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Posts posted by ratcum

  1. On 24/03/2022 at 19:03, Old Chap Raasclaat said:

    Apparently the National Institute of Economic and Social Research have said by 2023 1.3 million will be living in poverty. This figure will no doubt consist of mostly useless, thick, unemployable, live beyond their means cunts, you know, the type of skint cunts that would spend a £5000 windfall on a TV and a shitty all inclusive holiday in the Costa del cunt region... only to moan about being skint again after. 

    The world and Great Britain have tolerated these fat useless cunts for too long and a reality check for these vile, entitled fuckers is long overdue. 

    Am I a cunt for wishing they were all dead?

    Remember...pass the poor, pan di left hand side. Lol.

    I regularly find myself standing up for the poor, until I encounter some.  In time I forget the underclass exposure, then the whole sorry story repeats itself

  2. 58 minutes ago, Eric Cuntman said:

    I'm at that awkward age where all of me knows that I need a new iPhone, but part of me will usually have seen a Makita pillar drill in the screwfix catalogue.

    I'm the same with The Girl Guides Authoritah

  3. 37 minutes ago, Cuntybaws said:

    Over the years we’ve welcomed West Indians, Ugandan Asians, Syrians and now Ukrainians, and that’s all fair enough, but what in the name of the baby fucking Jesus were we thinking when we let Lyse Doucet in?

    Her and 'oral' Orla are fucking hot CB

  4. 12 hours ago, Stubby Pecker said:

    “Eerrr I know wot, let’s get a fuckin’ pit bull and leave it with our baby, eerrr?”

    Fucking thick scouser cunts. Id happily let them have all the most vicious, deranged pit bull-alligator cross cunt hounds they want, provided they’re all sterilised at birth. That way when the fucking things go psycho and do what they’re breed for they’ll only rip the fuckwit owners to shreds and not a baby. I’m guessing the parents are heavily tattooed and smoke 60 a day. 

    Topper Stubs; good old fashioned cunting par excellence. It's the same with kids dying in house fires, parents are always sink estate sub-beings.

  5. 11 hours ago, Decimus said:


    Clearly two upstanding and contributing members of society. 

    Put them down along with the dog, the disgusting pair of fucking cunts.

    Deco, why has the bloke had his gran's pubes transplanted onto his bonce?

  6. 1 hour ago, Roadkill said:

    It fucking disgusts me to the very core of my being whenever I see a family of fat cunts. A single one is shameful enough, but to have the complete and utter ignorance to pass your own disgusting lifestyle onto your children and then put it on public display is sickening.

    And the children really don't know any better now - they aren't made fun of by other kids anymore in school for needing to stop for a break when they're climbing the stairs or for struggling to keep up with everyone else during PE because of all of this trendy body positive shite. And the fat cunt parents aren't going to give a shite because that would mean acknowledging their own shortcomings. Their kids will be completely ignorant of the health problems obesity can cause until one of their parents die an early death and by then the damage will be done and the habit of overeating will be deeply ingrained, probably only getting worse as a coping mechanism.

    so I'm right then, with the gassing?

  7. 8 hours ago, Roadkill said:

    Up here its not uncommon to see cunts ordering takeaway directly to the A&E. The poor cunts on the staff had to put up a sign banning the delivery drivers from entering the waiting room, so a lot of the fat cunts make sure to bring a family member or friend along specifically to wait outside and collect their next dose of cholesterol.

    Of course the pizza and kebab boxes are quickly hidden away the moment their name is called and they're suddenly at death's door again, and they're always too unwell to clean the resulting litter up before they leave.

    although from a humble background myself Killer, I do feel let down by the working classes.  In WW1 officers were invariably taller than the men they commanded, simply because the latter had experienced malnutrition in their formative years. Fast forward through social reform and full impact of the Labour Government: what do these idiots do? They eat ALL the food and become obese. As for the ones that continue to have massive families; I'd gass their sorry arses to buggery.

    • Like 1
  8. 20 minutes ago, Eric Cuntman said:

    Two rabbits arrive in heaven. The first says to the other.. 

    "I was run over by a car. How did you die?"... he replies...

    "Well, every day I had toast for breakfast, sometimes I'd have marmite, and sometimes I'd have jam. One day I had both at the same time, and I died. So I suppose my cause of death was 'mixin me toasties'."

    This joke pre-dates fucking calendars 

  9. 2 hours ago, Cuntybaws said:

    A tautological impossibility, Ratty, almost as unbelievable as when Mr Spock brought down a planetary computer by asking it calculate the last digit of pi.


    I don't know about you CB, but I think there's way too many flavours of crisps these days

  10. 3 minutes ago, Roadkill said:

    That nasty Putin bugs me,

    But I can only complain quietly,

    Oh fuck the cunt just stuck me,

    With Novichok...


    (no fly) yeah

    (javelins) mmm

    (ground troop) fuck




  11. 13 minutes ago, Decimus said:

    Well said. They're basically Russian anyway, but ten times more racist. 

    I'm all for the self-determination of a sovereign state, but in realpolitik terms they deserve everything they get for provoking The Bear. 

    Fuck 'em.


    Fucking excellent. It's just you, me, Vlad and Jackie Chan then Decs?

    • Like 1
  12. 3 hours ago, Old Chap Raasclaat said:

    We must stop our reliance on Russian oil, as Russia is bad and terrible, cue Boris jetting out to Saudi Arabia to ask Prince Mohammed Bin Salman for increased oil production as has Joe Biden. Apparently the Saudis executed over 80 convicted 'criminals' the other day, some were charged and executed for “disrupting the social fabric and national cohesion” and “participating in and inciting sit-ins and protests”. 

    Move along everybody, nothing to see here...fuel prices will hopefully drop soon etc, etc. 

    Another pithy, intelligent comment that captures the zeitgeist OCR. What the fuck are you doing interacting with sub-creatures on here?

  13. 50 minutes ago, Wolfie said:

    Part of me feels sorry for him. His fame and success has seemingly drawn huge insecurities, probably borne with stardom from when he was fairly young, not ever being allowed the space to grow up as a normal person. It's obviously a recipe for becoming an enormous wanker.

    If I recall, in his early F1 days, Alonso fans greeted him in gorilla suits, so perhaps this is where his overt sensitivity to skin colour comes from. We need a new Barry Sheene or James Hunt to come along. Seriously, why not? If he's exciting on the track and fans take to him, then the advertisers (who essentially pay everyone) will like him, and he might even get away with a PR-ridiculing yet healthy relationship with the media. Just imagine he's filmed in a drunken brawl hours before race weekend deadline at Spa Francochamps, turning up with a fat lip and black eye, stinking of booze, with lipstick and fanny batter plastered all over his face and clothes. How could anyone not possibly want him to win the race?

    F1 is crying out for a personality, ffs. They're all like PC robots. Could the sport ever again accommodate something akin to those two mentioned above?

    What about Katie Price's son Harvey?

  14. 3 hours ago, Cuntybaws said:

    I'd rather share my home with Ukrainian refugees than a bunch of smelly fucking trust fund hippies who like Mumford and Sons.

    CB, you do realise Johnnie Ukraine is basically a Welshman with an even lower IQ?

    • Like 2
  15. 2 hours ago, Roadkill said:

    The cunt got a lucky break with Merc and their questionable manipulation of the FIA to introduce engine tech they had already heavily researched back in 2014. Now that cunts have got sick of a decade seeing him winning with an unfair advantage and the other teams are finally starting to catch up to Mercedes technology wise, we'll probably see a lot more of this unrelated bollocks spewing from the cunt as he tries to stay relevant.

    Bobby Sands was the same Killer; started off with a lot of support but it all wore a bit thin in the end.

  16. 1 hour ago, Hammer of Cunts said:

    Sorry to mention the war, but It occurred to me that this open invitation to assorted refugees is a very nice, liberal and open-handed gesture, very middle-class.  "Huge" numbers of people (145,000) are reported to have signed up in 48 hours, showing how eager the country is to do its bit. It only takes five minutes to sell a quarter of a million Glastonbury tickets, so not that enthusiastic really.

    good point

  17. On 08/03/2022 at 20:08, Eric Cuntman said:

    How about a realistic 'Training Foetus'? Women who are thinking of getting pregnant and aborting it, can shove it up their cunt and have a little practice at getting the fucker out. 

    Broadening the brand eh? You sneaky fucker Authoritah. Get yourself off to Dragons' Den and try it on that old slag Debra Meaden

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