

    Kind of looks like borrowing to me Jeremy, you useless pavement pizza, this cuntbreed could even turn out to be worse than fuckwit Blair, and that's saying something.

    He said no such thing. What Corbyn is talking about is investing in the future, governments around the world do it. The problem with perpetual austerity is that ultimately you stifle economic growth and have to make more and more cuts.

  2. In the absence of Apple a few words in defence of The Beatles. What they did that pretty much no other group had done before was to go beyond the pop format in the UK and produce new and more complex music. Pop groups, they weren't rock bands that term hadn't really been invented then, made a few records and either disappeared into obscurity or went into light entertainment.

    Regarding Oasis they had success by taking the early Beatles stuff and ruffing it up a bit. What became obvious is that they didn't have anything remotely like a Sgt Pepper in them.

  3. Oh dear, so the best way of stopping Islamist suicide bombers it to threaten to shoot them? That will work obviously, I mean it's not as if they want to die.


    Combatting terrorism is going to be a hard task, but making an enemy of the Muslim community as a whole is stupidity. It might help you feel better after a rush of blood to the head, but a solution it is not.

  4. I suppose it's still odds on that The Tories will win, but May really hasn't done well in this campaign. She has come across as cold, robotic and frankly a bit weird. Corbyn I suspect has surprised a few people who thought he was the living embodiment of Private Eye's Dave Spart. On The One Show he was relaxed, warm and funny.

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  5. There must have been people who suspected. All of the material he removed must have gone for biopsy, it's standard procedure, surely alarm bells should have rung when a lot of it turned out to be healthy tissue.

  6. 3 hours ago, Neil said:

    Are you my old neighbour?,you re the fucking nonce that used to peer through my windows arent you?

    Fuck off


    3 hours ago, Bubba C said:


    Noted, accusation of being a nonce violates site rules.

  7. 4 hours ago, Ollyboro said:

    Yeah, I made a multi-layered comment in the original nom involving, Catholicism, racism and the self-hatred Spunkers must be full of to want to be a member of a golf club that would not only (and perfectly logically) hate him on personality grounds, but also hate him on religious grounds- Whilst Spunkers behaves like that towards other religions. I also hinted that I too was a racist - as a way of appearing less pompous. Rick took the whole thing at face value and censored it. Do you think that Rick's black or something?

    This one was done here on the forum a while ago. Maybe I am maybe I'm not, it's not relevant and none of your business.

  8. 9 minutes ago, The Lady Penelope said:

    Can't read the link because of the ad blocker but I thought this was a bloke who was supposed to drop the baby off at a cheche but forgot.

    This irritation is becoming increasingly common. However temporarily disabling JavaScript prevent the site launching the popup.

  9. 2 hours ago, Roadkill said:

    No way they'll keep this one up, Punky. You're pissing in the wind. Too much potential "outrage" from outside sources.

    I'm not happy about this for sure, not because I'm against discussion about Islam, but because CC is starting to look like an anti-Islam forum. I don't believe that was ever intended to be its purpose. Punkape is talking crap. Regarding Enoch Powell he also said that there would be rivers of blood. Not withstanding the atrocity in Manchester there has not been anything remotely like rivers of blood and neither will there be. Brexit is entirely irrelevant in this case. Regarding "Our own fellow countrymen" some of them are Muslims. Sorry if that pisses you off, but it's true.

    You could also argue that Catholicism is divisive. I had to go to the funeral of a friend who died at a young age (no before you go there he didn't die of AIDS). Actually I had no idea he was Catholic, he never talked about it. What pissed me off was that those of us who were not Catholic were made to feel like outsiders. The priest actually said "those of you who are Catholic may  now take the sacrament". He was our mate, but we were made to feel like we weren't really welcome at his funeral.

  10. I don't disagree with everything Robinson says by any means, in particular that we need to acknowledge when bad things are going on, not sweep them under the carpet. The  decision to do nothing about the Rotherham abuse and similar abuses is unbelievable and must have been taken at a high level. This person or persons is being protected and our chances of finding out who it was are negligible. Where he is lying through his teeth is when he says he's there to stop the hate. No of course he isn't, the hard right always come crawling out of the woodwork at  times like this.

    There are things I dislike about Islam and for that matter Christianity, in particular intolerance. We could choose to go to war with Muslims as a whole or resort to failed policies of the past such as internment which has been mentioned here. It would be a disaster, we need the majority of Muslims to be on side. Given the nature of this concert there were no Muslims killed, that was certainly not the case on 9/11. These terrorists don't give a fuck about any of us, regardless of our religion. Muslim or not if you don't agree with their ideology you are an infidel and deserve to die.

  11. 7 hours ago, Mingeeta said:

    Chorlton, Manchester 2008, I was working there on a contract, Christmas lights were put up in the streets, three days later there was a march in the town centre and they were muslims demanding they be taken down, and they were, within 24 hrs.

    Bradford  2011, again Christmas, councillors were knocking on doors in the Wrose and Shipley areas, asking people to remove lights off their windows and any other decoration that was visible, as the local muslims were complaining. People who would not agree were given anti social fines.

    My step dsughter got a £60 fine because she refused.


    Curious that there is no evidence of any of this happening. Fined £60 for displaying Christmas lights in your own window because it's anti social? Really? The only story of Christmas lights being banned because they might offend Muslims I can find is in Sweden 2016 and that was a myth that went viral.

  12. What has happened to ordinary people, including children, on what should have been an enjoyable night out is incredibly sad. I find some of the posts on here depressing, the inevitable rants that it's all the fault of Guardian reading lefties and we should exact revenge on the Muslim community as a whole, but I've also found some of the posts heartening because it's easy to engage in knee-jerk reactions at times like this and much harder to be measured and constructive when emotions are running high.

    Macho posturing wont help those bereaved in this awful attack nor will it solve the problem. One thing the Islamist extremists and the likes of the EDL have in common is that they want to see division and conflict on our streets. I don't. That's pretty much all I want to say on this subject.

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  13. 14 hours ago, Witheredscrote said:

    Theresa May is to create a new internet that will be controlled and regulated by the government, (which roughly translated means private profit making agencies). She wants to restrict what people can post, share and publish online, also restrictions on search engines. Everybody's search history is to be collected. All very democratic.  Will this be the end of CC?

    I don't know, maybe. All I would say is make sure you know what you're voting for and vote for what you want, not what the Tory dominated press tell you to vote for.

  14. 2 hours ago, The Beast said:

    I suppose if mugs keep voting for the same 3 parties it will yield the same old outcomes.

    True enough, but the sad thing is that with all the Brexit crap in the air it hasn't occurred to the voters that actually voting for Corbyn's Labour party is not the same as voting for New Labour. Like him or loath him he is different to Blair and Brown and he is Real Labour. If the electorate vote for any party other than Labour under the current system they will get the Maybot who wont even tell us plebs what she plans to do. Apparently we just have to accept that she's Strong and Stable.

  15. 2 hours ago, Roadkill said:

    I had to use public transport for the first time in five years today, due to a series of circumstances that left me unable to use my car to get to the required destination on time. I decided to use the bus, which turned out to be a mistake. I had to stand for most of the ride, the seats were full of stinking OAP's, chav mothers holding shit smelling, screeching infants and hoody wearing twenty-something ne'er do wells that would glare at you like you spat at their feet at the slightest hint that your eyes might lock with their own. The whole atmosphere was one of shit, hopelessness and stubborn unwillingness to change one's lot in life. The floor was sticky with an unknown substance that made a loud ripping noise whenever I lifted the soles of my boots from it and the temperature fluctuated between uncomfortably humid to dangerously over heated due to those shit windows that they have that open a quarter of an inch (presumably to keep the bus smell from polluting the outside world) and the drivers stubborn unwillingness to turn off the heaters.

    I finally gained a seat when a scowling youth stomped his way off the bus, rudely shoulder barging me as he passed with a bony shoulder, undoubtedly on his way to the Job Centre to sign on for another weeks worth of dole to spend on weed and £500 I phones. I was tempted to stab him in the throat, but I simply lacked the energy due to the excessive heat and stifling air, so I allowed him passage, marking his face for a righteous glassing in the small chance that our paths might cross again in the future. Having a seat made the journey slightly more tolerable, despite the heater now burning my left calf through my jeans with the heat of a thousand suns and the harsh knowledge that the seat I was using would undoubtedly been both shat and pissed upon on multiple occasions throughout its lifetime, the rancid stink of the isle was kept at bay due to the faint air currents seeping through the window and the view of the outside world going by gave me some small hope that I would make it to my destination alive and well. I occupied my time by watching two wasps battle it out near the back window of the bus over what appeared to be a half eaten doughnut inside a discarded Greggs bag and occasionally checking my phone for messages. I was making decent progress of it all... 'till she arrived.

    She was about 5'4 in height, and roughly the same in width. Late fifties with long grey and white hair with just a hint of nicotine brown to accent the colours and dull doughy eyes with large bags under them. She waddled her way over, panting and gasping through her slack open mouth. She wore an ancient denim jacket over a sauce stained pink cardigan with the picture of a sickeningly "cute" cat embroidered across its front in full A3 size glory and one of those black ankle length dresses with weird swirly patterns that seem to be reserved for the extremely obese from which the tips of two well worn burgundy carpet slippers could be seen peaking from the shadows. As she took the seat by me, almost crushing my right leg beneath her bulk before I saved myself by retreating into the far corners of my own I swear I heard the metal frame groan under the pressure. I found myself wondering how much weight a bus seat was built to take before it would collapse, or even worse, fall through the floor of the vehicle entirely, throwing its occupants under the mercilessly spinning rear wheels to a messy death -

    "So who are you voting for during the election? I'm voting Labour." A sickly sweet voice with posh, naval undertones interrupted my thoughts.

    Oh no. Oh FUCK NO! Why did I have to put up with the desperate old cunt who's so starved of human attention that they make it their mission in life to burden everyone else with awkward, stilted conversation about current events to feed their own pathetic needs.

    "I don't know. I've voted Labour in the past," I begin to explain, accepting my fate, but taking solace in the fact that my destination is now three stops away, "but I don't really think Corbyn is electable-"

    "Oh well I've always voted Labour, you see and I believe youngsters like yourself are failing to see Mr. Corbyn (Fucking MR. Corbyn) for what he truly is: the only one willing to speak up about your rights."

    Oh, I see what this is now. You're old and lonely and desperate for even the vaguest of human interaction, but you're also a rude cunt who speaks over people because you think you know best despite not even hearing their arguments. I accept my fate, slipping effortlessly into the role of conversation whore, filling in the empty spaces in her toxic, one sided, conversation with disinterested additions of "Yeah" and "Uh huh", counting down the stops as the self important cunt drawled on about the economy and Brexit. I noticed the two wasps from earlier apparently amend their differences and fly their way out through a window that was slightly more open then the rest due to a missing rubber seal, the lucky cunts...

    She's still droning on when my stop comes into view, something about how she "doesn't really get out much these days" but she always enjoys "good conversation with people" when she does when I interrupt her by asking her to press the bell for me. The dusty old cunt actually has the nerve to look rudely startled, like I just told her to fuck off.

    I got a Taxi home later. It cost £20 but it was worth every fucking penny.

    You managed to shoehorn enough hobby horses in there to fill er....... a bus.

  16. 1 hour ago, Punkape said:

    A north Manchester lawyer whom I played golf with today indicated that the scale of Muslim grooming trials is huge and will clog up the courts for the next 3 years. He indicated that the type of abuse will certainly mean long custodial sentences for those convicted and will mean a substantial increase in the prison population as a result.

    I'm a fan of deportation for these revolting individuals.....

    The word of some bloke on  a golf course is hardly proof is it? I imagine there is more bollox talked on golf courses than most places, with the possible exception of this place. Until investigations, trials and convictions have taken place this is pure speculation. And you can't deport someone to a place they didn't come from can you?

    We can't even deport you since we have no idea which planet you came from.


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  17. 1 hour ago, The Lady Penelope said:

    Seeing these in a lot places, either red or have a hint of red .. they are here to rob you of your freedom and make you make more tax.

    Must be true, it's in the Daily Mail and Sun.

  18. I'm not going to speculate on what happened, but one thing I'm pretty sure of and have been for some years is that we've reached the end of the story. By which I mean that disgracefully newspapers will run bollox about new leads etc because it sells copy, but there are no new leads and there's nothing left to say. She has been gone for ten years now and sadly unless there is a miracle she wont be coming back and whoever took or killed her has got away with it.

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