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Jake The Muss

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Posts posted by Jake The Muss

  1. I love the game of cricket as it's more skillful than the poofs game of choice (football) but there is many a cuntbrain that plays the game..as things stand with English cricket..not too bad at the moment but i am sure that will not last and soon the wankers will be losing silly games to Afghanistan...and Germany, Argentina if they ever play them at cricket..but fuck em, the middle order is a stinker of a cuntbundle, only Cook and Root are holding the innings together with some hitting down the order..but it's the middle order who need to pull their fucking fingers out and earn their crust..i would find a new opener as Hales doesn't seem to be doing his bit in the test side, bring Root up to three and find a couple of new young guns for 4 & 5, i think the bowling attack is in good shape and jonny bairstow is finding his feet now..cricket thread as promised OB..

  2. 14 hours ago, Punkape said:

    Don't threaten me you sick peasant.

    I'm reporting you to admin.

    You'll get the fuck off pill and not before time you total prick.

    Lighten up you fucking fairy..you dish it out but can't take it back..

  3. 2 minutes ago, Punkape said:

    You're an embarrassment to Cuntscorner to yourself and the human race.

    May you be smitten with AIDS, Ebola and Cholera simultaneously.

    Oh..i see the old death threats, only a child would go to that lower playground, i bet your not 18 yet, as the amount of drivel coming from you is beyond science...watch your back pal..it's a jungle out there and the power of the internet is far reaching..

  4. 2 hours ago, DingTheRioja said:

    That is out of fucking ORDER!!

    Associating me with the verbal diahhrea wanker... fucking hell...

    Ding you lame brained gutless wonder, i'm fighting your corner, so fucking man up you old spunker..

  5. 1 minute ago, Decimus said:

    You are an anachronism, a temporal displacement, an out of time throw back to a period where you could get by on making endless references to claw hammers and hardcore pornography without any comedic talent whatsoever. Thankfully, the only long term survivors from those days were posters who were actually entertaining, and continue to be now. The Shit like you has thankfully been swept away to be long forgotten, so why have you decided to try and make a comeback? Fuck off, you weren't good enough then, and you certainly aren't now, you brain dead fucking moron


    Read this when i have a mind to, catch up soon, regards ThunderCunt..

  6. Just now, Ape said:

    Your Lego breaking wheel? I bet you've got an Action Man strapped to it now - you're wanking furiously as you watch it revolve, and Action Man suffers a more slower death.

    Oh Punkbitch...leave your boyfriends toys alone and get in the real world...listen i would love to chin chat with you all fucking night but i have a life to live..so catch up real soon and be sure to leave me your worst insults in my notifications, i do get a good laugh out of them..bye for now..

  7. Just now, Quincy Cockfingers said:

    Can you say that with a lisp, in a high, quavering voice?

    No...why don't you teach me that skill as i am sure you're the expert..but will you be able to achieve this with your brains falling out of your skull..that i would love to see..watch this space cockbreath..

  8. 3 minutes ago, Quincy Cockfingers said:

    The way you address cunts , by which I mean in this flowery, giddy way, it reminds me of Dane Edna, some other dizzy tranny, or some flamboyant, giddy poofter, like Carr or Norton. Are you aware of this? It's got all the traits- the OTT responses, the embarrassingly exaggerated bonhomie. You daft cunt. Oh, TC, you simply are a perfect beast ! 

    Cockbrain you can be the first to try out my new improved breaking wheel....for that more slower death...

  9. On 7/19/2016 at 7:37 PM, Ollyboro said:

    Thicko? Mmm..... You're not familiar with the painting and decorating game in the London area, are you?


    It would appear I worked you out several days ago, Fends. Anyway, never mind all this Scarlet fucking Pimpernel bollocks, you need to put a cricket thread up asap. Apple's gone all strange and started going on about "granny knocking". He's missed you.

    You did OB...your not daft, i was just fooling around with the new stock to see who the aggressors are, yeah i now know that the site has lowered it's standards with these mongs that escaped the cunt farm, oh well, all the more for me to slaughter, claw hammer in each hand and breaking wheel at the ready...hi ho hi ho it's of to work i go..cricket thread will be coming soon..

  10. 1 minute ago, Quincy Cockfingers said:

    Shut up Ding.

    Oh fuck my old cuntish boots..now i'm a multi user and have many accounts...do your research chump..i couldn't those cuntbreeds last time i was on here..trolling motherfuckers should be burned at the steak..

  11. 5 minutes ago, Bill Stickers said:

    You're a peculiar little cunt. Crawl into a corner and die. 

    Bill ....what can a say mate, i can't as words fail me when dealing with little sausage bashers like you.

  12. I have had this many times, i have got to the door after hearing one knock and fuck my eye out, there it is..the dreaded card waiting there for me to chase up because that stupid jobsworth cuntbucket of a postman can't wait a few fucking seconds...i should greet the cuntbreed with a claw hammer next time and mash his tiny brains in..

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