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Hammer of Cunts

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Posts posted by Hammer of Cunts

  1. 14 hours ago, Decimus said:

    Please, learn to punctuate. I can promise you with one hundred percent certainty that no one has read more than five seconds of the above shite.

    You're an absolute fucking disgrace.

    I think he was just trying to ape the original poster's incoherence.

  2. Instead of a ride in a nice comfy aeroplane, they should be given a few boats and made to row there. As experienced sailors, this shouldn't present too many problems. The legality of it will have been sorted out by the time that they arrive in Rwanda. The migrants could travel that way too.

    I've just noticed that the Rwandan flag looks just like the Ukranian one. Is there a connection?

  3. 1 hour ago, entitled little cunt said:

    So if you didn't read it that would surely mean I haven't wasted any of your precious time .That being the case I'm having difficulty in understanding how I've incurred your displeasure .I can only reach the conclusion  you're just  a bit of a miserable old  cunt  to be honest. 

    It took you a long time to think that one up.

  4. If you post a link we wouldn't have to wade through your wierd prose.

    Rams are more likely to shoot a stream of piss at you than butt you.

    They like a smoke... A bit of weed calms them down nicely and you can get them into the trailer and off to the butcher's without too muxh hassle.


  5. 11 hours ago, Eric Cuntman said:

    Have you seen the Spike Milligan sketches, “Pakistani Daleks”? 
     Probably on YouTube. Or not considering YouTube’s propensity for woke snivelling and anti white censorship.

    Here it is. It's no funnier than the rest of his crap.


  6. 14 hours ago, entitled little cunt said:

    No worries Zev , I've tried finding any  pearls of wisdom penned by Hammer of cunts .I was hoping to be enthralled by his literary eloquence and artistry given his obvious high opinion of himself .Unfortunately it looks like I'm going to be dissapointed .

    Wow! It's like being baited by Oscar Wilde, but with worse grammar.

  7. 12 hours ago, entitled little cunt said:

    Why not educate me with your litary acrobatics and your scholars eye for total perfection .Unfortunately we can't all be lion tamers like your good self .You silly little prick.


    3 hours ago, entitled little cunt said:

    Get the thesaurus out .ffs get a life .I was merely adding a bit of irony by using the word you are are questioning. Yes the little cunt is detestable , I think that's commonly understood. It's quite normal and common place to use words who's meaning is  the opposite to the message you are conveying be it satirical in nature or otherwise .Fucking hell what the fuck is it with people .Another prick then pipes up and bestowes his eternal wisdom stating the the subject has already been mentioned, oh fucking really , shall I put myself in the naughty room?.So fucking what if it has you bunch of sad cunts  , who gives a fuck apart from from the  sad unintelligent twat who instead of adding to debate or heaven forbid,  actually initiating debate simply says that a subject has already been mentioned. Oh do fuck off, open the front door and step into the light , there's a whole  world out there .

    Fuck! Your'e not that bright are you?

  8. 3 hours ago, Eric Cuntman said:

    the country you happen to occupy dragging your ancestors there against their will, when you could just fuck off to Africa and right that historical wrong.

    The Africans shipped across the Atlantic were dragged from their homes by other Africans; no white man could survive in the interior.

    The Beninese, in particular, were enthusiastic slave traders, their traditional business was with the Arabs, via Zanzibar but they were happy to expand.  That's how they got the bronze that they're so keen to have back.

  9. 2 hours ago, Hokey Gingers said:

    African wood to be exact.

    This is a vile post-colonial legacy; all African wood should be repatriated immediately and reparations paid by the western imperialists who dragged it, in chains, from its swamp.

    • Like 1
  10. "The controversy now rocking the top levels of women's professional pool"

    Blimey! How many of us knew that anyone, let alone wimmin were being paid for it?

    4 minutes ago, Penny Farthing said:

    I would be far more concerned regarding the reasoning behind this appointment.



    She makes it sound like "transphobia" is a bad thing (or even thing at all) rather than just a normal reaction to their nonsense.

  11. Why would women need their own pool competition? The "sport" doesn't involve physical strength and size doesn't matter. Why should it be segregated?  Are women just congenitally worse at everything? It sounds like an ideal activity for sex-changers to compete.

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