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Hammer of Cunts

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Posts posted by Hammer of Cunts

  1. 1 hour ago, Hammer of Cunts said:


    Oh, I see, I didn't know he used a hammer. 20oz no use to me; all mine are at least 2lb. A warrington or exeter hammer would probably be best for murdering, or one of those fine pein repousse hammers, but they are a bit light.

    I've got a really nice Stubai ice axe that would do the job, although the handle is long and hard to conceal it has a very sharp ferrule for the coups-de-grace.

    For the record, I hope his death was protracted and painful.

  2. Isn't about time that someone stood up against this ridiculous semantic bullying? Benedict Cucumber had the same problem with these twats while trying to promote the invovement of coloured people in the film industry.

    If the use of incorrect nomencature is the biggest problem they have, then, presumably, they've already got equality in all other ways.

  3. 20 hours ago, White Cunt said:

    Any self-respecting death cult, tends to focus its' energy on the premature expiration of the members. These fuckers slaughter general public. I agree it's high time to organise ourselves against those cunts and ban the disease.

    There's no point in banning it, they'll just start pretending to be martyrs. They should be ridiculed... pointed at and laughed at in the street for thair absurd belief in fairy-stories and adherence to medieval social practises. Expression of any religious thought should be strongly challenged at every opportunity.

    • Like 1
  4. He's ideally suited for today's BBC, having no qualifications or previous experience. They should send him up in a helicopter with faulty seatbelts. The last time I heard R2, it was wall-to-wall screeching arsebandits and non-stop fucking Abba. R4's gone the same way but with dykes and shit comedy.

  5. On 15/10/2020 at 09:54, Neil said:

    When your job is reliant on the weather you then realise what a bunch of useless fucking cunts they are.Proof that if nature is going to fuck you over there's  fuck all you can do about it.

    Carol Kirkwood is a (big titted) cunt

    Fitzroy topped himself because he couldn't get it right and nothing's changed since.

  6. 12 hours ago, Wolfie said:

    I live in a beautiful AONB region, right in the heart of rural England's West Country. I escaped here some years ago from Essex/London, from which I left the 'wigga' dialect – and the growing foreign culture accompanying it – far behind.

    Or so I had thought. Just yesterday, upon returning from work, I overheard two scaffolders working on my neighbour's house, in their late teens or early 20s, both white, and obviously local, sounding as though they'd just set foot out of a Hackney-Bronx ghetto:

    'Yo bruv, whaddit be for munch tonoite?', followed by 'I'll be meetin' me mates dahn frum Exeter, know whaddym sayin', and something similar to 'So I says to da man smack me blud again and ya best be watchin' ya back cos I'm gonna bustya up big-style innit'.

    Jesus wept, what the fucking fuck is wrong with these little Sports Direct idiots who try to sound like Lewis Hamilton on steroids? Has the ongoing legacy of cultural dilution (borne from the BBC's Eastenders and other mainstream TV media) completely manifested itself in Britain's white youth? Do these little wannabe gangsta pricks speak this way to their bosses, parents or grandparents?

    It really, really pisses me right off. If there were no laws in place I'd: 1) employ Eric and Billy to beat the little cunts to a pulp; 2) douse them in lighter fluid and promptly set fire to them; or 3) ideally both – simultaneously.

    Honestly, I've almost given up on the future of this once proud country. Maybe serial Francophile Withers has the right idea, after all.

    Any Londoner that "escapes to the country" should be fucking shot and sent back where it belongs. These arseholes don't realise how much the rest of the country despise them.

    • Like 1
  7. 5 hours ago, camberwell gypsy said:

    She's a typical "Look at me look at me" publicity whore. Shes supposed to be a judge on a talent contest (ironic because she has fuck all talent herself) but wears outfits that detract from what she's supposed to be there for. Same goes for Sinitta, who looks like John Barnes in a wig, and Nicole Slazenger (or whatever her fucking name is). 

    She's not really there to judge a talent contest (and neither are the others) the whole thing is designed to get the mouth-breathers to absorb the commercial messages and keep the half-wits happy; confected "controversy" is just part of the game. Showing a bit of tit will do no harm to her fading career, it will keep her name in the papers and the notoriety might get her another couple of gigs before gravity inevitably wins and it all goes south. The botox/facelift strategy seems to have a limited benefit after the third or fourth cycle, the desperation is starting to show.

    There's something quite satisfying in the desperation of a talentless bint who's relied on nothing more that looks to manipulate those around her when she starts to realise that it won't last (cf Jordan, Samantha Fox, Claudia Winkleman et al).

    • Like 2
  8. 3 hours ago, Eric Cuntman said:

    I've got a parang machete that you can drop a handkerchief onto, and retrieve 2 halves of from the floor afterwards. No comparison.

    What for? Do you do a lot of trekking in rough countryside, or is it just to show off to your mates?

  9. 3 hours ago, camberwell gypsy said:

    You have to keep the dumb fuckers of society happy.

    I'd rather they rioted, at least it'd show a bit of life... Dim Lives Matter?

    Stupid people from all races are exploited and abused.

  10. They unilaterally doubled the UK's repayments in the mid '50s which delayed investment in industrial capcity at a time when German industry was benefitting from the Marshall plan, Many British factories were still using pre-war plant into the seventies (ie until they closed).

  11. 2 hours ago, Mrs Roops said:

    The issue is and always has been quality control and reliability

    Which, basically, makes them shite. LR products are for "downsized" urban posers. Those who need a 4x4 use Jap pick-ups because they're reliable and economical.

    I used to trade-plate the damn things around the country; Anything made by LR was unlikely to function properly for long; the torque converter usually failed (or the rear window fell out), the factory alarm/immobilisers were a laughing stock. The dealers were mostly arses as well.

  12. Anyone with a 4x4 without a towbar is a twat, anyone who refers to a Land Rover as a "Landy" is a tosser. It's a good way of spotting toe rags. Likewise white blokes with dreadlocks, women carrying yoga mats and urban wankers walking around rural market towns wearing brand new tweed shooting jackets.

    And anyone who buys anything made by Apple.

  13. On 04/09/2020 at 10:51, Stubby Pecker said:

    More than likely dropped to the brave resistance

    The brave resistance were stockpiing weapons for a forthcoming communist uprising, so much so that the allies stopped sending them. The various sects spent as much time trying to kill each other as they did killing Germans.

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