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Prints Harry

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Everything posted by Prints Harry

  1. I have just been reading about that German nurse who turned serial killer and murdered 85 patients and thought how glad I was to be British .. that sort of thing would never happen here
  2. I think that the pheasant gif on the other nomination is apt for decco. Bred to be stupid so that it can easily be shot.
  3. She is back in Italy flaunting her .. innocence.
  4. Prints Harry

    Chuka Umunna

    I was awake at 4:15
  5. Prints Harry

    Chuka Umunna

    They used to sneak on to there via Reynolds Lane or the Hassall Road.
  6. I wonder whether Decco would like to go up The Great Orme?
  7. Prints Harry

    Chuka Umunna

    You could have told me and we could have met for a chat and a burger at Sandbach Services.
  8. Thankfully I have difficulty visualising things .. I have wondered what Deccos mouth looks like though.
  9. You hide from me behind a firewall and so far since your return most of your posts have been fixated on Roopsie and your fixation with her being rattled .. in truth if she was rattled she would have sent you to the cells. The fact is that you are the one who is rattled .. no doubt you have been squealing like a pig on some other site and they have got fed up of you. Reality is that you are so rattled that your ball bearings have disintegrated.
  10. I knew that he would return but even I thought he would manage to stay away for a month at the very least rather than just 16 days. Perhaps what he should have said is that "Without this site he is nothing.".
  11. They are not generalist though.
  12. Prints Harry

    Chuka Umunna

    Perhaps the greens would be the right place for him. A party with little chance of getting a sniff of power .. not even enough seats to tip the balance. A party that should really be a lobby group rather than fucking up democracy at both local a national level. I often hear people say that they have voted green on principle, I always ask them what they really believe in and what effect their vote has had and what influence it has actually had. All that Chukka really has is a cranky and unforgettable name.
  13. Its been a whole lot better without you. You are just a brave man (little boy) hiding behind a firewall..
  14. It wouldn't be his sense of humour as he hasn't got one.
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